3rd Shimane Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
3rd Shimane Session held at
the University of Shimane, Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Japan,
3-6 August 2002.

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Special lecture - by Prof. Andrew MACK (text not available)
"The United Nations, human security and the prevention of violent conflict"

Keynote lecture - by Prof. WATANABE, Akio
"Resolution of international conflict: a Japanese perspective"
[English abstract] [Japanese abstract] [Japanese full text]

Lecture - by Dr. Chandra SRIRAM
"The Causes of conflict - knowledge and dispute"
[English abstractt]  [English full text]  [Annexed table]

Lecture - by Prof. HIROSE, Takako
"Multiple types of conflict: South Asia"
[English abstract]  [Japanese abstract]  [Japanese full text]   [Presentation]

Lecture- by Dr. Albrecht SCHNABEL
"Challenges of operational conflict prevention: from proactive to reactive prevention"
[English abstract]  [English full text]

Lecture- by Prof. ENDO, Seiji
"Approaches to conflict prevention and resolution through structural reforms in the global political economy"
[English outline] [Japanese outline]

Lecture - by Ms. OSA, Yukie
"The role of Japanese NGOs in humanitarian assistance: its limits and possibilities"
[English abstract] [Japanese abstract] [Japanese full text]

Lecture - by Prof. TANAKA, Takahiko
"Japan's role for a new world order - peace in Asia and foreign policy of Japan"
[English outline]  [Japanese outline]

Lecture - by Prof. FUJIWARA, Kiichi (text not available)
"Memory as deterrence: moralization of international politics"