6th Okinawa Session

Okinawa Convention Center and Culture Resort Festone, Okinawa, Japan
16 - 19 December 2004

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session Japanese page

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Keynote Lectures

Lecture 1:
Prof. Emorn Wasantwisut, Director, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
“Food production, nutrition and health”
[Abstract - English]

Lecture 2:
Ms. Asako Kishi, Journalist on Food Culture
“Globalization and changing food cultures”

Session I: Fighting Hunger: Towards Global Food Security

Lecture 3: “Global food security and the United Nations”
Dr. He Changchui, Assistant Director-General & Regional Representative for Asia & the Pacific, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
[Full text - English]

Lecture 4: “Development cooperation in food security”
Prof. Yukio Ikemoto, The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo
[Abstract - English] ,   [Abstract - Japanese] ,    [Full text - Japanese]

Session II: Food, Lifestyles and Choices

Lecture 5: “The debate about genetically enhanced or modified foods”
Mr. Yojiro Ikawa, Editorial Writer, Yomiuri Shimbun
[Outline - English] ,   [Outline - Japanese] ,    [Full text - Japanese]

Lecture 6: “Changes in Okinawa’s food culture”
Prof. Sumiko Kinjo (emeritus), University of the Ryukyus
[Abstract - Japanese] ,   [Full text - Japanese],    [Tables - Japanese]

Session III: Trading Food

Lecture 7
“Food trade and the protection of national food industries”
Mr. Mark Dries, Director, U. S. Agricultural Trade Office - Tokyo

Lecture 8
“Trade in food and food safety”
Mr. Kazuhiro Shingu, Director, Japan Frozen Foods Inspection Corporation
[Abstract - Japanese] ]   [Text, Presentation - Japanese]]

Group presentations made on the final day of the session

Group 1 - English
Group 2 - English
Group 3 - Japanese
Group 4 - Japanese
Group 5 - Japanese