5th Okinawa Session

Okinawa Women's Comprehensive Center "TIRURU" and Wel Sunpia Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan,
18-21 December 2003

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session Japanese page

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Keynote Lecture 1:
Dr. Mary Frances Berry, Chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
"No Justice No Peace: Human Rights in an Age of Globalization"

Keynote Lecture 2:
Prof. Yozo Yokota, Chuo University; Special Adviser to the Rector of the United Nations University
“Human Rights and State Rights”
[Outline - English, Japanese]

Session I: Concepts and Norms of Human Rights

Lecture 1: "Concepts and Norms of Human Rights"
Dr. Deepika Udagama, University of Colombo
[ English outline ]   [ English full text]

Session II: Human Rights in Practice

Working Groups:
(a) Women's Rights
Prof. Mari Osawa, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
[Abstract - English, Japanese]

(b) Children’s Rights
Dr. Kaoru Ashimine, Director, Okinawa Chubu Hospital
[Abstract - English, Japanese] [Full Text Japanese]

(c) Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Prof. Yutaka Takamine, University of the Ryukyus
[Outline - English, Japanese] [Full Text Japanese]

(d) Minority Rights
Prof. Yozo Yokota, Chuo University; Special Adviser to the Rector of the United Nations University
[Outline - English/Japanese]

Session III: Working for Human Rights

Lecture 2
“United Nations Advocacy and Monitoring Bodies”
Dr. Hazel Smith, Senior Academic Programme Officer, United Nations University
[Outline - English]

Lecture 3
“Non-governmental Actors”
Mr. Makoto Teranaka, Secretary-General, Amnesty International Japan
[Outline - English]

Lecture 4
“Media and Human Rights: Cultivating a Culture of Human Rights”
Mr. Masato Tanaka, Executive Director of the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan; Former Deputy Managing Editor of the Yomiuri Shimbun
[Abstract - Japanese]