4th Okinawa Session

Okinawa Kosei Nenkin Kyuka Center, Okinawa, Japan,
19 - 22 December 2002

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session Japanese page

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Keynote Lecture 1:
Prof. Yoshikazu Sakamoto, University of Tokyo
"Peace Building for the Twenty-first Century"
[ Abstract - English, Japanese ]

Keynote Lecture 2:
Prof. Ramesh Thakur, Vice-Rector, United Nations University
"Why War Trumps Peace, and What Can We Do about It"
[ English full text ]

Session I: The Changing Nature of Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era

Lecture 1: "Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era and the Role of the United Nations"
Prof. Gen Kikkawa, Kobe University
[ Japanese full text ]

Session II: Experience in Post-War Reconstruction in Okinawa

Lecture 2: "My Personal Reflections on War and Peace"
Ms. Ruri Miyara, former member of Himeyuri Student Corps
[ Japanese outline ]

Lecture 3: "Non-Violence in Okinawa Post-War Peace Movements"
Prof. Masaya Ishihara, Okinawa International University
[ Japanese full text ]

Session III: Politico-Economic Environment for Peace-Building

Lecture 4: "Elections, Democratization and Human Rights"
Dr. Benjamin Reilly, Democratic Governance Advisor, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
[ English full text ]

Lecture 5: "Development and Peace"
Ms. Akiko Yuge, Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Tokyo Office
[ English outline ]

Session IV: Humanitarian and Social Preconditions for Peace-Building

Lecture 6: "Social Development and Peace"
Prof. John Clammer (Sophia University)
[ English full text]

Lecture 7: "Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction Assistance"
Ms. Kiyoko Karatsu (Japan Representative, Oxfam International, Japan Liaison Office)
[ English full text, English annex ]