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UNU Global Seminar
4th Okinawa Session

From Conflict to Peace


Date: 19 - 22 December 2002 (Thur. - Sun.)
Venue: Keynote Lectures: Okinawa Women's Comprehensive Center "Tiruru" (Naha city)
Seminar: Wel Sunpia Okinawa (Sashiki-cho)
            (Okinawa Kosei Nenkin Kyuka Center)

Organized by: United Nations University
Okinawa Prefectural Government
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Collaborating Universities: Meio University,
Okinawa Christian University,
Okinawa International University,
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing,
Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts,
Okinawa University,
Okinawa Women's Junior College,
University of the Ryukyus
(alphabetical order)
Contributors: EM Research Organization (EMRO)
Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.
Orion Breweries, Ltd.
Tropical Plants Resources Research Institute
(alphabetical order)


The United Nations University (UNU) Global Seminars are aimed at deepening the understanding among students and young professionals in Japan of global problems that are the concern of the United Nations. Annual seminars are held at seven locations throughout Japan. The Okinawa session will be held for the fourth time in 2002 under the theme "From Conflict to Peace."

As traditional inter-state warfare has increasingly been replaced by wars led by particular ethnic or cultural groups under specific economic and/or political conditions, the nature of disputes and the ways in which the international community is expected to contribute to the resolution and prevention of armed conflicts worldwide have changed greatly during the past couple of decades. Moreover, with the shifting focus of actions aimed at maintaining peace from merely securing ceasefire conventions between nations to taking on the responsibility to reconstruct war-struck countries after armed conflicts have been put to an end, the participation of civil society, including NGOs, besides military personnel, is becoming more and more significant. In other words, peace cannot be accomplished by simply bringing an end to a dispute. Quite on the contrary, peace can only be realized when it is based on the experience and certification of constructing a politically and socio-economically stable environment, which has proven to be an indispensable factor in the immediate aftermath of a war.

On the basis of discussions led by experts from Japan as well as abroad, this seminar aims to offer participants an opportunity to consider the roles of the United Nations, national governments and civil society to prevent the instigation of wars and to help build new nations that are based on social righteousness and human rights. Against the historical background of Okinawa as one of the greatest battlefields of the Second World War, which turned into an immense tragedy for humankind, it is our hope that this seminar may spur participants to reflect upon the relationship between war and peace from a historical viewpoint.

As participants to this seminar will lodge together for four days, they will be easily able to engage in discussions and active exchange with scholars and practitioners from Japan and abroad, including United Nations employees, who will provide lectures from a global perspective. As is the case with UNU Global Seminars held elsewhere in Japan, the lectures will be given in either English or Japanese. A profound understanding of both languages is therefore required. Interested members of the public are also cordially invited to attend the keynote speeches, during which simultaneous interpretation will be provided.

Aimed to serve as a forum for you to engage in an active exchange of ideas and debate sessions with distinguished scholars, the seminar will give you an excellent chance to deepen your knowledge and to sharpen your analytical and discourse skills. If you are interested in issues of global concern or plan to pursue an international career, you are most welcome to participate. We are eagerly awaiting applications from Okinawa Prefecture as well as other regions of Japan.

Programme Committee Members
(alphabetical order)
Moshin MORITA President, University of the Ryukyus (Chair)
Douglas DREISTADT Associate Professor, Okinawa International University
Masaaki GABE Professor, University of the Ryukyus
Janet M.D. HIGGINS Professor, Okinawa University
Kaoruko MIYAKUNI Associate Professor, Okinawa Christian Junior College
Kazuhito MOTOYAMA Professor, Okinawa Women's Junior College
Kiyoshi NAKACHI Professor, Meio University
Kiwako OGATA Associate Professor, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
Birgit PONIATOWSKI Academic Programme Officer, United Nations University
Masaki SHINJO Assistant Professor, Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
Makoto TSUCHIYA Professor, University of the Ryukyus
Yoshiyuki UEHARA Director, Promotion and Development Office, Department of Planning & Development, Okinawa Prefectural Government

Steering Committee Members
Choei YOGI Director General, Department of Planning & Development, Okinawa Prefectural Government
Yoshiyuki UEHARA Director, Promotion and Development Office, Department of Planning & Development, Okinawa Prefectural Government
Birgit PONIATOWSKI Academic Programme Officer, United Nations University

Seminar Programme

12/19 (Thur.)
Opening Ceremony

Keynote Lecture I:
"Peace Building for the Twenty-first Century"
Prof. Yoshikazu SAKAMOTO

Keynote Lecture II:
"Why War Trumps Peace, and What Can We Do about It"
Prof. Ramesh THAKUR



12/20 (Fri.)
Session I:
The Changing Nature of Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era

Lecture 1
"Conflicts in the Post-Cold War Era and the Role of the United Nations"

Session II:
Experiences in Post-War Reconstruction in Okinawa

Lecture 2
"My Personal Reflections on War and Peace"

Field Trip

Lecture 3
Prof. Masaya ISHIHARA
"Non-Violence in Okinawa Post-War Peace Movements"

Guidance for Employment in International Organizations

Group Discussion

12/21 (Sat.)
Session III:
Politico-Economic Environment for Peace-Building

Lecture 4
"Elections, Democratization and Human Rights"
Dr. Benjamin Reilly

Lecture 5
"Development and Peace"
Ms. Akiko YUGE

Group Discussion

Session IV:
Humanitarian and Social Preconditions for Peace-Building

Lecture 6
"Social Development and Peace"
Prof. John Clammer

Lecture 7
"Humanitarian Aid and Reconstruction Assistance"
Ms. Kiyoko Karatsu

Group Discussion

12/22 (Sun.)
Group Presentations

Closing Ceremony

Farewell Lunch

(in order of presentations)
Prof. Yoshikazu SAKAMOTO The University of Tokyo
Prof. Ramesh THAKUR Vice-Rector, United Nations University
Prof. Gen KIKKAWA Graduate School of Law, Kobe University
Ms. Ruri MIYARA Former member of Himeyuri Student Corps
Prof. Masaya ISHIHARA College of Regional and Global Culture, Okinawa International University
Dr. Benjamin REILLY Democratic Governance Advisor, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Ms. Akiko YUGE Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Tokyo Office
Prof. John CLAMMER Faculty of Comparative Culture, Sophia University
Ms. Kiyoko KARATSU Japan Representative, Oxfam International, Japan Liaison Office

Application Information

Requirements for participation: The seminar is open to Japanese and foreign students at Japanese universities (undergraduate/graduate students), irrespective of their major. Young professional who are interested in the theme of the seminar are also welcome to apply. We will, however, not accept applications by professionals whose work relates directly to the subject area of the seminar. Since the lectures will be delivered both in English and Japanese, knowledge of both languages is essential. Interpretation will be provided for the public keynote lectures only.
Date: 19 (Thursday) - 22 (Sunday) December 2002
The seminar starts on 19 December at 1:00 p.m. and ends on 22 December after lunch. Further details will be communicated to the participants directly. All participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the seminar.
Venue: Keynote Speeches: Okinawa Women's Comprehensive Center "TIRURU"
(11-1, 3-chome, Nishi, Naha-city, Okinawa)
Reception: Loisir Hotel Okinawa
(2-1, 3-chome, Nishi, Naha-city, Okinawa)
Seminar: Wel Sunpia Okinawa
(1688 Shinzato, Sashiki-cho, Shimajiri-gun, Okinawa)
Number of participants: 70
Fee: The participation fee of 30,000 yen covers accommodation, meals, and seminar documentation; transportation costs to the seminar site are not included. Foreign students not receiving a scholarship for their study in Japan may apply for a waiver of the participation fee.
Certificate: Each participant will receive a UNU certificate upon successful completion of the seminar.
Application: Please complete the enclosed application [MS WORD/PDF] form and send it, along with a brief essay explaining your reasons to apply for the UNU Global Seminar, to the following address by mail, fax or e-mail:
Secretariat: UNU Global Seminar Okinawa Session
United Nations University53-70, Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925
Tel.: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03(3499)2828
Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30 - 13:00/14:00 - 17:30
Deadline for application: Friday, 11 October 2002
Notification of Selection: Applications will be reviewed by the Programme Committee. Successful candidates will be notified at the beginning of November.