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8th Kobe-Awaji Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
8th Kobe-Awaji Session held at
Hotel Pearl City Kobe & Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Japan,
7-10 October 2002.

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Keynote Speech 1
"Building Peace - Towards Inclusive Society"
Prof. Nay Htun, University for Peace, former Assistant Secretary-General, UN

Keynote Speech 2
"From Peace-keeping to Peace-building - A New Challenge of Multilateralism"
Prof. Toshiki Mogami, International Christian University/
Prof. Kentaro Serita, Kobe University
[Japanese (Prof. Mogami)/Japanese (Prof. Serita)]

Session 1: Education, Culture, Value and Mass-media
Lecture 1: "Open Mindness in a Changing World: What Analytical Possibilities?"
Prof. Modjtaba Sadria, Chuo University

Lecture 2: "Cultural Diversity and Global Coprosperity"
Prof. Kyoko Kikuchi, Tsuda College

Lecture 3: "Role of Mass-media in Building Peace"
Mr. Akio Nomura, Director, Asahi Shimbun Research Center

Session 2: Economy, Society, Environment and Natural Resources
Lecture 4: "Energy, Environment, and the Global Economy"
Mr. Alan Miller, Senior Environmental Specialist, Global Environmental Facility

Lecture 5: "Trends in Global Development and Japan's ODA Strategy"
Prof. Kenichi Ohno, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Lecture 6: "Building Peace in Cambodia"
Mr. Masaharu Kohno, Consul-General of Japan in Los Angeles