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2nd Kanazawa Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
2nd Kanazawa Session held at
Ishikawa Youth Training Center, Japan,
23-26 November 2002.

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Keynote Lecture 1
"The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development- a Report"
Prof. Hans van GINKEL
Rector, UNU

Keynote Lecture 2
"What can we do"
Ms. Charmine KODA
Senior Communication Officer, UNU and UNU/IAS

Session ‚P "Environment and Development"
Lecture 3: "Making development environmentally sustainable"
Prof. Mikoto USUI
Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba Guest Professor, UNU/IAS

Lecture 4: "Environmental issues in urban development"
Prof. Akihiko TANI
Kanazawa Institute of Technology
[English, Japanese]

Session ‚Q "Environment and Trade"
Lecture 5: "Environmental issues in agricultural production and free trade"
Prof. Hideyuki TSUJIMURA
Kyoto University

Lecture 6: "Trade, environment and development"
Ms. Beatrice CHAYTOR
Programme Director
Foundation for International Environment , Law & Development (FIELD)

Session ‚R"Glocal Actions"
Lecture 7:"Linking the global and the local"
Academic Programme Officer/ Coordinator, Global Environment Centre

Lecture 8:"Activities on the Community Level-the Case of Kanazawa"
Prof. Akane ICHIHARA
Kanazawa University / NGO representative

Session ‚S"Environment and Culture"
Lecture 9:"Changing lifestyle"
Prof. Kenichiro HIRANO
Waseda University, and Professor Emeritus, the University of Tokyo