3rd Hokkaido Session

Hokkai-Gakuen University, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan,
27-30 August 2003

Written materials used for presentations by lecturers during the Session

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Keynote Lecture 1: Prof. Motoyuki SUZUKI, Former Vice-Rector, Special Programme Advisor, UNU
"World Freshwater Resources Crisis"
[ English full text ]

Keynote Lecture 2: Prof. Bengt-Owe JANSSON, Professor Emeritus, Stockholm University
"Water Quality Management and Resource Conservation in the World's Major Seas"
[ English full text ]

Lecture 1: Dr. Srikantha HERATH, Senior Academic Programme Officer, Environment and Sustainable Development, UNU
"Safe Water and International Cooperation - Water Problems in Developing Countries"
[ English abstract ]

Lecture 2: Prof. Wayne H. BELL, Director, Center for Environment and Society, Washington College
"Water Environment Conservation and Watershed Management"
[ English abstract ]    [ English full text (PowerPoint) ]    [ English full text ]

Lecture 3: Dr. Saburo HIGASHI, Leader, Private Studio of Silviculture
"Water Environment Conservation and Watershed Management"
[ No text ]

Panel Discussion 1: Mr. Masahiro SASAKI, President, Office Nord Elan
"Local Water, Economy and Business - Fostering Water Entrepreneurship"
[ Japanese full text ]

Panel Discussion 2: Mr. Kinsaku HASHI, President, ECONIXE Co., Ltd
"Local Water, Economy and Business - Fostering Water Entrepreneurship"
[ Japanese abstract ]     [ Japanese full text (PowerPoint) ]

Panel Discussion 3: Prof. Erdal ÖZHAN, Chairman, MEDCOAST, Middle East Technical University
"Local Water, Economy and Business - Fostering Water Entrepreneurship"
[ English abstract ]    [ English full text-1 (PowerPoint) ]    [ English full text-2 (PowerPoint)]

Lecture 4: Ms. Ayako FUJII, Executive Director, Environmental Co-op Union Shiga
"Challenges for Water Resources Management - Attempts at Consensus Building"
[ Japanese abstract ]

Lecture 5: Dr. Tatsuichi TSUJII, President, Hokkaido Environment Foundation
"Challenges for Water Resources Management - Attempts at Consensus Building"
[ Japanese abstract ]