Shonan Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
Shonan Session held at
Shonan Village, Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan,
3-7 September 2001.

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all links are PDF files. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or to download the files. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, click on the Get Acrobat Reader icon to download a free copy. Download Acrobat Reader

Keynote lecture 1 - by Miranda Schreurs
Globalization and the Environment
[English full text]

Keynote lecture 2 - by Takanori Matsui
Civilization and Environment
[English outline]

Keynote lecture 2 - by Takanori Matsui
Civilization and Environment
[Japanese outline]

Lecture 3 - by A.H. Zakri
Assessing Global Ecosystems for Sustainable Development
[English Abstract]

Lecture 4 - by Yasuko Kawashima
Global Warming
[English Abstract]

Lecture 4 - by Yasuko Kawashima
Global Warming
[Japanese Power Point]

Lecture 5 - by Hiroshi Ohta
The Concept of Global Environmental Governance: A Note
[English Abstract]

Lecture 8 - by Hajime Ohta
[Japanese outlinet]

Lecture 9 - by Hisakazu Usui
The Role of Civil Society
[English outline]

Lecture 9 - by Hisakazu Usui
The Role of Civil Society
[Japanese outline]

Lecture 10 - by Motoyuki Suzuki
Role of United Nations System in Global Environmental Management
[English Abstract with some Japanese] [PDF file]
[English Abstract with some Japanese] [Word file]