2nd Shimane Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
2nd Shimane Session held at
the University of Shimane, Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Japan,
24-27 July 2001.

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Special lecture - by Prof. Dr. Hans van GINKEL, Rector, United Nations University, Japan
"Education and the Dialogue of Civilizations"
[English full text]

Keynote Lecture - by Prof. HARA Hiroko, University of the Air, Japan
"IT, the Family, and Gender: Coping with Socio-economic Change in the Information Age"
[English outline] [Japanese outline]

Lecture 1 - by Dr. Timothy SINCLAIR, University of Warwick, UK
"Capitalism in the Information Age: Continuity or Change?"
[English abstract and full text]  [Japanese abstract]

Lecture 2 - by Dr. GU Shulin, TsingHua University, People's Republic of China
"Information Revolution and Policy Implications for Developing Countries"
[English abstract and full text]  [Japanese abstract]

Lecture 3 - by Dr. John MATHIASON, Associates for International Management Services, USA
"IT and the Advancement of Gender Equality: International Perspective"
[English abstract and full text]  [Japanese abstract]

Lecture 4 - by Prof. KUMAGAI Fumie, Kyorin University
"Japanese Education and the Family in the Information Age Society. Possibilities for Using the Internet"
[English abstract and full text] [English PowerPoint presentation]  [Japanese abstract]

Lecture 5 - by Prof. CHIKA Katsuhiko, University of Shimane
"Changing the Working Environment through IT and Structuring the New Organization"
[English full text] [Japanese abstract] [Japanese full text]

Lecture 6 - by Prof. MASUDA Yuji, University of Shimane
"World Economic System and IT Revolution"
[English PowerPoint presentation]  [Japanese full text]