1st Kanazawa Session

Written materials
used for presentations by lecturers during the
1st Kanazawa Session held at
Kanazawa City, Japan,
19-22 November 2001.

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Lecture 1 - by Ramesh Thakur
International Organisation
[English outline]

Lecture 1 - by Ramesh Thakur
International Organisation
[English full text]

Lecture 2 - by Yoshikazu Sakamoto
Globalization and our Common Future
[English abstract]

Lecture 2 - by Yoshikazu Sakamoto
Globalization and our Common Future
[Japanese abstract]

Lecture 3 - by Masahiro Igarashi
Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
[English outline]

Lecture 3 - by Masahiro Igarashi
Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
[English full text]

Lecture 3 - by Masahiro Igarashi
Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
[Japanese outline]

Lecture 3 - by Masahiro Igarashi
Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution
[Japanese full text]

Lecture 4 - by Tsutomu Takegami
AIDS and Other Health Problems
[English abstract]

Lecture 4 - by Tsutomu Takegami
AIDS and Other Health Problems
[Japanese abstract]

Lecture 5 - by Sukehiro Hasegawa
Development Cooperation
[English text]

Lecture 6 - by W. Bradnee Chambers
Penalties for Violating the Kyoto Protocol are a Sticking Point for Japan
[Japanese abstract]

Lecture 8 - by Norio Umahashi
Cooperation with NGOs
[English Abstract]

Lecture 8 - by Norio Umahashi
Cooperation with NGOs
[Japanese Abstract]

Lecture 9 - by Yozo Yokota
Challenges and Prospects
[English outline]

Lecture 9 - by Yozo Yokota
Challenges and Prospects
[Japanese outline]