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Reforming International Institutions: Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
Time: 14:00–18:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Nicholas Turner, UNU HQ
Programme (108 KB PDF)
The current international institutional architecture dates from the middle of the 20th century. It will need to change to reflect the rapidly shifting international balance of political and economic power and to tackle the international economic, environmental and security challenges effectively.
This seminar will explore how international institutions should change and assess the impact that the global financial crisis will have on the prospects for success.
Co-organizers: United Nations University and the British Embassy, Tokyo.
Mark Malloch Brown
Watch Mark Malloch Brown’s video address on UNU’s Vimeo channel (new window)
Simon Fraser
International Institutional Reform – The UK Government View (104 KB PDF)
David Steven
2009 - A Year for International Reform David Steven
A Bretton Woods II Worthy of the Name David Steven and Alex Evans
Capacity Development Workshop for Water and Environmental Journalists in the Arab Countries
UNW-DPC, UNCCD and the Arab Water Council (AWC) are jointly organizing the Water and Land Capacity Development Workshop for Water and Environmental Journalists in the Arab Countries to take place on Cairo, Egypt on 22-24 January 2009. The main objective of the workshop is to create awareness among media professionals in Arab countries regarding the current situation of water resources management and land degradation in the region, and to seek active involvement of the media for creating public awareness and advocacy to promote sectoral reforms to support the Millennium Development Goals and the Convention to Combat Desertification.
The expectation is that with increased media attention to these issues, there will be more public awareness, which in turn, draw more intensified attention by decision-makers on these issues.
Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Strengthening Rural Livelihoods
UNW-DPC and UN DESA are jointly organizing a Capacity Development Workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity, Water Use Efficiency and Rural Livelihoods to take place at the UN ESCAP premises in Bangkok, Thailand on 28-30 January 2009. UN ESCAP has kinldy offered to provide local support to this event.
The overall objective of the workshop is to strengthen technical and institutional capacities of key government institutions and policy makers in developing and implementing sustainable agricultural, rural development and irrigation water management policies with specific thrust on rural poverty reduction. Analysis and sharing of past experiences against the background of challenges facing the agriculture, water and rural development will allow the policy-makers to have a better understanding of the policy interventions and actions needed to address the challenge of reducing rural poverty.
7th Interactive Seminar on Global Issues: Food Security Control and Freedom of Trade
Time: 18:00–20:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Seminar Secretariat
Every government enforces food safety regulations, including prohibiting the import of substances that may threaten human life and health. By contrast, the GATT/WTO provides for the freedom of trade and the principles of no discrimination and special national treatment, while international agreements such as the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement and the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement seek to prevent WTO Members from taking domestic measures in the protection of human life and health that are deemed excessive and too trade restrictive.
In his presentation, Professor Mitsuo Matsushita, professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, attempts to cast light on this relationship between domestic measures for food safety and international disciplines by referring to actual WTO dispute settlement reports. Following will be discussant comments by Aya Iino, assistant professor, College of Commerce, Nihon University.
The Role of Universities in the Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development in Africa
Time: 13:30–17:50
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Yoshie Oya, UNU-IAS
The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and the newly established United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) are pleased to host their first joint collaboration symposium entitled “The Role of Universities in the Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development in Africa.” The symposium convenes experts in the area of sustainable development and education in Africa to discuss the particular sustainability challenges Africa faces and what is needed in higher education to meet these challenges.
UNU-IAS and UNU-ISP work in the areas of environment, education and sustainable development, focusing on incorporating sustainability concerns with human activities. As this year marks the half way point in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, a number of UNU activities have focused on these issues, mainly through facilitating networking and collaboration among stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA). Some of these efforts will be detailed in the context of this open symposium on ESDA.
Supporters include the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan.
Cooperative Actions for Disaster Risk Reduction
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Akhilesh Surjan, UNU HQ
Programme (388 KB PDF)
This Symposium focuses on Cooperative Actions for Disaster Risk Reduction. It provides a stimulating and constructive forum for researchers from various disciplines related to natural disasters, engineers, educators, government officers and citizens specializing in disaster reduction, and gives them the opportunity to exchange and share the latest scientific and technical information. It covers all major disasters including strong winds, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides, fire, heat wave and so on.
Call for Papers
Presentations on either descriptions of actual disasters or disaster risk reduction activities are welcomed. Those who are interested in presenting a paper within the symposium scope are requested to send a 2-page abstract to the Secretary General of this symposium at by February 15, 2009. Please refer to the symposium website for the manuscript format.
International Women’s Day Public Forum
Time: 14:00–17:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Madoka Futamura, UNU HQ
Women and Men: United to End Violence against Women
International Women’s Day (IWD) is observed annually in March by Member States of the United Nations. To commemorate IWD 2009, UN-related organizations in Japan will hold a joint public forum on Friday, 6 March at the UN University Headquarters in Tokyo.
The theme for IWD 2009 highlights the multi-year (2008–2015) United Nations campaign “UNiTE to End Violence Against Women”.
Co-organizers: UNU and other UN agencies located in Japan
TICAD IV Follow-up Symposium
Time: 10:00–
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: First Africa Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Tel: 03-3581-3311)
Japan’s Efforts to Promote Peace and Security in Africa: The Case of Sudan and Beyond
Although Africa has been making progress towards achieving peace and stability, such as concluding peace agreements and conducting free and fair elections, instability continues to plague certain regions. During the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV), held in May 2008, the Government of Japan declared its intention to further enhance its initiatives in Africa for conflict prevention, humanitarian aid and reconstruction assistance, recovery and maintenance of security, and promotion of good governance.
To follow up on TICAD IV, the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a symposium on 11 March. In session I, participants will explain the current situation in Sudan, which is searching for the road to recovery after over 20 years of civil war, as well as discuss the direction of Japan’s assistance to Sudan. Session II will focus on how to enhance the capabilities of African countries to maintain peace and resolve conflict autonomously, and how Japan can assist. After presentations and discussions in both sessions, there will be a question-and-answer period.
International Seminar: Japan’s Contribution to Peace and Human Resource Development
Time: 13:30–17:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Fumio Yamazaki, MoFA
“Looking Back at the Past Two Years of the ‘Pilot Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding’, and the Challenges and Prospects for the Future”
In 2007, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) launched a “Pilot Program for Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding”, implemented by the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center (HPC), to train civilian peacebuilders in Asia.
With the programme scheduled to be enlarged and enhanced from April 2009, this seminar, organized by MOFA, HPC, and UNU, will review the achievements of and lessons learned from the first two years of the pilot programme, and consider the challenges and prospects for further building and strengthening the ability of Asian peacebuilders to contribute to UN peace missions the world over.
Read opening remarks by Mr. Yasutoshi Nishimura, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs.
GEIC Symposium on Communities’ Responses to Climate Change — Integrating Scientific Knowledge and Grass Root Experiences
Time: 14:00–17:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Mikiko Nagai, UNU-ISP
The risks associated with climate change are becoming more apparent. Poor communities in developing countries whose living depends on natural resources, or those in the most vulnerable areas in the urban settings are most negatively affected by changing climate. For the last two decades, scientific knowledge of future climate predictions and impact evaluations has been accumulated. On top of that, the contribution of bottom-up initiatives by local communities based on the indigenous knowledge and social capital to cope with current climate variability is being observed and highly recognized. We need to closely integrate scientific knowledge with local experience in order to adapt.
Since its establishment, UNU-ISP GEIC has been continuously implementing projects to promote community participation in environment-related decision making processes in developing countries as well as in Japan. This symposium aims to share local experiences and initiate discussion on how to combine scientific knowledge with social institutions to support local initiatives with experts and practitioners.
Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
Organized by the United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP).
UNU-Kirin Fellowships
Time: [TBC]
Location: Tsukuba, Japan
Contact: Kazuhiko Takeuchi; Wilma James, UNU HQ
This twelve-month training programme is organized annually at the National Food Research Institute (NFRI) in Tsukuba, Japan. Five researchers from developing countries, mostly in the Asia-Pacific region, are trained in food science and nutrition-related research per year. Fellows are assigned to one of NFRI’s laboratories where they work on individual research projects with relevance to the work of their home institutions. An innovative feature of the programme is that the home institutions of UNU fellows are provided with financial support to enable the fellows to continue their research upon return to their home countries.
Co-organizers: UNU & Kirin Holdings Company Ltd.
UNIDO Industrial Development Report 2009 Symposium
Time: 14:30–17:20
Location: Elizabeth Rose Hall, United Nations University Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Mieko Kusakari, UNIDO
Information sheet (176 KB PDF)
Programme (140 KB PDF)
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with the support of METI, MOFA, UNU, JICA & IDE-JETRO, is pleased to invite you to a symposium introducing UNIDO’s “Industrial Development Report 2009.”
Dr. John Page, a well known African specialist and one of the co-authors of the report, will reflect on the report’s conceptual breakthrough in analysing the long-term structural change in industry and its implications for policy. Dr. Vinanchiarachi, who led the UNIDO team in preparing and finalising the report, will explain the principal findings of the report and show the relevance of UNIDO interventions in terms of technical assistance. This symposium will be also an opportunity for the audience to learn how UNIDO can cooperate with Japan to create and execute most effective projects/programmes for developing countries in the midst of a major global economic downturn.
English/Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Advanced registration is required.
2009.04.20 – 06.19
Analysis and Management of Geological Risks (CERG)
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Contact: Costanza Bonadonna; Wilma James, UNU HQ
A seven-week training course aimed at developing the knowledge base and skills necessary to advise the public and private sectors to take preventive measures which can reduce the impact of natural disasters. The course has been recognized by the Division of Earth Sciences of UNESCO as part of its official training programme.
Co-organizers: Universite de Geneve, Switzerland
Natural Resources and the Environment: Implications for Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, and Livelihoods
Time: 14:00–17:00
Location: UNU Institute of Advanced Studies, Yokohama, Japan
Contact: Yoshie Oya, UNU-IAS
This event will celebrate the launch of the recent UNEP report From Conflict to Peacebuilding: The Role of Natural Resources and the Environment, as well as showcase emerging research at UNU-IAS and the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo on the intersection of environmental change, natural resources, livelihoods, and peacebuilding.
The launch of the report will be followed by an illustration of case studies where the management of natural resources is key to success or failure of livelihoods restoration and peacebuilding. Global environmental change can constrain economic recovery efforts in post-conflict societies. Many of these post-conflict societies, as shown in Afghanistan, have climate sensitive economies, thus making them more vulnerable to global environmental change. The Japanese case study on water resources management will provide the experience of a developed country in its path towards sustainability, peace, and development after the Second World War.
IHDP Open Meeting 2009: Social Challenges of Global Change
Seventh International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Since 1995, the Open Meetings of the human dimensions research community have grown into the world’s largest international science conference series dealing with the social aspects of global environmental change. They help to determine the state-of-the-art of human dimensions research, outlining new research agendas, theoretical frameworks and methodologies. Identifying cutting-edge research themes within the sciencepractice nexus, the Open Meeting also serves to promote the enhanced policy relevance of social science on global change. A truly international and interdisciplinary group of over 1,000 scientists, journalists, government officials, decision-makers as well as leading representatives from the private sector, key institutes, international organisations and NGOs are expected to attend the 7th Open Meeting at the UN Campus in Bonn, Germany.
The theme of the 7th IHDP Open Meeting, “Social Challenges of Global Change,” responds to important changes in the perspective of the scientific community on the challenges that we are currently facing. It also outlines the new research agenda for IHDP’s second decade, as this Open Meeting will be both the first under the guidance of the IHDP Strategic Plan 2007-2015 and a major contribution to this plan’s implementation.
2009.04 [TBC]
Global Seminar: 2nd China Session
Time: [TBC]
Location: China, [TBC]
Contact: Vesselin Popovski; Wilma James, UNU HQ
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice from China and abroad.
2009.04-12 [TBC]
UNU Remote Sensing Training Programme
Location: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE Centro Regional Sul – CRS, Brazil
Contact: Kazuhiko Takeuchi; Wilma James, UNU HQ
An annual, 8-month course is supported by UNU Centre at the Institute Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciales (INPE) in Brazil which deals with physical principles of remote sensing, spectral behaviour of natural targets, sensor systems and satellites, radar, visual analysis of remote sensing data, digital image processing, scientific research methodology, and the ERS-1 programme.
Co-organizers: Government of Brazil
UNU International Courses (UNU-IC)
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, and UNU-IAS, Yokohama, Japan
Contact: Wilma James, UNU HQ
The six-week UNU International Courses (UNU-IC) are held annually at UNU Centre in Tokyo. They are designed to provide postgraduate students and professionals with a college or university degree who wish to pursue an international career in public-service or private organizations with the knowledge and skills to analyze global issues from a truly global perspective, both theoretically and empirically. The programme involves scholars and practitioners from within the UNU system and from external institutions and organizations.
Co-organizers: UNU Centre and UNU-IAS
Public Lecture by Dr. José Sarukhán
Mexico: The Privileges and Challenges for a Megadiverse Country
Time: 15:30–17:00
Location: Elizabeth Rose Hall, UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Maubec, UNU Centre
Dr. Sarukhán’s presentation (6.6 MB PDF)
Renowned educator and scientist Prof. José Sarukhán will deliver a public lecture on biodiversity. Prof. Sarukhán is a research professor at the Institute of Ecology, Autonomous National University of Mexico (where he was rector from 1989 to 1997).
He obtained his degree in biology in 1964 in the National University of Mexico and his Ph.D. degree in ecology in 1972 at the University of Wales. He has focussed on the demography and ecology of plant populations, on the comparative demography of trees, on biogeochemical cycles in tropical forests, on biodiversity in Mexico and global environmental problems, on sustainable development, as well as on higher education and scientific development.
Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
Organized by the UNU and Embassy of Mexico in Japan.
The information underpinnings of the sustainability transition: Priorities, Gaps and Strategies
Time: 10:30–11:30
Location: UNU-IIST Seminar Hall, Macao
Contact: Veronica Ng, UNU-IIST
Speaker: Dr. Marc Levy, Deputy Director, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Earth Institute, Columbia University.
On the occasion of the World Biodiversity Day, UNU-IIST Center for Electronic Governance will be focusing on the issue regarding harmonizing of enforcement related information for strengthening Environmental Governance. Dr. Marc Levy, Deputy Director at the Earth Institute in Columbia University, will be giving a public seminar entitled “The Information Underpinning the Sustainability Transition”. A panel discussion will be held on the 22nd May focusing on “Electronic Environmental Governance - Importance, Challenges and the Way Forward”. The panel will discuss issues related to harmonized information gathering and effective national and international policy making with regard to environmental enforcement related issues.
To register, please contact Ms. Veronica Ng
Panel Discussion: Electronic Environmental Governance — Importance, Challenges and the Way Forward
Time: 10:00–11:30
Location: UNU-IIST Seminar Hall, Macao
Contact: Veronica Ng, UNU-IIST
Moderator: Mr. Remi Chandran, Senior Researcher, UNU-IIST-Center for Electronic Governance
On the occasion of the World Biodiversity Day, UNU-IIST Center for Electronic Governance will be focusing on the issue regarding harmonizing of enforcement related information for strengthening Environmental Governance. Dr. Marc Levy, Deputy Director at the Earth Institute in Columbia University, will be giving a public seminar entitled “The Information Underpinning the Sustainability Transition”. A panel discussion will be held on the 22nd May focusing on “Electronic Environmental Governance - Importance, Challenges and the Way Forward”. The panel will discuss issues related to harmonized information gathering and effective national and international policy making with regard to environmental enforcement related issues.
To register, please contact Ms. Veronica Ng
International Day for Biological Diversity Symposium 2009:
Invasive Alien Species - Causes and Impacts
Time: 10:00–17:40
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Yuko Okada, UNU Centre
Presentation file of Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (3.5 MB PDF)
NIES symposium website (Japanese)
The International Day for Biological Diversity Symposium 2009 will be held on May 22 at the United Nations University Headquaters in Tokyo. Focusing on the issue of invasive alien species, the symposium will provide an opportunity to enhance the understanding of the issue through keynote presentation and panel discussion by reseachers and practitioners in the field.
Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
This symposium is organized by National Institute for Environmental Studies, UNU-ISP, UNU-IAS, the Global Environment Information Centre (GEIC), and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
See also: Convention on Biological Diversity, Invasive Alien Species
Launch of the ISDR 2009 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction
Time: 14:00–16:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Akhilesh Surjan, UNU Centre
The UNISDR Secretariat together with United Nations University present a forum to launch the ISDR 2009 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction at the United Nations University in Tokyo.
The Global Assessment Report (English) and its executive summary (English and Japanese version) will be distributed at the event.
To register for the event, please send e-mail by May 15 to containing: your name; profession; affiliation, position, and office address; and phone number.
2009 UNU Africa Day Symposium
Time: 10:30–13:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Maubec, UNU Centre
Programme (20 KB PDF)
The global financial crisis and its impact on Africa: the role of Japan and TICAD.
“It would be a cruel irony if, just as Africa began to succeed, its prospects were cut short by a crisis beyond its control. Strong action by African governments and robust support from the international community can keep Africa’s recovery on track. Both should continue to do their part.” Thus writes Liberia’s president Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson in a recent article in the Washington Post.
Join us on Monday May 25 for the 2009 UNU Africa Day Symposium to investigate this crucial issue of the global financial crisis and its impact on Africa, with special regard to the role of Japan and the TICAD process.
The Symposium, jointly organized with the African Diplomatic Corps, is extremely timely in the run-up to the UN Summit on the Financial Crisis which is scheduled to take place from 1 to 3 June 2009.
The Role of Higher Education in Adapting to Climate Change
Time: 10:00–18:30
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Akhilesh Surjan, UNU-ISP
Programme (240 KB PDF)
United Nations University-Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) and the Integrated Research Systems for Sustainability Science (IR3S) of the University of Tokyo are organizing a conference entitled the ‘Role of Higher Education in Adapting to Climate Change’ from 10-12 June in Tokyo, Japan. Senior university faculty from Japan, Asia, and Oceania will participate in the event.
The first day of the symposium is open to the public and contains four keynote lectures from renowned speakers on the themes of (1) conceptualizing adaptation, (2) climate change impacts and adaptation needs, (3) mainstreaming adaptation to development, and (4) innovation for climate change adaptation, followed by a panel discussion. The second and third days are for invited participants only. Discussions will take place on joint curriculum and course development, sharing resources and joint research.
For the event on the 10th, we will notify you only if there is no more space available. For the 11th and 12th, if you have requested to attend, we will inform by email by the 8th whether we have room for your participation. If your institution has educational or research programs related to climate change adaptation, you are cordially invited to fill out a questionnaire survey.
The event is free of charge. The symposium on the first day is open to the public; the workshops on the second and third days are for invited participants only. To sign up for the symposium or request an invitation to the workshops, please register online.
Interactive Seminar on Global Issues VIII
Time: 15:00–17:30
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Marc Benger, UNU Press
Programme (80 KB PDF)
Protracted Refugee Situations
Over two-thirds of refugees in the world today are trapped in protracted refugee situations. Millions of refugees struggle to survive in camps and urban communities in remote and insecure parts of the world, and the vast majority of these refugees have been in exile for many years. Such situations constitute a growing challenge for the international refugee protection regime and the international community.
In this seminar Edward Newman, co-editor of the recently published UNU Press volume Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications, will present the results of a number of projects on protracted refugee situations, highlighting the political, social and security implications which arise from prolonged human displacement.
Global Seminar: Korea Session
Location: Icheon City, Korea
Contact: Wilma James, UNU HQ
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
2009.07.02, 16, 23 & 30
2009 Shibuya Seminars: The Role of Education to Achieve a Sustainable Society
Time: 19:00–20:30
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Mari Arimitsu, UNU-ISP
The United Nations University has organized public seminars with the Shibuya City Office since 2003. The seminars are intended to provide opportunities for lifelong learning to the residents of Shibuya as well as those who work and study in the ward. Since their inauguration, the seminars have been attended by more than a hundred people per session. This year’s seminars will be held on four Thursday evenings in July at United Nations University Headquarters. UNU Certificates of Completion will be awarded to the participants who attended the four sessions.
The registration is free and open to the public. For further information please contact: Life Long Learning Section, The Board of Education of Shibuya, Tokyo Tel: 03-3463-3049 or register online.
Co-organizers: UNU & Shibuya City Office
UNU Global Seminar Shonan Session 25th Anniversary Public Lectures
Time: 13:00-16:00 (Reception, 16:00-17:00)
Location: U-Thant Hall (3F), UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Mari Arimitsu, UNU-ISP
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to enhance awareness among university students and young professionals about issues of global concern. The UNU Global Seminar Series has been launched with the Shonan Global Seminar in 1985 and the Shonan Seminar commemorates its 25th anniversary this year. The United Nations University has organized the keynote lectures on the first day of the 5 days seminar which will be open to public, co-organized by Kanagawa International Foundation, to commemorate the 25th anniversary at the United Nations University Headquarters, Tokyo.
Prof. William Tow at Australian National University, and Prof. Kinhide Mushakoji, Director of the Center for Asia Pacific Partnership, Osaka University of Economics and Law will deliver keynote lectures and will address the impacts and challenges of globalization for East Asia, and then focus on the major political and economic issues facing the region today.
The registration is free. For further information please contact the Japan Foundation for United Nations University on 03-5467-1368 or register online.
Global Seminar: 25th Shonan Session
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo and Shonan Village, Japan
Contact: Mari Arimitsu, UNU-ISP;
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
NVMP-StEP E-waste Summer School
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Contact: Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, StEP Initiative
The e-waste summer school is a pioneering concept in the research and education on e-waste management, looking at the e-waste issue in its entirety, rather than through the lens of a specific academic discipline.
The vision is to provide the foremost platform to young scientists involved in e-waste related research to share their knowledge, interact with experts and develop collaborative partnerships fostering high quality cutting edge scientific research on all areas related to e-waste - from policy to technology to economics to social aspects.
The e-waste summer schools offer participants a diverse curriculum in an innovative framework supported by various teaching and learning methodologies including lectures, workshops, participant presentations, group projects and study tours with an international interdisciplinary faculty and experienced facilitators.
Global Seminar: Kobe-Hyogo Session
Location: Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
Course on Climate Change, Energy and Food Security
Time: 13:00–14:30, every Friday
Location: Media Studio (1F), UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Brendan Barrett, UNU HQ
This course is designed for the thought leaders, decision-makers and innovators of the future. We recognize that in order to make sound decisions, you need the right information at your finger-tips. With a realistic assessment of the problems we all face, you will make decisions to re-design our transportation systems, to better plan our cities, to reform our energy systems and to re-shape our agricultural industries.
The course is divided into three parts – (1) understanding climate change, (2) exploring the interactions between climate change and other issues such as food, energy, health, biodiversity and (3) examining possible solutions. The course is multi-disciplinary in nature and will appeal to students from the sciences and humanities. It is designed to inform experienced policy-makers and practitioners, and to enlighten graduate students, keen to learn more about how the world works and how we can make it a better place.
Collaborating Institutions: Asian Institute of Technology, Aoyama Gakuin University, Keio University, Waseda University, Okayama University, University of the Ryukyus, United Nations University, University of Hawaii, National University of Samoa, TERI University, University of Gadja Mada, and Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID).
UNU-UNESCO Annual International Conference
Africa and Globalization: Learning from the Past, Preparing for the Future
The conference aims at providing a forum to take stock of the achievements, successes and failures over the past fifty years and to reflect on ongoing challenges facing Africa and its development today in a globalized world, particularly in the context of financial crisis. Leading personalities including decision-makers from government, world-renowned experts and civil society representatives will exchange their views about their own personal experiences, reflections about past developments as well as about the new dynamics and their foreseeable impact. They will also share their personal vision for Africa’s role and position in the future global system.
The conference is free and open to all. For programme details and online registration, please visit our Globalization webpage.
Co-organizers: UNU and UNESCO
Course on Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
Time: 13:00–14:30, every Tuesday
Location: Media Studio (1F), UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Akhilesh Surjan, UNU HQ
More information (66 KB PDF)
The United Nations University-Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) is delighted to announce the 2009 Advanced Seminar Series on 'Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs'. The course is offered under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Initiative (API), a multi-institutional collaborative education program. The course is offered through a multiple site video teleconference system that connects all participating educational institutions with students on their respective campuses. More than 350 participants throughout the Asia-Pacific region have benefitted from the course over the 6 years it has been offered.
Global Seminar: 2nd South Africa Session
Location: South Africa
Contact: Obi Aginam; Wilma James, UNU HQ
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
International Symposium: One Year Before CBD COP10 — Post 2010 Biodiversity Target and the Asian Vision
Time: 10:00 to 17:30
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Fumiko Nakao, UNU-IAS
The 10th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10) is scheduled for October 2010 in Nagoya, Japan. Preparations are underway not only by the Japanese Government, but also researchers, local governments, and Japanese citizens as the host country to welcome 192 countries to discuss, propose and agree on post-2010 target and framework for the effective implementation of CBD. The Japan Committee for IUCN is organising an international symposium on post biodiversity 2010 target and the Asia vision, which will kick-start the series of events that will take place in the lead up to COP10. This symposium has invited both international and Japanese speakers and experts to celebrate the one-year before COP10 and to discuss options for the post-2010 target and framework.
Registration is free and open to the public. Seats are limited. E-mail to: with name, organisation and contact information.
Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
The Role of Higher Education for Climate Change Adaptation: Africa
Time: Consultation Conference: 13:00–17:00
Location: Noguchi Memorial Institute, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Contact: Srikantha Herath, UNU-ISP; Edwin Gyasi, Univ. of Ghana
UNU-ISP and UNU-INRA, in partnership with the University of Ghana, will organise a consultative conference & workshop on the role of African higher education in adapting to climate and ecosystems change. Issues discussed include the challenges to climate and ecosystems change, identify existing programmes and priority areas for capacity-building, and how to develop strong partnerships with African universities to expand postgraduate research on adaptation. This initiative is organised as part of the IR3S (Integrated Research Systems for Sustainability Science) programme on climate change and adaptation coordinated by the University of Tokyo, in close partnership with the Education for Sustainable Development Africa (ESDA) project coordinated by UNU.
A reception dinner will be held after the conference on Friday the 16th. All are welcome to attend. A closed consultative workshop will be held on the 17th October, followed by a field trip on the 18th to climate-affected areas in Ghana.
Beyond Copenhagen: Climate, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being
Time: 14:00-17:30
Location: Conference Centre, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Contact: Wendy S. Elliott, UNU-IAS
For sustainable environmental management, it will be useful to synergize the research strengths of different institutions in a joint analytical framework to develop scenarios that may confront us post-Copenhagen. In this context, a policy discourse among relevant institutions in Japan and abroad will be held on 21 October 2009 at the Conference Center, Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan. The discourse will cover the gamut of drivers of climate, the trend in these drivers, how climate change will affect ecosystem services, and the implications for human well-being. The policy discourse will explore research architecture in a time bound manner that utilizes the capacities of different leading global change research organizations on this topic.
Organised by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies and the Sapporo Nodal Office of the Global Land Project (GLP).
International Forum on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Time: 9:00-18:00
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21-23 October 2009, in the World Forestry Congress 2009 (WFC2009)
Contact: Luohui Liang , Shimako Takahashi, UNU-ISP
The Second International Forum on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems is designed to:
- Increase public support and understanding of the value of GIAHS and its goods and services in an era of climate change;
- Identify ways forward and opportunities to advance recognition of GIAHS at the international and national levels;
- Address key implementation issues and assist participating countries to establish management, institutional and organizational support structure for effective stewardship of GIAHS at various levels; and
- Highlight progress made to date and adopt a harmonized GIAHS programme implementation strategy.
UNU is a partner of the GIAHS, supporting a number of countries to participate in the GIAHS.
UN Day 2009
Time: Symposium: 14:00–17:00; Outdoor activities: from 11:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: UNU Centre
United Nations Day (UN Day) is observed annually worldwide on 24 October to commemorate the founding of the United Nations in October 1945. To celebrate UN Day 2009, UNU presents a symposium on Friday, October 23 on the theme of Human Security and, along with UN agencies in Japan, welcomes everyone to outdoor activities, exhibitions and performances at United Nations University Headquarters in Shibuya.
The UNU symposium will examine Human Security 15 years after its invention to see how the concept has evolved in terms of peace, development and sustainability. Japan is one of the founders of the concept and no other country has made larger combined intellectual, financial, and operational contributions to the idea.
Co-organizers: UNU and UN agencies located in Japan
“Investing in people for a better world” — The Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) Success story convention
Time: 13:00–17:30
Location: U Thant International Conference Hall, UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Maubec, UNU Centre; Yuji Shimo-osawa, AOTS
AOTS and UNU co-organize this convention which features presentations by members of the AOTS alumni. Ten alumni members will present their own success stories focusing on three main themes: technology transfer, cultural exchange and social contribution.
The event provides an opportunity to share best practices as well as to highlight the importance and significance of human resource development that contributes to sustainable growth. The different experiences further highlight the important role of public-private partnership and the positive impact it may have on individuals, their organizations, and communities.
This event is part of a one-week programme organized by the AOTS which celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of its activities. For more information see AOTS website.
Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation available.
Co-organised by the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS) and United Nations University. Supported by: the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI); the Asian Development Bank; the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO); the World Bank Tokyo Office.
UNU Joint Graduate Courses (UNU-JGC)
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Kazuo Takahashi; Wilma James, UNU HQ
UNU cooperates with a number of Japanese universities to jointly offer postgraduate courses on the structures and functions of the United Nations System at the UNU that will count towards students’ graduate degrees at their home universities in Japan. Lecturers are selected from among scholars and practitioners with specific expertise in the field of United Nations studies or related areas. All lectures are conducted in English. The three courses are offered once per week over a period of four months. After an initial trial period of three years, it is planned to increase the number of courses as well as the number of participating universities.
Global Seminar: 2nd Tajikistan Session
Location: Tajikistan
Contact: Vesselin Popovski, UNU HQ
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
Global Seminar: 3rd Ghana Session
Location: Ghana
Contact: Obi Aginam; Wilma James, UNU HQ
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
United Nations University Global Seminar Final Hokkaido Session: Striving to Become Leaders in a Sustainable Society — Toward the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015
Location: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Contact: Yaeko Higo UNU Centre;, Hokkaido University
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
Global Seminar: 8th Tohoku Session (Increasing Poverty and Rich-Poor Gaps: From Glocal Perspectives)
Location: Sendai City (public lectures) and Iwanuma City (seminar)
Contact: Yaeko Higo, UNU HQ;, Tohoku University
The UNU Global Seminars are designed to increase understanding among college students and young professionals about global issues facing mankind today and the role of the United Nations in addressing these. The Global Seminars comprise of lectures, plenary and group discussions, and presentations by the participants. The teaching faculty includes UNU academic staff as well as experts from academia and policy practice.
COP15: Indigenous Voices on Climate Change Film Festival
Time: 16:00–18:00 each day
Location: National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen
Contact: Citt Williams, UNU Media Studio
With today’s rapid climatic changes, the lives of indigenous peoples are being dramatically affected: some are losing homes, livelihoods, cultures and the ecosystems upon which their survival directly depends. This festival includes a collection of compelling stories from indigenous communities around the world highlighting on-the-ground local evidence of real impacts and adaptations to climate change.
The traditional knowledge of many communities embodies a deeply spiritualized and ancient relationship with the earth’s systems and cycles. Traditional songs and languages, clothing, architecture, foods, motifs, daily rituals and mythological epics are encoded with local survival information. Moreover, the diversity of indigenous cultures provides unique insights and powerful codes on how to live harmoniously within nature.
By sharing these indigenous stories of vulnerability and adaptation, we also share ideas on how ancestral wisdom is being incorporated into adaptation strategies. By cherishing the value of traditional knowledge we can discover how best to adapt to a changing climate.
This festival is proudly brought to you by United Nations University in collaboration with the indigenous storytelling communities featured, Conversations with the Earth, Red Cross Society, Panos London, Cenesta Iran,, Sacred Lands film project, the National Museum of Denmark, IWGIA and The Christensen Fund.
The DAPAD 10-Year Celebration Memorial Symposium: Linking African Countries to the World through Dynamic Collaboration and Economic Partnerships
Time: 10:30–19:00
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Marina Soboleva, The DAPAD Foundation, Tel: 03–6666–5697
Programme (377 KB PDF)
Putting together international and Japanese experts from science and technology, and business with African specialists, this symposium aims to look for concrete tasks and activities that promote development of African countries.
"Shibuya: International City of Peace" Forum — Global Warming: Let’s think of the future of the planet
Time: 16:00–17:45
Location: UNU Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Shibuya City Office, International Cultural Exchange Division, and Planning Department, 03–3463–1142
UNU has been cooperating with the Shibuya City Office to organize a series of public forums since 2003 and this will be the 3rd forum. The theme “Global Warming: Let’s think of the future of the planet” has been selected in relation to the COP 15 climate change summit to be held in Copenhagen from 7-18 December. This forum attempts to further convey to the general public the importance of the global challenges before us.
Page last modified 2019.04.16.