Open to public & media
Open to media only
Closed event
11 January 2007
Formal Launch of StEP* & Accompanying Media Campaign (Solving the E-waste Problem)
Location: New York City
Contact: Mr. Ruediger Kuehr
To illustrate: (a) the e-waste problem and its impacts; (b) why StEP is urgently needed; (c) how it could make a difference; (d) possible approaches to sustainably solve the e-waste problems; (e) the interest of the present StEP members.
Co-organisers: Promotionteam Wetzlar
12-13 January 2007
Southern Engines of Growth
Location: Beijing, China
Contact: Guanghua Wan, Amelia Santos-Paulino, UNU-WIDER
This event is a project meeting/conference that will be run in tandem with the Eigth GDN Conference in Beijing, China. The project centers on the inter-linkages between China, India, Brazil and South Africa (CIBS) and the global economy. This meeting of the project will focus on growth experiences of China and India and invites participation through a 'call for papers' that is announced on WIDER's website
17-19 January 2007
Rule of Law and Good Business Practices in Zones of Conflict
Location: Pocantico, New York, USA
Contact: Dr. Vesselin Popovski, UNU Centre
UNCTAD-UNU joint project workshop. It will focus on what legislation can be applied in zones of conflicts, when states fail to ensure clear legislation and jurisdiction for trade and business transactions - what role can a third country jurisdiction play? Who should impose this law and what could be the enforcement mechanisms?
Co-organizer: UNCTAD
January 2007
Advancing Development
Location: Palgrave Macmillan, London
Contact: Tony Shorrocks, Adam Swallow, UNU-WIDER
The event is intended as a Book Launch – Research Presentation highlighting the book resulting from UNU-WIDER's Jubilee Conference, published by Palgrave Macmillan. Dates are to be confirmed.
5-7 March 2007
Conflict Prevention: A Comparative Approach to Learning Lessons
Location: New York City
Contact: Edward Newman, UNU Centre
Policy dialogue. Co-organizer: Uppsala Univesity
6-9 March 2007
Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
Training Course on "Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa through Research and Dialogue". Co-organizers: United Nations University, the Centre for the Study of International Cooperation (CICE), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and UNESCO
8 March 2007
International Women's Day
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
Registration has closed for this event. See this note on late registrations if you wish to attend.
Website (
Media Release (112 KB PDF)
Women Watch (
This year's theme is Ending impunity for violence against women and girls
International Women's Day 2007 Public Forum. Co-organizers: UNU and other UN agencies located in Japan.
9 March 2007
Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa: Open Panel Discussion and Concluding Seminar
Time: 14.00 - 17.00
Location: UN House, Tokyo (2F Reception Hall)
Contact: Soisik Habert
Training Course on "Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa through Research and Dialogue".
For the third year, UNU is organizing a Concluding Seminar with the African Experts participating in the "Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Basic Education Development Project". The concluding seminar will provide a forum for the African Experts to share and discuss their research proposal together with a distinguished group of panellists as well as with member of the audience.
Co-organizers: United Nations University, the Centre for the Study of International Cooperation (CICE), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and UNESCO
13 March 2007
Lecture by H.E. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
Programme (24 KB PDF)
Registration has closed for this event. See this note on late registrations if you wish to attend.
Media Release (56 KB PDF)
Her Excellency Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf will speak on The Role of Women in African Development.
14 March 2007
Lecture by Dr. José Luis Machinea, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Time: 14.30 – 16.30
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
Media Release (56 KB PDF)
"Social and Economic Challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean: Defining a Development Agenda for the Region"
The purpose of this seminar is to provide a forum for the discussion of the social and economic dimensions that currently define the development process of the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) countries and the challenges faced by those countries in their continuing efforts for attaining a more sustainable and equitable growth.
Co-organized with the Inter-American Development Bank, with the support of MoFA.
16 March 2007
Capacity Building in Africa and the Role of Japan
Time: 09:30 - 17:15
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
Programme (32 KB PDF)
Media Release (56 KB PDF)
The United Nations University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and the Waseda Institute of International Strategy are jointly organizing this international symposium on "Capacity Building in Africa and the Role of Japan" that will present an opportunity for analyzing the current situation in Africa and for discussing innovative ideas on how the international community, and most specifically Japan, can positively contribute to reducing the impact of issues such as "brain drain". The symposium will feature scholars as well as UN officials whose knowledge and experience in the areas of capacity building and poverty alleviation can contribute to helping define policy recommendations.
Nagia Essayed, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, African Union, will deliver a keynote speech on "Capacity Building in Africa and African Ownership".
Organised by: United Nations University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Waseda Institute of International Strategy.
It is necessary to pre-register in order to participate. Please send the following information by e-mail to
- Your Name
- Email Address (mandatory)
- Professional Category or Name of Academic Institution
- Title/Affiliation
Deadline: Wednesday 14th March
Enquiries: First Africa Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
03-3580-3311(main number)
22–23 March 2007
Women, Justice and Peacebuilding
Location: UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
Programme (76 KB PDF)
Registration form (96 KB PDF)
The Workshop will address the role of women in achieving reconciliation in societies recovering from conflict. It will bring together female scholars and practitioners, community leaders and NGO representatives from post-conflict zones in Asia, Africa, Latin America, whose work has made an impact in decision-making and implementation of policies towards recovery and reconciliation.
27 March 2007
Media briefing on Sustainable Land management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains: An Integrated and Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia
Location: New York City
Contact: Libor Jansky, UNU Centre
11 April 2007
Open Seminar with H.E. Dame Rosalyn Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice
Location: U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Japan Foundation
Event Website & Registration Form
Press Release (52 KB PDF)
Text of President Higgins's speech (60 KB PDF)
H.E. Dame Rosalyn Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has been invited to Japan in April 2007 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. The United Nations University, the Japan Foundation for the United Nations University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are jointly taking advantage of this opportunity to organize on this occasion an open seminar that will feature a lecture by H.E. Dame Higgins as well as a panel discussion with eminent law practitioners, journalist and member of the international community.
17 April 2007
UNU-MERIT and MGSoG Joint Seminar Series
Location: Feestsalon, Bouillonstraat 3 (Faculty of Law), 6200 MD Maastricht
Contact: Wangu Mwangi, UNU-MERIT
UNU-MERIT - a joint research and training centre of United Nations University and Maastricht University, and the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG), have launched a joint monthly Seminar Series. The seminars will disseminate the latest research findings and encourage broad-based discussions on key global issues on development, innovation, international policy and governance with a focus on developing countries context.
José Antonio Ocampo, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs will inaugurate the new UNU-MERIT/Maastricht School of Governance Joint Seminar Series on 17 April 2007.
27-28 April 2007
Legality and Legitimacy in International Order
Location: Santa Barbara, USA
Contact: Vesselin Popovski, UNU Centre
UCSB-UNU joint project workshop (closed). It will explore whether legality can be complimented, or substituted, by legitimacy, exemplifying this by analysis of existing and potential challenges to major international regimes - prohibition of use of force, international criminal courts, non-proliferation of WMD, human rights etc. Co-organizer: University of California, Santa Barbara.
April 2007
Presentation/launch of WIDER’s research on Personal Assets from a Global Perspective
Location: London
Contact: Tony Shorrocks, UNU-WIDER
1 May 2007
Disarmament, Peace and Conflict Prevention
Location: Maastricht, the Netherlands
Contact: Wangu Mwangi, UNU-MERIT
UNU-MERIT Conference in honour of Ramesh Thakur, Outgoing Vice Rector, UNU
2-4 May 2007
The UN Human Rights Commission Special Procedures: The Institution of Special Rapporteurs
Location: Lund, Sweden
Contact: Martina Timmermann
UNU-RWI joint project workshop. Co-organizer: Raoul-Wallenberg Institute (RWI) of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
9 May 2007
Symposium on CSR in the Field of Labour and Human Rights
Location: UN House (3F U Thant Hall)
In addition to keynote lecturers, the symposium will present a panel discussion with representatives from Japanese goverment, workers' and employers' organizations as panelists and special report on latest development concerning standardization process on social responsibility in the International Organization of Standardization.
15 May 2007
Symposium on "The Economic Impact of Intellectual Property Systems"
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
Location: UN House (3F U Thant Hall)
Contact: WIPO Japan Office
Media Release (56 KB PDF)
This symposium will present the results of the current research project that is being undertaken across the Asia-Pacific region and coordinated by the WIPO Japan Office. IP and economic experts from five countries of different economic size and capacity and with different industrial bases — China, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea and Viet Nam — have independently undertaken this research using the same methodology, under the leadership of the Chief Expert from Japan.
Organizers: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and United Nations University (UNU). In cooperation with United Nations Information Centre (UNIC). With the assistance of: The Japan Patent Office (JPO).
22 May 2007
International Day for Biological Diversity Seminar
Biodiversity and Climate Change
Time: 10:00 - 17:30
Location: Elizabeth Rose Conference Hall, UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Wendy Elliot, UNU-IAS
UNU-IAS web page (Details, programme, registration information)
Media Release (52 KB PDF)
On the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity 2007, UNU-IAS, MOEJ and GEIC will hold a seminar that brings together high-level policy makers, such as the heads of UN agencies dealing with biological diversity (UN Convention on Biological Diversity) and climate change (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change), as well as representatives other UN agencies in Japan, the Ministry of the Environment, non-governmental organizations, media and the private sector.
Organized by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies, Global Environment Information Centre, Ministry of the Environment, Japan.
23 May 2007
Lecture and Farewell Reception for Ramesh Thakur
Time: 15:00 - 16:30
Location: U Thant International Conference Hall, UNU, Tokyo
United Nations Accomplishments, Achievements and Reforms: Countering the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
Professor Thakur's lecture will explore the achievements of the UN, and also the challenges that remain, especially in the area of UN reform. He will illustrate that the accomplishments of the UN are often under-stated and under-appreciated, while its failings and shortcomings are often exaggerated. And yet the need for reforms is real and urgent.
Commentary following the lecture by Yasushi Akashi, President of the Japan Association for United Nations Studies.
The lecture will be followed by a farewell reception.
There is no need to register for event, but please note that seats will be assigned to those arriving first.
25 May 2007
Africa Day Symposium:
Financial Instruments for the Promotion of Infrastructure, Trade and Investment between Japan and Africa
Time: 09:30 – 13:00
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
Programme (44 KB PDF)
This year's Africa Day Symposium, held today at UN House, Tokyo, looked at recent activities of the Japanese Government and its agencies (JICA, JBIC and JETRO) intended to boost trade and investment flows with Africa and provided an opportunity to reassess the importance of the provision of infrastructure in strategies for sustainable economic growth, development, and poverty reduction.
Co-organized by UNU and the African Diplomatic Corps in Japan.
Speeches and Presentations
Hans van Ginkel
UNU Rector
Salah B. Hannachi
Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia
Expression of Appreciation
from ADC to Rector van Ginkel
Yoshiro Mori (JP)
Former Prime Minister of Japan, Member of the House of Representatives, and President of the Japan-African Union Parliamentary Friendship Association
Bouna Sémou Diouf
Director, TICAD/UNDP Africa Bureau
Midori Matsushima (JP)
Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Stuart H. Comberbach
Ambassador, Embassy of Zimbabwe
(Japanese version)
Bernd Fischer
Chargé d'Affaires a.i., German Embassy Tokyo
Lester Dally
Acting Special Representative, World Bank Office, Japan
Yoshiteru Uramoto
Deputy to the Director-General, Coordination and Field Operations Division, UNIDO
Koji Omi
Minister of Finance, Member, House of Representatives, Japan
Ban Ki-moon
United Nations Secretary-General
Message on Africa Day
For more information on UNU's activities in and on Africa, see our pamphlet:
Focus on Africa (222 KB PDF)
28 May 2007
Symposium on "The Japanese Experience: Technology Transfer, Transformation and Development"
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
Location: U Thant International Conference Hall, UNU, Tokyo
Web page (Japanese)
To commemorate the launch of digital archives on the Japanese Experience Project outcomes.
A UNU Project on "The Japanese Experience: Technology Transfer, Transformation and Development" was carried from 1978 to 1982. The outcome of the project was published in 17 monographs (10 in Japanese, 7 in English) and 128 working papers (86 in Japanese, 42 in English) all of which cover detailed research and case studies. The symposium will present lectures and a panel discussion by scholars and specialists on impacts of the Japanese Experience Project and wider dissemination on these outcomes in the digital archives.
Organized by Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO in cooperation with UNU
May 2007 (Date TBD)
UNU/ZEF Board Meeting, General Meeting, and Annual Symposium 2007
Location: UNU HQ, Tokyo
Contact: Mr. Hiroshi Sasaki, UNU Centre
May 2007
PALM Steering Committee Meeting and Technical Workshop
Location: UNU HQ, Tokyo
Contact: Dr. Libor Jansky, UNU Centre
May 2007
Workshop on coral reef connectivity
Location: Roatan, Honduras
Contact: Ms. Hanneke van Lavieren, UNU-INWEH
May 2007
Gender and Food Security
Location: UNU-INRA, Legon, Ghana
Contact: Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, UNU-WIDER
This is a Project Meeting in connection with the project that looks at food security, women's well-being, child labour, and illiteracy. It studies (in depth Africa and Asia) the relationship between the status of women in the family and household food security and attempt to identify successful lessons that can be transferred between Asia and Africa where the institutional contexts for action are different but nevertheless offer scope for innovative action. A first meeting was held in India in December 2006 in collaboration with the CSSSC (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta) and a second meeting is planned to take place in Africa at UNU-INRA, Ghana. Dates are to be confirmed.
13-14 June 2007
Annual Meeting of the Board of WIDER
Location: UNU-WIDER, Helsinki
Contact: Tony Shorrocks
13-15 June 2007
Civil Society and Global Accountability
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
UNU-CSGR joint project planning workshop. Co-organizer: Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR), University of Warwick
21-22 June 2007
Decision Makers Meeting on Good Administration of Land: Land Administration for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert
ITC School for Land Administration Studies
(a UNU associated institution)
Land registers and cadastres are tools to facilitate governments in their policy to providing land tenure security, combating poverty, encouraging the land and real estate market, pursuing land management, and levying land taxes.
High officials from various countries, who are responsible for the development of national policies regarding land issue (land policy, land management and land administration), will aim to analyzing current opinion within governments on how land policy should proceed, and how this would impact on the land administration activity.
It is expected that the meeting will provide us with better understanding of how land administration system should be developed to better meet their requirements, and as such, it will also guide research and capacity building in the field.
Organized by
- United Nations University
- The School for Land Administration Studies established by ITC and the Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency, the Netherlands
25 June 2007
Lecture by H.E. President Bharrat Jagdeo of Guyana
Time: 12:00 - 13:30
Location: Elizabeth Rose Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
The Challenges of Small States in Promoting Development for a Sustainable Future
Organised by United Nations University and the Inter-American Development Bank with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Full text:
The Challenges of Small States in Promoting Development for a Sustainable Future (116 KB PDF)
27 June 2007
International Symposium "The Challenge of Mountains"
Location: U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Dr. Libor Janksy, UNU Centre
The Symposium will bring together leading Japanese and international scientists and policy makers working on mountain issues in Central Asia to discuss progress in fostering sustainable mountain development over the past five years in the region.
Organizers: United Nations University, Steering Committee of the "The Challenge of Mountains". Symposium Co-organizers: Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University; College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University; Institute of Mountain Science, Shinshu University; YAM NET JAPAN. Support: The Ministry of the Environment; Japan Society of Fujiology.
28 June 2007
International Workshop on Desertification and the International Policy Imperative
Location: UN, New York
Contact: Ms. Caroline King, UNU-INWEH
Supported by CIDA and GEF
29 June 2007
International Roundtable on "Economic Development and Environment in Central Asia"
Location: Elisabeth Rose Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Dr. Libor Janksy, UNU Centre
Programme (draft)
The disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 created the situation on not only political vacuum in Central Asia but generated number of political and economic problems in the region. The region is an ethnic mixture, prone to instability without a sense of national identity, but rather a disorder of historical cultural influences and religious dependability. This event aims to contribute to improved understanding of the status of geopolitical and economic settings in Central Asia, and to discuss these in relation with the issues of economic insecurity, migration, environmental issues and options for regional and international cooperation.
Co-organizers: Institute for International Studies and Training (IIST), United Nations University (UNU)
June 2007
Development Conference: Fragile States, Fragile Groups
Location: Marina Congress Center, Helsinki
Contact: Mark McGillivray, Tony Shorrocks, UNU-WIDER
The conference will build upon WIDER's research on Fragility and Development through a 'call for papers'.
June 2007
International workshop on water, environment and health nexus
Location: Hamilton, Canada
Contact: Dr. Zafar Adeel, UNU-INWEH
Supported by McMaster University
2-6 July 2007
RCE Session
Location: Durban, South Africa
Contact: Katsunori Suzuki, UNU-IAS
As a side event of 4th World Environmental Education Congress, UNU-IAS will hold a meeting on RCEs for sharing information and discussing the prospect of further RCE development.
25 July 2007
Footprints: Past, Present, Future
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Edward Jones , Tama University
This public discussion and workshop address the general theme of education and the science of sustainability. Its title encompasses ecological footprints and the footprints of social progress/development. In linking these concepts we are asking: can we continue to improve the quality of life and provide a better standard of living for people while preserving the health of the environment? This is the challenge of sustainable development. In order to meet it, we must learn new and better ways of balancing human needs with environmental ones. This is the goal of education for sustainable development.
Organized by Tama University Research Development Organization and United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
9-11 August 2007
Regional Workshop on Sustainable Land Management in Mountainous Regions
Location: Xinping, China
Contact: Mr. Luohui Liang, UNU Centre
This is annual workshop of Sustainable Land Management Network in Mountainous Region of the Mainland Southeast Asia (SLM-MMSEA), extending to the Northeastern India. The workshop serves as a sustainable land management forum from a wide range of disciplines and broad geographical areas in the region. It will focus on a comparative review of local governance of increasingly scarce land resources, past government policies on land use and their impacts in field sites of the network members. Specific attention should be given to land tenure systems and land ownerships.
Co-organizer: Yunnan University
15-18 August 2007
International Forum on RCEs on ESD
Location: Beijing, China
Contact: Katsunori Suzuki, UNU-IAS
Co-organizers: UNU-IAS, Beijing Normal University, Changping Education Committee
24 August 2007
Seminar with H.E. Dr. Srgjan Kerim — The United Nations: Today and Tomorrow
Time: 11:00 - 12:00
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Ms. Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
H.E. Dr. Srgjan Kerim of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, President of the sixty-second session of the United Nations General Assembly, will will share his views and analysis on the opportunities and challenges facing the UN system. The presentation by Dr. Kerim will be followed by a question and answer session.
Full text of Dr. Kerim's remarks:
The United Nations: Today and Tomorrow (36 KB PDF)
29-30 August 2007
UNU/UNESCO International Conference
Pathways Towards a Shared Future: Changing Roles of Higher Education in a Globalized World
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
Programme · Draft
Media Release (61 KB PDF)
With regard to the position of higher education institutions (HEIs), a Copernican change has taken place. No longer do national systems of higher education lend prestige to their constituent parts: the HEIs. Rather the opposite is true: it is the internationally acknowledged qualities of individual HEIs, which lend prestige to the national systems they belong to.
Against this background our conference aims at providing a forum to further explore and discuss the challenges and opportunities globalization poses to higher education and the HEIs; the roles HEIs will have to play to chart the most passable pathways towards humankind's shared future.
This conference will begin with a public symposium in which eminent experts from politics, the United Nations, academia and the private sector will discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead on our pathways towards a shared future in an increasingly globalizing and knowledge intensive world; as well as the ways in which globalization impacts on the environment, the scope, the functioning and operations of higher education institutions. The public forum will be followed by workshops which will focus on different aspects, such as (1) research, innovation and (human and social) development, (2) education for democracy, dialogue and peace, (3) (intercultural) leadership and change, (4) education for sustainable development, (5) access and success and (6) E-learning.
31 August 2007
Sixth Michio Nagai Lecture by Rector Hans van Ginkel
“From Dreams to Reality: UNU up to and beyond 2007"
Time: 15:30–16:30
Location: U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Ms. Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
The lecture takes place prior to the Handing Over Ceremony with the new Rector and will feature Professor Hans van Ginkel's views on UNU, its evolution over the past decade, and some ideas for the future.
Organized by UNU.
31 August 2007
Handing Over Ceremony: Transition of Rectorate
Time: 17:00-18:00
Location: U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Ms. Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
On 31 August 2007, Hans van Ginkel will hand over the rectorate of United Nations University to Konrad Osterwalder in a ceremony in U Thant Hall, UNU Centre. Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), senior representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and other important stakeholders of UNU will take part in the ceremony.
Organized by UNU.
7-8 September 2007
Development Conference: Southern Engines of Growth
Location: Marina Congress Center, Helsinki
Contact: Guanghua Wan, Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Amelia Santos-Paulino
The conference will build on WIDER's project on Southern Engines of Growth.
10 October 2007
Sustaining Water Cycle for Disaster Risk Reduction
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Srikantha Herath, UNU Centre
A Commemorative Public Forum of the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of JAHS and World Disaster Reduction Day 2007.
Organizers: United Nations University (UNU), Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences (JAHS), Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR).
24 October 2007
UN Day 2007
Time: 13:00 -
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Ms. Naoko Yano, UNU Centre
Media Release: Celebrating UN Day 2007 (56 KB PDF)
United Nations Day is celebrated annually worldwide on October 24 to commemorate the founding of the United Nations in October 1945.
United Nations University and UN agencies in Japan will host celebrations at UN House in Tokyo on the theme of "The United Nations, Africa, and Me." Everyone is invited to attend.
25 October 2007
The 5th Nansen Lecture
Time: 15.00-16.30
Location: U Thant Hall, UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Ms. Soisik Maubec Habert
The Fridtjof Nansen Lecture Series
Media release (56 KB PDF)
Registration has closed for this event
Nansen's compass. A global view on human security challenges
By H.E. Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
In his lecture, Minister Støre will focus on:
- Urgent policy issues that cut across the traditional boundaries between the national and international, such as climate change, migration, global health, and humanitarian imperatives (e.g. cluster munitions)
- New initiatives to meet these challenges and pave the way for sustainable global development, international solidarity and informed self-interest; and
- A new agenda for governing interdependence (e.g. UN reform).
Organised by United Nations University and the Royal Norwegian Embassy.
October 30 - November 1 2007
The 5th UNU & GIST Joint Programme Workshop on Sound Management of Hazardous Chemicals and Sustainable Energy
Location: GIST, Gwangju, Korea
Contact: Organizing Committee of 2007 IERC Workshop
Environmental scientists and engineers can play a pivotal role in planning and implementing national and intergovernmental policies on sustainable development by providing scientific baseline information or pertinent technological solutions to site-specific environmental and energy problems. The UNU & GIST Joint Programme has been conducting extensive research and training programmes on environmental sustainability issues, especially in developing countries. The 2007 Workshop aims at bringing together both leading experts and researchers from both developing and developed countries to discuss emerging environmental and energy issues with a focus on new research trends in sound management of hazardous chemicals and sustainable energy.
Organised by UNU and the International Environmental Research Centre at Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology.
October 2007
Zero Emissions International Symposium 2007
Location: UNU HQ, Tokyo
Contact: Mr. Hiroshi Sasaki, UNU Centre
October/November 2007
Justice and Reconciliation
Location: Mexico City
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
Project workshop. Co-organizers: El Colegio de Mexico (Mexico) and University Centre for International Humanitarian Law (CUDIH) Geneva
October 2007
International Workshop for SUMAMAD project
Location: China
Contact: Ms. Caroline King, UNU-INWEH
Supported by UNESCO and ICARDA
4-7 November 2007
Expert Meeting on "Conserving Agricultural Heritage Systems in Mountainous Landscapes"
Location: Gangtok, Sikkim, India
Luohui Liang, UNU Centre
Ghanashyam Sharma, UNU Centre
The purpose of the expert meeting is to bring together experts to share and discuss sustainable approaches to conserving agricultural heritage for mutual benefits of local livelihoods and global environment in mountain ecosystems, and to solicit advice of international experts for sustainable development of agricultural heritages in Sikkim with an excursion to some representative farming systems in Sikkim.
Co-organizers: Sikkim University, Kyoto University.
Supported by: Government of Sikkim, ICIMOD, University of Tokyo, and FAO.
7-8 November 2007
New Stakes for Cultural Diversity: In Search of Transversal Values through Dialogue
Location: UNU, Tokyo
Ms. Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
Mr. Tatsuhiko Nagai, Center for Moral Science
Programme (Tentative as of 2007.10.29. 44 KB PDF)
Fax reply sheet for registration (24 KB PDF)
Following on the success of a first symposium entitled "Cultural Diversity and Transversal Values: East-West Dialogue on Spiritual-Secular Dynamics" that was held in Paris in November 2005, a two-day seminar and public symposium focusing on New Stakes for Cultural Diversity: In Search of Transversal Values through Dialogue will be held on 7-8 November 2007.
In recognition of the fact that Cultural Diversity is key to the survival of humankind, it is hoped that the seminar and public symposium will contribute to moving from the "Dialogue Among Civilizations" to the fostering of a "Civilization of Dialogue".
Co-organizers: UNU; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); the Research Center for Moral Science (Japan); and the Kyoto Forum (Japan)
1 December 2007
34th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (CONDIR34)
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Directors of the UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes will gather with the Rector Konrad Osterwalder to review and evaluate programmes of research being undertaken, and advise and assist the Rector in the improvement of current programmes and in the definition and planning of new programmes for the University system.
2 December 2007
12th Annual Music for AIDS Awareness
Time: 2:00 p.m. (entry from 1:30)
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Brochure (160 KB PDF)
Following World AIDS Day on December 1, Red Shoes Foundation, The World Bank, and United Nations University will present the 12th Annual Music for AIDS Awareness on Sunday, December 2, from 2 p.m. The event will be held in U Thant International Conference Hall at UN House in Tokyo and will feature a panel discussion by medical and development experts and a two-hour jazz concert by Teruo Nakamura and The Rising Sun Band.
Admission is free, and everyone is invited to attend.
The concert will be opened by Mr. Hiroshi Hiratsuka of the Red Shoes Foundation and Professor Konrad Osterwalder, UNU Rector. The keynote speech will be delivered by Dr. Shigemasa Sawada, medical doctor and Professor of Nihon University. Civil society leaders involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS will also deliver remarks.
The Annual Music for AIDS Awareness series is produced by Mr. Teruo Nakamura, a jazz bassist and producer based in New York for the last forty years who has played with legendary jazz musicians such as Stanley Turrentine, George Benson, Roy Haynes, Grover Washington Jr., Nona Hendryx, Hellen Merrill and many others. His Rising Sun Band out of New York has been performing annual charity music tours in Tokyo and New York for HIV/AIDS awareness for the last twelve years.
3-7 December 2007
54th Council Session
Location: UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Ms. Nanae Baldauff, UNU Centre
UNU Rector Prof. Dr. Konrad Osterwalder will convene the 54th Council Session in Tokyo. The UNU Council is the governing body of the university. This year we welcome 10 new Council members.
Ten New Members Appointed to the Council of United Nations University (68 KB PDF)
10-13 December 2007
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance
Location: Macao SAR, China
Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, UNU-IIST
The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2007) will take place in Macao during 10-13 December 2007. The conference will bring together practitioners, developers and researchers from government, industry and academia to share the latest findings in the theory and practice of Electronic Governance. The conference will provide a unique opportunity for close interactions between the three categories of stakeholders: government, industry, and academia.
The conference is co-organized by the Center for Electronic Governance at UNU-IIST in Macao and the Center for Technology in Government, University at Albany, State University of New York.
17 December 2007
Shibuya Symposium: International City of Peace
Working Towards International Peace-Building: How You and I Can Contribute
Time: From 15:00 (registration from 14:30)
Location: U Thant Conference Hall, UNU Centre, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Ms. Naoko Yano, UNU Centre
Website (Japanese)
UNU together with Shibuya Ward will be organizing a symposium on peace-building with a focus on how a community can make a contribution. The symposium will be moderated by Mr. Hatsuhisa Takashima, Special Advisor to the Rector of UNU. The panellists include:
- Yozo Yokota, Special Advisor to the Rector, UNU, Professor, Chuo University Law School
- Martin Laflamme, Second Secretary (Political), Embassy of Canada
- Megumi Kuwana, Chief, Operation Unit, Japan Platform (NGO)
- Nahoko Asai, former UN Volunteer (Liberia), former researcher for international peace cooperation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Japanese-English interpretation will be available.