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 Environment and Sustainable Development
 Programme (ESD)





About ESD

UNU-ESD Programme Publications (2007- )

Books and Chapters:

Kuehr, R.& C. Maurer (2008) “The EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive” in UNEP (ed.): Green Breakthroughs: Cases of Sustainable Development in Practice, Nairobi.

Saxena K.G., Liang L., and Rerkasem Y. (ed.) (2007). Shifting Agriculture in Asia: Implications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Livelihood. Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh (ISBN -978-81-211-0602-3).

Saxena K.G., Liang L., Kono Y., and Miyata S. (ed.), (2006). Small-scale Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management in Marginal Areas. M/s Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh (ISBN -81-211-0536-6).

Journal articles:

Herath S. (2007) Small hydropower in the context of climate change, Invited Lecture, International Conference on Small Hydropower, Proc. Hydro Sri Lanka (ed. S. B. Weerakoon and Tore Jorgensen), pp 1-6.

Kuehr, R. (2007) Environmental technologies – from misleading interpretations to an operational categorisation & definition, in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 15 , p. 1316-1320.

Kuehr, R. (2007) Towards a sustainable society: United Nations University’s Zero Emissions Approach, in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 15, p. 1198-1204.

Pathirana A., S. Herath, T. Yamada and D. Swain (2007), Impacts of absorbing aerosols on South Asian rainfall - A modeling study, Climatic Change, vol 85, No. 1-2, Springer, 103-11.

Shimako Takahashi (2008) Challenges for Local Communities to Seek Sustainable Livelihood and Forest Management in Indonesia. Journal of Environment and Development 17 (2) 192-211, 2008.

Takahashi, S. & Liang, L. (2007) International Expert Meeting on Dynamic Conservation Agricultural Heritage Systems in Mountainous Landscapes. Journal of Hill Research 20 (2): 78-85.

Varga, M. & R. Kuehr (2007) Integrative approaches towards Zero Emissions regional planning: synergies of concepts, in: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 15, p. 1373-1381.

Proceedings and reports:

PLEC periodicals

Huisman, J., R. Kuehr, F. Magalini, C. Maurer, S. Ogilvie, C. Delgardo, E. Artim, A. Stevels & J. Poll, “2008 Review of Directive 2002/96 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)”, Final Report to European Commission, Bonn 2007.

Kuehr, R. & C. Maurer, “Overview on E-Waste”, in UNEP (ed.): Green Breakthroughs: Cases of Sustainable Development in Practice, Nairobi 2008.

Kuehr, R. & M. Drenhaus, “Transboundary move of e-waste – the cases of Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden”, Final Report to the Mitsubishi Research Institute, Bonn 2007.


Publications (2004-2006)

Publications (2004-), Japanese



17 July 2008

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