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 Environment and Sustainable Development
 Programme (ESD)





About ESD


ESD Project
Basin Water
Hazard Risk

 Environmental Monitoring and Governance
 in the Asian Hydrosphere
1996-1999 (phase I), 1999-2001(phase II), 2002-2004 (phase III), 2005-2008 (phase IV)

China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
the Philippines, India, and Pakistan



The coastal and adjacent areas in the East Asian and Pacific region have seen intense development and growth in the past few decades. The growth in economy and population is often accompanied by adverse impacts on environmental quality and living resources in these areas. By focusing on water and living resources contained therein, collectively termed as Coastal Hydrosphere, the overall state of the environment can be quantitatively evaluated. Important lessons relevant to environmental governance can be learned from monitoring and assessing the Coastal Hydrosphere.

Within the project, particular importance is given to coastal pollution by persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals from land-based sources. These issues are closely linked to sustainable use and conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity resources, strengthening of international cooperation and development of human resources. On the whole, outlook of the project is regional in nature, with an emphasis on developing country-specific initiatives.

To implement this project, UNU relies on a strong network of research institutions, laboratories, and individual scholars. Wide dissemination of policy relevant information and research results comprises the most basic function of the project. UNU has developed an environmental monitoring database called LandBase to organize and disseminate the data and related information via the Internet.





- Undertaking monitoring and analysis of land-based sources of pollution in
 the East Asian region;
- Capacity building of monitoring and assessment of pollution and biodiversity in
 coastal areas;
- Dissemination of policy-relevant information and data to the target audience;
- Outlining management guidelines for sustainable development of coastal zones.





Capacity Development: In order to fulfill UNUfs mission of capacity development, the Project has been assisting research institutes in the East Asian region to enhance their capacity to analyze and detect environmental pollution. This has included provision of equipment to partner institutions coupled with training of laboratory analysts in latest analytical techniques. This capacity has enabled the partner institutions to undertake many environmental monitoring programmes of national interest, in addition to the project activities.

Network building: The Project relies on a strong network of research institutions, NGO's, and individual scholars. Organizations participating in the network include Shimadzu Corporation, (Japan), UNESCO, the International Society for Mangroves Ecosystems (ISME), Iwate Prefectural Government (Japan), and the Ocean Research Institute (ORI) of the University of Tokyo. This network has focused on collaborative research activities and information exchange through workshops and international symposia.

Dissemination: The findings from various meetings are disseminated in the form of publications as well as electronically through the Project website, LandBase. This includes an environmental monitoring database comprising data collected through the project and a quarterly electronic newsletter, the East Asia Monitor. The newsletter has become a medium to highlight recent activities undertaken by UNU and its partners, and to promote regional events and conferences.




  Focal points Dr. Fukuya Iino
  Monitoring and Assessment Network of Asian Governance for Environment (MANAGE)

22 August 2007

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