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UNU Environment Conference

Environmental Monitoring and Governance in the Asian Coastal Hydrosphere: The Role of Academia and the Private Sector for the Stockholm Convention

14 November, 2008
U Thant International Conference Hall (3F),
United Nations University Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

Sponsored by Shimadzu Co.




Registration Form

Registration Reply Form

Please register by Nov. 12

Our waters contain a great variety of elements including those released from industrial and agricultural activity and urban waste. These pollutants (particularly Persistent Organic Pollutants, or POPs) can remain for a very long time and enter the food chain, posing a real risk to human and ecological health. The UNU, along with the support of Shimadzu Corporation, is actively assisting Asian developing countries to monitor and manage POPs by providing scientific training and technology.

The UNU Project, Environmental Monitoring and Governance in the Asian Coastal Hydrosphere (Phase Four: 2005-2008), hosts a UNU symposium/conference annually to disseminate the project’s achievements as well as the latest international developments in POPs.

This year’s conference will be held at the UN Headquarters in Tokyo. It will focus on how the academic community and industrial sector can further strengthen the research and technological capacity of developing countries and better implement multilateral environmental agreements like the Stockholm Convention. This conference will also celebrate 12th years of partnership between the UNU, the Shimadzu Corporation, and national partner institutions across Asia.

The event is free of charge.


09:00-09:30 Registration and document delivery
Opening Session
Chair: Fukuya Iino
09:30-09:35 Opening by UNU Vice Rector
09:35-10:00 Overview of the UNU Project and Introduction to the Conference
Masatoshi Morita, UNU Programme Advisor
10:00-10:30 Japanese government policy on the Stockholm Convention
Shuji Tamura, Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry
10:30-11:20 Academia's role for sound chemical management: Stockholm Convention and International Panel on Chemical Pollution
Martin Scheringer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich)
11:20-11:30 Q&A
11:30-13:00 Break
Session 1 – Academic Capacities to support the implementation of the Stockholm Convention in Asia
Chair: Martin Scheringer, ETH Zürich
13:00-13:40 Stockholm Convention regional center’s role and future plan
Gang Yu, Tsinghua University
13:40-14:10 Project Report as National Project Coordinator
Evangeline Santiago, Natural Sciences Research Institute, University of the Philippines
14:10-14:40 Project Report as National Project Coordinator
Pham Hung Viet, Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development, Vietnam National University
14:40-15:00 Coffee Break
Session 2 - Role of Industrial Sectors for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention?
Chair: Masatoshi Morita, UNU Programme Advisor
15:00-15:40 PCB Waste Treatment at Japan Environmental Safety Corporation
Masanobu Kimura, Japan Environmental Safety Corporation
15:40-16:20 East and South East Asia Forum for Best Available Technology and Best Environmental Practice (BAT/BEP)
Mohamed Eisa, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Ceremony to mark successful completion of the 3-year project with Shimadzu
Chair: Fukuya Iino
16:20-17:00 Konrad Osterwalder, Rector, UNU; UN Under Secretary General
Shigehiko Hattori, Shimadzu Corporation
Closing Remarks
17:00-17:05 Govindan Parayil, Vice Rector, UNU
17:05- Poster Session


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