Dr. Srikantha Herath, Senior Academic Programme Officer, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, United Nations University.
Dr. Herath is a Civil Engineer by training specializing in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. The focus of his research is monitoring and modeling of hydrological process and applications in urban hydrology, flood forecasting, damage estimation, sediment transport and water cycle change assessment using physically based distributed hydrological modeling aided by Remote Sensing and GIS. His previous positions include Associate Professor and Guest Foreign Professor at University of Tokyo (1991-2002), senior research engineer in industry, Tokyo (1988-1991), Research Associate in Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, (1983-1984) and civil and irrigation engineer in Sri Lanka (1980-1981). He has more than 150 publications in the fields of hydrology and water resources. Dr. Herath holds Ph. D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo.
Research Projects:
Management of Basin Water Cycle for Sustainable Water Resources Development
Multi-hazard Risk Assessment
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