"New Approaches
to Water Management
in Central Asia"

Organizered by the United Nations University and International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Supported by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Proceedings of the Workshop held in Aleppo, Syria, 6-11 November 2000


Workshop Programme and Papers

Please click on the paper name to view files in Microsoft Word

Sunday, November 5:

Arrival of participants in Damascus

Monday, November 6:

08:30-11:00 Travel from Damascus to Mehasseh
11:00-13:30 Visit to Mehasseh Research Station
13:30-15:00 Travel to Palmyra
15:00-16:00 Lunch
16:30-18:30 Tour in Palmyra
19:00-20:30 Dinner Reception

Tuesday, November 7:

08:30-10:00 Travel from Palmyra to El-Sukhnah
10:00-11:00 Visit to qanat site and oasis at Taibeh
11:00-13:00 Travel from El-Sukhnah to Deir Elzor
13:00-14:00 Lunch (Deir Elzor)
14:30-16:30 Visit to Irrigation Scheme in Deir Elzor

Wednesday, November 8:

08:30-10:30 Travel from Deir Elzor to El-Thawra (Al-Raqqa Province)
10:30-11:00 Visit to irrigated areas from Lake Assad
11:00-13:30 Visit to Euphrates Dam
14:30-15:30 Lunch in Tabaqua
15:30-17:00 Travel from El-Thawra City to Aleppo

Thursday, November 9:

08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-10:00 Opening Ceremony
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
Technical Session 1 - Critical Issues of Water Management in Central Asia
Chaired by: Prof. Motoyuki Suzuki
10:30-11:00 Systems view at the water management in Central Asia (Golubev)
11:00-11:30 Water problems in Central Asia - Gigantomania should be replaced by small projects (Mainguet)
13:30-12:00 Central Asian studies in our research perspective - A personal view (Kobori)
12:00-12:30 On-farm soil and water management for sustainable agricultural systems in Central Asia (Karajeh)
12:30-13:00 Discussion on Session 1
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Technical Session 2 - Approaches for Management of Water Resources
Chaired by: Prof. Iwao Kobori and Prof. Ahang Kowsar
14:30-15:00 Water management in Uzbekistan (Djalalov)
15:00-15:30 Present water resources management system in Kyrgyzstan (Atakanov)
15:30-16:00 Coffee break

Friday, November 10:

Technical Session 2 - Approaches for Management of Water Resources (continued from 9 November)
Chaired by: Prof. Iwao Kobori and Prof. Ahang Kowsar
08:30-09:30 Tour of ICARDA Facilities
09:30-10:00 Soil and water resources in the agricultural sector of Tadjikistan (Sanginov)
10:00-10:30 Community participation and water management in Balochistan, Pakistan (Nawaz)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Technical Session 3- Innovative Solutions, Including Wastewater Reuse
Chaired by: Dr. Mekhlis Sulemeinov and Prof. Genady Golubev
11:00-11:30 Energy-efficient water treatment technologies (Suzuki)
11:30-12:00 Management of scarce water resources in agriculture (Oweis)
12:00-12:30 Use of purified wastewaters of Almaty for the irrigation of feed crops (Petrunin)
12:30-13:00 Discussion on Session 3
13:00-14:00 Lunch
Technical Session 4 - Case Studies
Chaired by: Prof. Monique Mainguet and Dr. S. Beniwal
14:00-14:20 Agroecological characterization of Central Asia (De Pauw)
14:20-14:40 The use of domestic and industrial recycled water in Kazakhstan (Karajeh)
14:40-15:00 Case study of work in Arys-Turkestan, in Southern Kazakhstan (Mukhamedjanov)
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Irrigated agriculture and sustainable water management in Tarim river (Hongfei)
16:00-16:30 Case study of water management in Kyrgyzstan (Akimaliev)
17:00-17:30 Discussion on Session 4

Saturday, November 11:

Discussion Session 1 - Presentation of Country Proposals
Chaired by: Prof. Motoyuki Suzuki and Prof. Adel El-Beltagy
08:30-09:00 UNU Programme - Integrating land management in dry areas (Adeel)
09:00-09:30 Proposal - Floodwater for irrigation and groundwater recharge (Kowsar)
09:30-10:00 Proposal - Combating land degradation in Central Asia (Nasyrov)
10:00-10:30 Proposal - Participative research on land management in desert margins (Dieudonne)
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Discussion Session 2 - Workshop Report Development
Chaired by: Dr. Theib Oweis and Dr. Zafar Adeel
11:00-12:00 Presentation of Draft Workshop Report (Oweis & Adeel)
Open Discussion
12:00-12:30 Development of Workshop Recommendations
12:30-13:00 Closing Ceremony
13:00-14:30 Lunch

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List of Participants

International Participants

Dr. Zafar Adeel
Academic Programme Officer
Environment and Sustainable Development
The United Nations University
5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, Japan 150-8925

Acad. Jamin Akimaliev
President, Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy
68, Mederova Str. Bishkek 720005
Tel: 996 312 545210
Fax: 996 312 540545
Email: kaa@imfiko.bishkek.su

Dr. Amanjol Atakanov
Deputy Director
Kyrgyz Research Institute of Irrigation
4a, Dushanbinskaya Str. Bishkek
Tel: 996-312-541168
Fax: 996-312-426372
Email: jalil@imfiko.bishkek.su

Mr. Goudou Dieudonne
Energy and Environment for Rural Development,
P.O. Box 13418, Niamey, Niger
Tel: 227-73-2313
Fax: 227-73-7511
Email: g37dieudonne@hotmail.com; kandadji@intnet.ne

Prof. Abdurakhim Djalalov
Deputy Minister
Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management
4, Navoi str. Tashkent 700000
Tel: 998 712 410020/412503
Fax: +998 712 412620

Acad. Khaidar Djumankulov
Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences
44, Rudaki pr. Dushanbe 734025
Tel.: 992-372 213680
Fax: 992-372 215794

Dr. Alymbek Erdolatov
Head of the Chair, Department of Farm Economics
Kyrgyz Agrarian Academy
68, Mederova Str. Bishkek 720005
Tel: 996 312 545210
Fax: +996 312 540545
Email: kaa@imfiko.bishkek.su

Prof. Genady N. Golubev
United Nations University and
Moscow State University
Faculty of Geography
Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology
119899 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tel: 7-095-939-3842 or 939-3962
Fax: (7-095) 932-8836
Email: ggolubev@mtu-net.ru Web: http://www.msu.ru/english/

Prof. Zhou Hongfei
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology & Geography
Chinese Academy of Sciences
40-3 South Beijing Rd., Urumqi
Xinjiang 830011
People's Republic of China
Tel: 86-991-3837168
Fax: 86-991-3835459

Dr. Rakhimdjan Ikramov
Director, Uzbek Research Institute of Irrigation
B. 11, Karasu-4,Tashkent 700187
Tel: +998 712 650556/653241
Fax: +998 712 653241/650956
Email: ikramov@ishonch.uz

Eng. Jamal Jamaledeen
Ministry of Irrigation
Syrian Arab Republic

Prof. Iwao Kobori
Programme Advisor
Environment and Sustainable Development
The United Nations University
5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, Japan 150-8925
Tel: + 81-3-3499-2811
Fax: +81-3-3406-7347
Email: Kobori@hq.unu.edu

Prof. Sayyed Ahang Kowsar
Senior Research Scientist
Fars Research Center for Natural Resources and Animal Husbandry
P.O. Box 71555-617, Shiraz, I.R.Iran.
Tel: 98-71-52450
Fax: 98-71-7205107
(Alternative fax numbers: +9871-7203050; +9871-7206376; +9871-7203240)
Email: nafissis@pearl.sums.ac.ir

Dr. Monique Mainguet
Directeur, Labortoire de Géographie Zonale pour le Développement
Institut Universitaire de France
7, rue Pierre Taittinses
51100 Reims, France
Tel: 33-3-26053685/ 33-3-26898162
Fax: 33-3-26918065 or 33-3-26913646
Email: monique.mainguet@univ-reims.fr

Dr. Valiakhmet Mukhametjanov
Director, Kazakh Research Institute of Water Management
12, K. Koigeldy str., 484022
Taraz, Kazakhstan
Tel: 32622-24778
Email: kniv@nursat.kz

Dr. Muhtor Nasyrov
Associate Prof., Plant Physiology and Microbiology Dept.
Samarkand State University
703004 Samarkand 15, Universitetskiy Str.
Tel: 998 662 312308
Fax: +998 662 333487
Email: nmukhtar@samuni.silk.org

Mr. Karim Nawaz
C/O House No. 53/9 Zarghoon Road, Quetta, Pakistan
Tel: 92-81-9202540, 9202541, 828964 Fax: 92-81-829370
Email: karim@lifegef.qta.sdnpk.undp.org

Dr. Victor Petrunin
Leading Scientist, Department of Water Management
National Academic Center of Agrarian Research
79, Abylai Khan Av. Almaty 480091
Tel: 3272 696312
Fax: 3272 623831
Email: nacar@itte.kz

Dr. Sanginboi Sanginov
Director, Tajik Research Institute of Soil Sciences
21a, Rudaki pr., Dushanbe 734025
Tel: 992372 271979/276544
Fax: 992 372 510037
Email: soil@tajik.net

Dr. George Somme
Director of Irrigation and Water Use
Ministry of Agriculture
Syrian Arab Republic

Prof. Motoyuki Suzuki
Vice Rector
Environment and Sustainable Development
The United Nations University
5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo, Japan 150-8925
Tel: + 81-3-3499-2811
Fax: +81-3-3406-7347
Email: Suzuki@hq.unu.edu

ICARDA Participants

General Address:
P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo,
Syrian Arab Republic
Tel: (963-21) 2213433/2225012/2225112
Fax: (963-21)2213490
E-mail: icarda@cgiar.org

Dr. Samir El-Sebae Ahmed
Head, Human Resources Development
Email: s.ahmed@cgiar.org

Prof. Dr. Adel El-Beltagy
Director General
Email: A.El-Beltagy@cgiar.org

Dr. S . Beniwal
Coordinator, Regional Program for Central Asia
P.O. Box 4564, Tashkent 700000, Uzbekistan
Tel: 998-71-1375259, 1375270
Fax: 998-71-1207125
Email: s.beniwal@cgiar.org

Mr. Afif Dakermanji
Training Coordinator Scientist, NRMP
Email: A.Dakermanji@cgiar.org

Dr. William Erskine

Assistant DG , Research
Email: W.Erskine@cgiar.org

Dr. Fawzi Karajeh
Water Research Specialist, NRMP
Email: F.Karajeh@cgiar.org

Dr. Theib Oweis
Water Research Specialist, NRMP
Email: T.Oweis@cgiar.org

Dr. Mohan Saxena
Assistant DG (at large)
Email: M.Saxena@cgiar.org

Dr. Mahmoud Solh
Assistant DG , International Cooperation
Email: M.Solh@cgiar.org

Dr. M. Sulemeinov
Regional Program for Central Asia
Email: cac-tashkent@icarda.org.uz

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