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List of Papers by Author Name

  1. Arias-Reyes, L.M., et al, In situ conservation of Milpa landraces in Yucatan, Mexico.

  2. Besong, M.,, Commercialisation as an incentive and threat for Gnetum SPP (ERU) in Cameroon.

  3. Bester, J., et al, The Nguni: a case study.

  4. Eardley, Connal, The plight of bees in South African semi-deserts.

  5. Gondwe, T.N.P., et al, Community based promotion of rural poultry diversity and utilization in Malawi.

  6. Johns, Timothy, Dietary diversity, global change, and human health.

  7. Kaihura, F.B.S., et al, Soil management and agrodiversity: a case study from Arumeru, Arusha, Tanzania.

  8. Latournerie Moreno, Luis, et al, Exploration, collecting and description of in situ agrodiversity of Chili (Capsicun ammuun AND C. chinense) in a Mexican community.

  9. Lope-Alzina, Diana, et al, Socio-cultural and economic factors affecting agrodiversity conservation in Yucatan, Mexico: a gender perspective.

  10. Masinde, Isabella A., Local management of agricultural biodiversity by communities in Kenya.

  11. Millar, Joanne, Listening to landholders: approaches to community nature conservation in Queensland.

  12. Njoki Njoro, Joyce, Community initiatives in livestock improvement: a case for Kathekani, Kenya.

  13. Rerkasem, Kanok, Farmers’ management of fallow succession in Thailand.

  14. Saad, Nadine, et al, Complementing farmers’ genetic knowledge: farmer breeding workshop Turipaná, Colombia.

  15. Scherr, Sara J. et al, Common ground, common future: using ecoagriculture to raise food production and conserve wild biodiversity.

  16. Song, Yiching, Exploring the potential for crop development and biodiversity enhancement: fostering synergy between the formal and the farmers' seed systems in China.

  17. Tanto, Tesema, et al, A comparative genetic diversity study for four major crops managed under Ethiopian Condition.

  18. Unruh, Jon D., The Dilemma of African Agrobiodiversity: Ethiopia and the role of food insecurity in conservation.

  19. Winarto, Yunita T., Managing rice and soybean varieties in Java and Lampung: two cases of farmers’ creativity.

  20. Zhu, Youyong, et al, Cultivating biodiversity for disease control, a case study in China.