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(See Appendix C for additional information on
prevention, impacts, and comparison with the 1983 event as well as other years)
severe impact of the 1983 “Mega Niño” produced a flurry of significant research
work. From paleo-climate studies to research into the historical record, there
were numerous contributions focused on trying to understand the past behavior
of the natural event and attempting to reconstruct its previous incarnations.
The most important articles to appear in the Peruvian press were collected by
Hernán Peralta in a book entitled El Niño
in Peru, published by the José María Arguedas Institute in 1985. The social
impact of El Niño was researched principally by Eduardo Franco and Pedro
Ferradas who gave rise to a series of studies that are, fortunately, still
ongoing. This research points out the connections between social development
and preventive measures in the face of disasters and has helped to raise
awareness on these issues. Nevertheless, explosive and haphazard urban sprawl
has made the nation more vulnerable. The 1983 Niño was the starting point for a
multiplicity of ecological and biological research work. Juan Tarazona and
Edgard Valdivia of Peruvian nationality and foreigners Wolf Arnz and Eberhard
Farhrbach produced outstanding research.[1]
1983 El Niño caused a major shakeup in the Peruvian political establishment.
This fact is obviously a prominent topic discussed in the many political
science articles to appear in the 1980s. The second government of the architect
Fernando Belaunde can be split in two, before the natural phenomenon of 1983,
and after. The first half was absolutely tepid while the second half was
decidedly downhill. El Niño caught the country by surprise and the government
reacted hesitantly during the floods. The emergency severely affected the daily
life of half the country. Later on, the reconstruction stage proceeded under
pressures from all quarters without proper planning, management, or
severe economic crisis brought about by El Niño was the backdrop to the
political shakeup in Peru. The GNP shrunk 12% that year, the worst outcome in
the twentieth century. Many businesses collapsed because the natural phenomenon
coincided with the explosion of the foreign debt crisis that shook all of Latin
America during the 1980s. In 1982 Mexico declared itself insolvent and starting
from that moment the whole region was under pressure from the banking
institutions and multilateral organizations to tighten their economies in order
to reschedule the debt payments. During the decade of the 1980s Latin America
exported capital to the rest of the world at an unprecedented rate. The
confluence of the foreign debt problem and El Niño created a crisis of spectacular
proportions in Peru.
common people of the northern coast suffered the consequences of the torrential
rains. The 1983 El Niño was a period of hunger and social chaos followed by
severe epidemics in 1984. Every level of society was aware of El Niño as a
disaster of great magnitude. The northerners suffered considerable damage and
were collectively ruined. Lima lived through the general political and economic
effects, while the Southern Sierras experienced an unprecedented drought. The
whole country was thrown into a recession, unparalleled in the century,
seriously undermining confidence in the central government.[2]
[1] Wolf Arntz y Eberhard Fahrbach provide a very solid study of the physics of the phenomenon, El Niño, experimento climático de la naturaleza, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1996.
[2] There is notable research on the perceptions of the average rural peasant done by Luis Rocca Torres, “Impactos del Niño en el sector rural”, Sepia VIII, Lambayeque, agosto 1999.