Membership Status:
Alumni Member
Home Country:
Home Address:
Research Centre for Food and Nutrition,
Medical Research and Studies of Medicinal Plants Institute,
Department of Scientific Research and innovation
P. O. Box: 6163
Yaoundé Cameroon
l'université Laval, Canada
Current Address:
937 avenue Fortelles #2,
Ste-Foy, Québec (QC)
G1X 3G7
(+1) 418 656 0464 (Home)
(+1) 418 264 0767 (Cell)
Jeanne.ejigui.1@ulaval.ca; Jeanne.ejigui@sympatico.ca; ejigui@hotmail.ca
- Bachelor in agricultural Sciences (preservation of palm wine: physico-chemical modifications of palm wine after pasteurization)
- Master of sciences in human nutrition (Nutritional quality evaluation of processed foods)
- PhD in nutrition (nutritional improvement of a fermented yellow maize complementary porridge for children in developing countries)
Additional course work in:
- Advance Training for leadership and skills (1999)
- Community Nutrition (1999)
- Radiation processing for quarantine purposes (1999)
- Radiation protection (1996)
- English program for Internationals (1990)
- Management communication for development (1992)
- Plant protection (1988)
- Nutrition and development
Research Interests
- Community nutrition in developing countries
- Indigenous food quality evaluation
- Child nutrition in developing countries
- Household food processing
- Evaluation of the nutritional value of food
- Complementary feeding
- Complementary food
- Nutrition surveys and intervention
- Nutrition program implementation and evaluation
Professional Experience
Trainer , regional plant protection centre, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Research Assistant, Research Centre for food and Nutrition, Department of Scientific Research and innovation, Cameroon (1997 to present).
Research team with the International Atomic Energy Agency project: isotope aided studies of malnutrition deficiencies (CMR/2/003).
Research team with the world bank project: Health, Fecundity, Nutrition.
National coordinator of the International Atomic Energy Agency project: Radiation Processing of Food and Industrial Products (AFRA IV-19 (RAF/8/024..
Trainer (correspondence courses), Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, Département des Sciences des Aliments et Nutrition.
Research student at Université Laval, Québec, Canada, completed a PhD project on the improvement of a traditional complementary porridge made of fermented yellow maize.
- Assistant general secretary and member of AFGRAD / ATLAS ALUMNI Association (4 As)
- Member of Women Association of Agricultural Engineer of Cameroon
- Alumni member of AGSnet
Bell A., Ndigui F. Kana Sop MM, Bitondo Ejigui J. et Ndanda T. Prévenir L'anémie par une meilleure alimentation Manuel de vulgarisation des aliments de sevrage camerounais. 1997;17 pages.
J. Ejigui, L. Savoie, J. Marin, T. Desrosiers. Beneficial changes and drawbacks of a traditional fermentation process on chemical composition and antinutritional factors of yellow maize (zea mays) Journal of Biological Sciences 2005;5(5):590-596.
J. Ejigui, L. Savoie, J. Marin, T. Desrosiers. Influence of traditional processing methods on the nutritional composition and antinutritional factors of red peanuts (Arachis hypogea) and small red kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Journal of Biological Sciences 2005;5(5):597-605.
J. Ejigui, L. Savoie, J. Marin, T. Desrosiers. Nutritional improvement of a fermented yellow maize based complementary porridge: Influence of maize-legume blends and household traditional processing. Annals of Nutrition and metabolism ISBN: 3-8055-8015-0 (CDROOM). Proceedings 18 th Congress of Nutrition 19-23 September, 2005, Durban, South Africa. Nutrition Safari for Innovative Solutions. S. Karger Ed. Medical and Scientific publishers. 2005;pp 8.