Africa Day 2001:
Commemorating the 38th Anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)

Organized by the Africa Diplomatic Corps (ADC) and the United Nations University (UNU)

United Nations University, U Thant International Conference Hall (3F)
Tuesday, 22 May 2001




Opening Remarks
United Nations University - Professor Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU
Africa Diplomatic Corps - Ambassador Rachad Farah, Ambassador of Djibouti, and Dean, ADC
Government of Japan - Mr. Tatsuo Arima, Representative of the Government of Japan


Keynote Lecture: H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria


Coffee Break


Panel 1: An African Reading of the Millennium Africa Programme


The Millennium Africa Programme (MAP) - An Overview and Strategic Reading
Algeria - Mr. M'hamed Achache and Mr. Rabah Hadid
Nigeria - Dr. P.D Cole and Mr. G.H. Bristol
South Africa - Dr. Mfundo Nkuhlu
11:30~11:50 Ambassador Ahmed Haggag, Special Advisor to the Foreign Minister for African Affairs, Egypt
11:50~12:10 Professor Ernest Aryeetey, University of Ghana
12:10~13:00 Questions & Answers
13:00~14:00 Lunch
14:00~16:00 Panel 2: A Reading of the MAP by Africa's Partners
14:00~14:20 United Nations Perspective - Ms. Yvette Stevens, Special Coordinator, UN OSCAL
14:20~14:40 European Perspective - Mr. Bernard Petit, Directorate for Development, European Commission
14:40~15:00 Japanese Perspective - Ambassador Shinsuke Horiuchi, Japan Institute of International Affairs
15:00~15:20 Perspective from the Private Sector - Mr. Noboru Hatakeyama, Chairman and CEO, JETRO
15:20~16:00 Questions & Answers
16:00~16:30 Coffee Break

Panel 3: Conclusions and Input for the TICAD Ministerial Meeting

16:30~17:00 Concluding Panel (5 minutes each)
Ambassador Alpha Oumar Rafiou Barry, Ambassador of Guinea
Ambassador Elly Elikunda Elineema Mtango, Ambassador of Tanzania
Ambassador Jean-Christian Obame, Ambassador of Gabon
Ambassador Shinsuke Horiuchi, Ambassador, Japan Institute of International Affairs
Professor Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU
Mr. Bernard Petit, Directorate for Development, European Union
17:00~17:25 Questions & Answers

Closing Remarks
Professor Hans van Ginkel, Rector, United Nations University
Ambassador Rachad Farah, Ambassador of Djibouti and Dean, ADC

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The Millennium Action Plan (MAP)
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| Introduction | Press Release (English) | Press Release (Japanese) | Agenda (Japanese) |