UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes


Issue 12: October - November 2001

UNU to host international
water systems workshop

Managing lakes to harmonize environmental concerns and socio-economic development will be the focus of a November 14 workshop hosted by UN University. This workshop will be conducted within the framework of the 9th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes, which will be held in Otsu, Japan, November 12 to 16.

Another objective of the workshop, entitled Lakes and Reservoirs as Important Elements of International Water Systems, will be to contribute to development of the World Lake Vision, which is being led by the International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC) in Shiga, Japan. The World Lake Vision will be a guiding document for the future management of lakes. The workshop will serve as an initial step toward UNU participation in World Lake Vision.

Workshop speakers will be experts in the field of international water system management, including Prof. Jose Galizia Tundisi, International Institute of  Ecology, Brazil; Prof. Chris H.D. Magadza, Lake Kariba Research Institute, Zimbabwe; Prof. Genady N. Golubev, Moscow State University, Russia; Dr. Libor Jansky, UNU; Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology; and Dr. Juha I. Uitto, Global Environment Facility Secretariat, USA.

For more information or to reserve a place at the workshop contact UNU Public Affairs.


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