UNU Update
The newsletter of United Nations University and its
network of research and training centres and programmes

Issue 12: October-November 2001


In the
of Terror

Uniting to End the 
Scourge of Terrorism 

"The split-screen TV images . . . were a metaphor for the split in history: the age of innocence before, and the world of postmodern terror after."


A Buffer Zone for
Afghan Refugees

"Civilized peoples . . .can and should support the effort to hunt down terrorists. But we also have an obligation to minimize civilian casualties as the hunt goes on."



"The West has nothing to gain by impatiently trying to impose its standards."



Call for balance in response to terrorist attacks
UN University Rector Hans van Ginkel and Vice Rector Ramesh Thakur have called for careful thought and balance as the world prepares its response to the terrorist attacks of September 11.
Researchers rank relative threat from environmental problems
In the new book Global Environmental Risk, researchers rank the relative threat posed by a host of environmental problems in different countries in an effort to help policy makers develop priorities for action to protect the planet.
New books from UNU Press
What's New on the Web
UNAIDS chief gives lecture on AIDS and human security
The global AIDS epidemic is one of the central security issues for the 21st Century, Dr
. Peter Piot, Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, said during a lecture at UNU Centre in Tokyo October 2.
President Mbeki delivers U Thant lecture
A capacity crowd of more than 500 packed U Thant Hall at UNU Centre, Tokyo, to hear President Thabo Mbeki of the Republic of South Africa deliver the second U Thant Distinguished Lecture.
UNU to host conference on peacekeeping reform
The importance of peacekeeping training and the challenges facing the United Nations in reforming its peacekeeping operations will be discussed at an international conference to be held at UNU Centre, Tokyo, October 23.
Frances Stewart to give 2001 WIDER lecture
Leading developing economist Frances Stewart will speak on horizontal inequality when she delivers the 2001 WIDER lecture December 14.
UNU/INWEH to co-organize conference on shared waters
Providing the international community with a contemporary assessment of the needs facing organizations and individuals working towards sustainable development in coastal zones is the goal of a major conference entitled “Managing Shared Waters,” to take place next June in Canada.
UNU to host international water systems workshop
Seminar to focus on next stage of climate change negotiations
Symposium to explore zero emissions economy
Calendar of events and meetings

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