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The North the South and the Environment
Ecological Constraints and the Global Economy •

Table of contents (276 p.)



First published in 1995 by
Earthscan Publications Limited
120 Pentonville Road, London N1 9JN

United Nations University Press
The United Nations University
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Copyright © United Nations University, 1995

The United Nations University Press has exclusive rights to distribute this book in Japan and South-East Asia.

Earthscan Publications Limited has exclusive rights to distribute this book throughout the rest of the world

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 1 85383 215 4 pb/1 85383 224 3 hb
Typesetting and figures by PCS Mapping & DTP, Newcastle upon Tyne
Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Biddles Limited, Guildford and King's Lynn

Earthscan Publications Limited is an editorially independent subsidiary of Kogan Page Limited and publishes in association with the International Institute for Environment and Development and the World Wide Fund for Nature.

United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations University.

ISBN (United Nations University Press): 92-808-0901-6



The contributors



Chapter one: Introduction

Chapter two: Environmental sustainability and the growth of GDP: conditions for compatibility

Chapter three: Northern growth and environmental constraints

Chapter four: Can the North stop consumption growth? Escaping the cycle of work and spend

Chapter five : Population growth and the environmental crisis: beyond the 'obvious'

Chapter six: Distributive justice and the control of global warming

Chapter seven: Enclosing the global commons: global environmental negotiations in a North-South conflictual approach

Chapter eight : Environmental policies and North-South trade: a selected survey of the issues

Chapter nine: The Korean model of development and its environmental implications

Chapter ten: National development and local environmental action - the case of the River Narmada

Chapter eleven: Economics and ecosystems: the case of Zimbabwean peasant households

Chapter twelve: Development after ecology

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