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Publishing with UNU Press

Proposals for new publications

UNU Press publishes scholarly books about international policies and the issues facing the United Nations and its member states, particularly in the fields of peace and governance, environmental and sustainable development, and economic and technological development.

UNU Press does not publish single country case studies. UNU Press books reflect the issues and/or experiences of a broad number of countries or regions, or they contain clear learning points or policy recommendations applicable beyond the scope of individual topics or locations.

All proposals should contain the following information:

Your proposal should address the following points:

  1. What are the key ideas or themes of this work?
  2. Describe the target readership.
  3. What will readers gain from reading this book?
  4. What are the unique features of this book?
  5. How does this book say new things, or convey accepted ideas in new ways?
  6. Identify similar, competing or complementary publications.
  7. Describe the research programme that supports this work.
  8. What are the qualifications, affiliations, and cultural backgrounds of the authors?
  9. What plans do you have to support the promotion of this book?
  10. What is the current status of the work?

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The Publications Officer,
United Nations University Press,
Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345

Co-publishing and re-publishing opportunities

UNU Press works with a range of publishers to source manuscripts and co-publish books. We welcome proposals to co-publish new titles. Proposals for co-publication should contain the same information noted in the Call for Submissions.

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Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345

Obtaining Review Copies

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United Nations University Press,
Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345

Course adoption of UNU Press titles

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Your students will be entitled the purchase the title directly from UNU Press at a discount of 25%.

To request a desk copy please contact us as follows:

Sales and Marketing,
United Nations University Press,
Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345

Discount policy

The following discounts apply to UNU Press publications sold by UN University Press in Tokyo:

To place an order or enquire about our discounts policy, please contact us as follows:

Sales and Marketing,
United Nations University Press,
Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan
Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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United Nations University Press
Jingumae 5–53–70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan

Tel: 03-3499-2811
Fax: 03-3406-7345

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