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Edited by Tohru Morioka, Ke isuke Hanaki and Yuichi Moriguchi

Establishing a Resource-Circulating Society in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities

Establishing a Resource-Circulating Society in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities
Edited by Tohru Morioka, Ke isuke Hanaki and Yuichi Moriguchi

ISBN: 978-92-808-1182-7
375 pages; paper; US$37.00
March 2011

Table of Contents

This book addresses the wide range of issues associated with sustainable resource-circulating societies. It has a particular focus on Asia, where both population growth and economic growth are increasingly prominent in the global context.

The authors examine theories and visions pertinent to resource-circulating societies, as well as relevant practices and initiatives at all levels—national, local and industrial—and through urban–rural linkages. They also propose an integrative approach combining the concepts of a resource-circulating society and a low-carbon society, both of which constitute fundamental components of a sustainable society.

Japan's initiatives and practices, which have always been at the forefront in the promotion of resource-circulating societies, may be expected to have a significant impact on Asian sustainability. This volume provides policy makers, business leaders and experts in the field with comprehensive and useful knowledge concerning future visions, initiatives and practical applications in the promotion of a sustainable resource-circulating society in Asia.

Tohru Morioka is a Professor of Environmental Management at Kansai University and Professor Emeritus at Osaka University, Japan. Keisuke Hanaki is a Professor of Urban Engineering as well as Adjunct Professor, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science, at The University of Tokyo, Japan. Yuichi Moriguchi is Director of the Research Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, as well as a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

Contents Overview


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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