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Edited by Suneetha M. Subramanian and Balakrishna Pisupati

Traditional Knowledge in Policy and Practice: Approaches to Development and Human Well-being

Traditional Knowledge in Policy and Practice: Approaches to Development and Human Well-being
Edited by Suneetha M. Subramanian and Balakrishna Pisupati

ISBN: 978-92-808-11919
384 pages; paper; US$38.00
November 2010

Table of Contents

Sample chapter (536 KB PDF)

Traditional knowledge (TK) has contributed immensely to shaping development and human well-being. Its influence spans a variety of sectors, including agriculture, health, education and governance. However, in today’s world, TK is increasingly underrepresented or under-utilized. Further, while the applicability of TK to human and environmental welfare is well-recognized, collated information on how TK contributes to different sectors is not easily accessible.

This book focuses on the relevance of TK to key environment- and development-related sectors, discusses the current debates within each of these sectors and presents suggestions as to how TK can be effectively integrated with conventional science and policy. A valuable resource to researchers, academics and policymakers, Traditional knowledge in policy and practice provides a comprehensive overview of TK, and its links and contributions to social, economic, environmental, ethical and political issues.

“This collection, which comprises chapters by experts from a wide range of backgrounds, including traditional knowledge-holding communities, should leave policy makers in no doubt that protecting TK is not only vital for indigenous peoples but for the common future of all of humanity.”
—Graham Dutfield, Professor of International Governance, School of Law, University of Leeds

M.S.Suneetha is Research Fellow, in the Biodiplomacy Programme of the United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies, Yokohama, Japan. Balakrishna Pisupati is the Coordinator of Biodiversity at the Division of Environmental Law and Convention, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya.

Table of contents


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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