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Edited by Itty Abraham, Edward Newman and Meredith L. Weiss

Political Violence in South and Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives

Political Violence in South and Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives
Edited by Itty Abraham, Edward Newman and Meredith L. Weiss

ISBN: 978-92-808-1190-2
308 pages; paper; US$35.00
September 2010

Table of Contents

Sample chapter (633 KB PDF)

This volume explores the sources and manifestations of political violence in South and Southeast Asia and the myriad roles that it plays in everyday life and as part of historical narrative. It considers and critiques the manner in which political violence is understood and constructed, and the common assumptions that prevail regarding the causes, victims and perpetrators of this violence. By focusing on the social and political context of these regions the volume presents a critical understanding of the nature of political violence and provides an alternative narrative to that found in mainstream analysis of ‘terrorism’.

Political Violence in South and Southeast Asia brings together political scientists and anthropologists with intimate knowledge of the politics and society of these regions, from different academic backgrounds, who present unique perspectives on topics including assassinations, riots, state violence, the significance of geographic borders, external influences and intervention, and patterns of recruitment and rebellion.

Itty Abraham is an Associate Professor and Director of the South Asia Institute, University of Texas at Austin. Edward Newman is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. Meredith L. Weiss is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, University at Albany, State University of New York.

Table of contents


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