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Edited by Martina Timmermann and Monika Kruesmann

Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact

Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact

Partnerships for Women’s Health: Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact
Edited by Martina Timmermann and Monika Kruesmann

ISBN 978-92-808-1185-8
482 pages; paper; US$40.00
December 2009

Table of Contents

Sample chapter (606 KB PDF)

Every minute, at least one woman dies from pregnancy and childbirth complications; a further twenty suffer injury, infection or disease. Despite medical advances, and years of national and international policy declarations, this tragic situation remains particularly severe in developing countries, violating a fundamental human right.

This book draws together insights and experiences of development practitioners, policy-makers, academic experts and private sector partners to describe the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). A public private partnership based in India, the WHI took a new approach to solving the apparently intractable problem of poor women’s health.

Informed by the growing literature on public private partnerships, the observations and analyses in this volume describe how the WHI drew reference from both the Millennium Development Goals and the United Nations Global Compact to implement a project that would make a real difference in women’s lives, simultaneous with meeting private sector commercial imperatives.

By opening the project to independent transnational assessment the WHI articulated new standards for best practice in public private partnerships, including with reference to such issues as communications, objective-setting, ongoing partnership management and real health outcomes. In line with the WHI’s ambition to grow and become transferable to other contexts, these standards can inform and shape more effective public private partnerships in the future.

Martina Timmermann is Vice President and Managing Director for International Projects at TIMA International GmbH. Prior to that, she served as the United Nations University Director of Studies on Human Rights and Ethics in the Peace and Governance Programme in Tokyo and Bonn. Monika Kruesmann is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of International Relations, London School of Economics, and was formerly Assistant Director in the Australian Government Department of Education.

Table of contents

Introduction: Women’s health through PPP within the UN Global Compact – At the nexus of business, ethics and human rights, Martina Timmermann


Section I: MDGs, human rights, the UN Global Compact and public private partnerships

Section II: Women’s health needs and health care in India




Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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