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Edited by Benjamin Reilly and Per Nordlund

Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies: Regulation, Engineering and Democratic Development

Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies

Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies
Edited by Benjamin Reilly and Per Nordlund

328 pages; paper; US$35.00
September 2008

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Policy Brief

Political Parties in Conflict-Prone Societies (184 KB PDF)
By Benjamin Reilly, Per Nordlund and Edward Newman

Well-functioning political parties are essential components of democracy. They organize voters, aggregate and articulate interests, craft policy alternatives, recruit and socialize new candidates for office, set policy-making agendas, integrate disparate groups and individuals into the democratic process, and provide the basis for coordinated electoral and legislative activity. But political parties in many developing democracies remain weak and underdeveloped, often being based around personal, ethnic or regional ties rather than national interests.

Today, with more states deciding their leaders through multiparty elections than ever before, many developing democracies seek to shape the development of political parties and party systems by regulating the way parties can form, organize and behave. Most of these ambitious initiatives and innovations emanate from new democracies rather than established Western examples. This volume examines this growing trend in conflict-prone societies towards promoting stable and inclusive political parties via political party regulation and engineering in developing democracies around the world.

Benjamin Reilly is Director of the Centre for Democratic Institutions and Professor of Political Science in the Crawford School of Economics and Government at the Australian National University.

Per Nordlund, PhD, is Senior Programme Manager for International IDEA’s initiative on Research and Dialogue with Political Parties.

Table of contents

Part I: Introduction

Part II: Regional experiences

Part III: Thematic perspectives


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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