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Edited by Lynn K. Mytelka and Grant Boyle

Making Choices about Hydrogen: Transport Issues for Developing Countries

Making Choices about Hydrogen: Transport Issues for Developing Countries

Making Choices about Hydrogen: Transport Issues for Developing Countries
Edited by Lynn K. Mytelka and Grant Boyle

336 pages; paper; US$36.00
September 2008

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Since the mid-1990s, the emergence of a hydrogen economy and the speed with which it will arrive have been vigorously debated. The debate has mainly been carried on among policymakers as well as oil and gas, automobile, fuel-cell and renewable energy firms in the countries of the North, where policies and the technological competences and competitive practices of firms have played a central role in shaping both the debate and the direction of technological change during this period. For developing countries, the current debate highlights the uncertainties involved in making choices about hydrogen and fuel cells in planning the development of their transport sector.

As a disruptive technology, dominant designs for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen have not yet been established. Nor have performance characteristics been achieved that would make hydrogen proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells competitive with the existing combustion engine. Yet, costs are coming down and the efficiency and durability of hydrogen fuel cells (HFCs) are improving. How to deal with competing arguments that push the hydrogen economy into the longer term (2050) and those that place its advent in a shorter-term perspective (2020) is one key issue for developing countries today as they explore their options for the design of national energy, environment and transport policies.

Lynn K. Mytelka is a Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, where she is Director of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Project, and a Distinguished Research Professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. She formerly served as Director of UNU-INTECH.

Grant Boyle conducted policy research on energy and the environment at UNU-IAS in Yokohama, Japan, before serving as Associate Project Coordinator of the UNU HFC Project from 2004 through 2006. He is currently completing a law degree at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Canada.

Table of contents

Part I: Hydrogen and fuel cells – An ongoing debate

Part II: Making choices about hydrogen for sustainable transport

Part III: Hydrogen fuel cells and the global automobile industry

Part IV: Strategies and roadmaps


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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