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Edited by Yasuko Kameyama, Agus P. Sari, Moekti H. Soejahmoen and Norichika Kanie

Climate Change in Asia: Perspectives on the Future Climate Regime

Climate Change in Asia

Climate Change in Asia: Perspectives on the Future Climate Regime
Edited by Yasuko Kameyama, Agus P. Sari, Moekti H. Soejahmoen and Norichika Kanie

ISBN 978-92-808-1152-0
260 pages; paper; US$34.00
June 2008

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter

Looking beyond the Kyoto Protocol's first containment period, an intense and growing international debate over the future climate change regime has emerged. Countries in Asia have particularly high stakes in this regime given the region's high population, growing greenhouse gas emissions, burgeoning economies and vulnerabilities to the impact of climate change. Limited capacity, however, has hampered the participation of many Asian countries in the international debate.

This book is the result of a two-year study of domestic institutional processes in Asia to address climate change issues, national circumstances that impede countries from fully participating in the international debate and elements of a plausible climate regime from an Asian perspective. It serves to identify the institutional dimensions of climate change and, importantly, identifies linkages between climate change and sustainable development.

Yasuko Kameyama is Senior Researcher at the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan. Agus P. Sari is Country Director for Indonesia and Regional Director for Southeast Asia at Ecosecurities. Moekti H. Soejachmoen is Executive Director of Yayasan Pelangi, Indonesia. Norichika Kanie is Associate Professor in the Department of Value and Decision Science at the Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

Table of contents

Part I: The imperative of "Beyond 2012"

Part II: Country studies on processes for "Beyond 2012"

Part III: Thematic studies—Components of "Beyond 2012"

Part IV: Synthesis of studies and conclusion


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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