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International Women's Day 2007

International Women's Day 2007 Public Forum

International Women's Day is commemorated annually by the United Nations on March 8. It is a time to reflect on accomplishments to date in advancing gender equality, and to look ahead to the challenges and opportunities that await future generations.

The theme for International Women's Day 2007, "Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls", highlights the critical need to create and maintain a social and legal environment that does not tolerate violence against women and girls.

Such violence, unfortunately, remains one of the most pervasive of global human rights violations. It occurs in every country and cuts across boundaries of culture, class, education, ethnicity and age. While most societies publicly proscribe violence against women and girls, the reality is that it often is tacitly condoned by cultural practices and norms. And when habitual abuse or violence takes place within the home, it may be accepted or ignored by friends, neighbours and society in spite of the incalculable consequences.

Ending impunity for all forms of violence against women and girls — physical, sexual and psychological — is one of the most important challenges facing the world today.

To celebrate International Women's Day 2007, UN-related organizations in Japan are collaborating to organize a symposium on 8 March at UN House in Tokyo on the theme of "Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls". We welcome you to attend this IWD 2007 Forum to hear from experts and reflect on ways to eliminate violence and discrimination against women.


MC: Junko Kubo, former NHK announcer
13:30 Registration


  • Video Message from Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General
  • Welcome note from Ramesh Thakur, UNU Senior Vice Rector
  • Greeting by Mayumi Moriyama, Member of the House of Representatives

Keynote Speeches and Q&A

  • Sheila Sisulu, Deputy Executive Director (Policy and External Affairs Department), WFP
  • Mariko Bando, Vice President, Showa Women's University, Former Director-General of the Cabinet Office's Gender Equality Bureau
15:20 Break

Video introduction of UNIFEM and UNFPA

Panel discussion and Q&A

  • Momoyo Ise, Member of the Governing Board, UN Association of Japan
  • Andrew Horvat, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Economics, Visiting Scholar, International Center for the Study of Historical Reconciliation, Tokyo Keizai University
  • Douglas Lummis, Political Scientist
  • Ronni Alexander, Professor of Transnational Relations, Kobe University Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies
  • Ai Awaji, Staff Writer, Foreign News Desk, Jiji Press

Moderated by
Shun-ichi Murata, Director, UNDP Japan



All participants are invited to stay for coffee at the 2nd floor of UN House

Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.

国際女性の日2007 公開フォーラム





司会:久保純子 フリー・アナウンサー
13:30 受付


  • 国連事務総長 潘基文からのビデオメッセージ
  • 国連大学上級副学長 ラメシュ・タクール ご挨拶
  • 森山眞弓 衆議院議員 ご挨拶


  • シーラ・シスル、WFP 国連世界食糧計画 事務局次長 (政策・機関間調整担当)
  • 坂東眞理子, 昭和女子大学副学長、元内閣府男女共同参画局局長
15:20 休憩

活動紹介ビデオ: UNIFEM(国連女性開発基金)、UNFPA(国連人口基金)


  • 伊勢桃代、日本国連協会理事
  • アンドリュー・ホルバート、東京経済大学 客員教授、国際歴史和解研究所 客員研究員
  • ダグラス・ルミス、政治学者
  • ロニー・アレキサンダー、神戸大学大学院国際協力研究科教授
  • 淡路愛、時事通信社 外信部 記者



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