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International Women's Day 2009 at UNU

International Women's Day 2009 Public Forum at United Nations University Headquarters

International Women's Day (IWD) is observed annually in March by Member States of the United Nations. To commemorate IWD 2009, UN-related organizations in Japan will hold a joint public forum on March 6 (Friday) at UN University Headquarters in Tokyo.

The theme for IWD 2009, “Women and Men: United to End Violence against Women”, highlights the multi-year (2008–2015) United Nations campaign “UNiTE to End Violence Against Women”.

It is an unfortunate reality that, across the world, women and girls are being beaten, trafficked, raped, and killed. The true number of victims is unknown, since there are far more crimes than ever get reported. Only a small percentage of reports lead to arrests, and even when perpetrators are identified, they often go unpunished.

Violence against women not only harms individuals — it undermines the development, peace, and security of entire societies. While many countries are meeting their obligations to protect women through legislative action, more must be done to enforce laws and to combat attitudes and behaviour that condone, tolerate, or ignore violence against women.

The theme of IWD 2009 is a reminder that each of us must speak out — in our families, workplaces and communities — so that acts of violence against women cease. We encourage you to join us at the IWD 2009 forum on 6 March.


See the Japanese programme below for files in Japanese.

MC: Atsuko Igawa, Public Affairs Associate, United Nations Development Programme Tokyo Office
13:30 Registration


  • Message from Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General, United Nations
  • Welcome note from Yozo Yokota, Special Advisor to the Rector, United Nations University
  • Message from Yuko Obuchi, Minister of State for Social Affairs and Gender Equality

Keynote Speeches

  • Daniel Toole, UNICEF South Asia Regional Director
  • Mika Tsutsumi, Journalist
15:15 Break

Panel discussion and Q&A

  • Yuko Tsukasaki, Director, Gender Equality Promotion Division, Gender Equality Bureau of the Cabinet Office
  • Kanae Doi, Director, Human Rights Watch Asia Division
  • Keiko Kondo, Director, All Japan Women's Shelter Network
  • June Kunugi, Director, UNICEF Tokyo Office
  • Kiyoko Ikegami, Director, UNFPA Tokyo Office
  • Johan Cels, Representative, UNHCR Tokyo Office

Moderated by:
Madoka Futamura, Academic Programme Officer, Director of Studies on Human Rights and Ethics, UNU



All participants are invited to stay for coffee at the 2nd floor of UN University Headquarters

Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.

国連公開フォーラム 3月6日

国際女性の日 2009:「女性への暴力 ~根絶に向け男女が力をあわせて今できること~」


2008年から2015年にかけて国連が実施している“UNiTE to End Violence Against Women”キャンペーンの取り組みの一環として、今年は、"Women and Men: United to End Violence against Women"(「女性への暴力 ~根絶に向け男女が力をあわせて今できること~」)がイベントのテーマに選ばれました。






MC: 井川敦子 国連開発計画(UNDP)東京事務所 渉外担当
13:30 受付


  • メッセージ 潘基文 国連事務総長
  • ご挨拶 横田洋三 国連大学学長特別顧問
  • メッセージ 小渕優子 内閣府特命担当大臣(少子化対策、男女共同参画)


  • ダニエル・トゥール 国連児童基金(ユニセフ)南アジア地域事務所長
  • 堤未果 ジャーナリスト(「ルポ 貧困大国アメリカ」著者)
15:15 休憩


  • 塚崎裕子 内閣府 男女共同参画局 推進課長 (PPT)
  • 土井香苗 ヒューマンライツウォッチ アジア局東京ディレクター
  • 近藤恵子 NPO法人全国女性シェルターネット 共同代表
  • 功刀純子 国連児童基金(ユニセフ) 東京事務所代表
  • 池上清子 国連人口基金(UNFPA) 東京事務所所長
  • ヨハン・セルス 国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)駐日代表

二村まどか 国連大学 学術研究官・人権と倫理研究部長







Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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