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News from September 2010

Classes begin

Inauguration Ceremony Held for Students of UNU-ISP Postgraduate Programme

UNU Rector, staff, students of the postgraduate programme, and special guests. Photo: UNU-ISP

2010.09.13 • An invitation-only inauguration ceremony for the students of the new UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace postgraduate programme was held at UNU Headquarters today with master of ceremonies Professor John Clammer welcoming students to "a unique moment in UNU’s history."

UN Security Council Resolution 1325, 10 Years On

Women Making Peace

Participants of the expert’s meeting. Photo courtesy of Seikyo Shimbun.

2010.09.10 • UNU-ISP hosted an experts’ meeting and a public forum to assess progress made towards integrating women’s voices, perspectives and skills in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The day of events at UNU headquarters in Tokyo was organized by UNU-ISP, Global Action to Prevent War (GAPW), Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security.

"Environmental issues are global issues"

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador Delivers 17th U Thant Distinguished Lecture

President Correa delivered a broadside against neoliberalism and the so-called Washington Consensus and called for new values and new cultural thinking. Photo: Jeremy Hedley/UNU

2010.09.09 • President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, on a working visit to Japan with senior cabinet ministers, began the 17th U Thant Distinguished Lecture at UNU Headquarters on Tuesday with a sweeping broadside against neoliberalism and the so-called Washington Consensus.

2nd NVMP-StEP Ewaste Summer School

Young researchers meet in Eindhoven and Hoboken to look at the future of e-waste

2010.09.09 • Philips and Umicore hosted an international group of young researchers looking at the growing problem of waste electronic and electrical equipment, more commonly known as e-waste. Sponsored by the NVMP Foundation, the Dutch Association for the Disposal of Metal and Electrical Products, the E-waste Summer School was organised by the United Nations University under the aegis of the StEP Initiative and took place from 29 August to 7 September.

Inaugural Ceremony and Symposium

UNU-ISP Postgraduate Programmes Open

Dennis Meadows
Professor Dennis Meadows delivers the keynote address at the inauguration ceremony. Photo: UNU-ISP

2010.09.03 • The United Nations University celebrated the launch of a new postgraduate programme, the Master of Science in Sustainability, Development, and Peace, with a ceremony and symposium on Friday, 3 September. The two-year degree will be offered by the UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace with the first group of students beginning their studies on September 13.

Japan-CARICOM Public Symposium

Climate Change and Biodiversity

Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Guyana, speaks at the Japan-CARICOM Public Symposium on Climate Change and Biodiversity. Photo: Curtis Christophersen/UNU

2010.09.02 • The Caribbean Community (CARICOM, consisting of fifteen member states and five associate member states of the Caribbean region) represents one of the most biologically diverse regions on the planet. These Small Island Developing States are facing pressing threats including loss of biodiversity, and are extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as frequent and intense hurricanes, subsequent flooding and erosion, and rising sea level, that threaten livelihoods and human well-being

Town Hall Meeting

Secretary-General Addresses UN Staff in Tokyo

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UNU Rector Konrad Osterwalder at the town hall meeting held at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo. Photo: Curtis Christophersen/UNU

2010.08.04 • UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addressed UN staff in Tokyo at a town hall meeting at UNU Headquarters today. Mr. Ban is visiting Japan to meet with Prime Minister Kan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Okada, and other senior officials and to attend ceremonies on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Japan.


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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