| Meetings and Events in 2005

- The information provided below is subject to change without notice. When an event spreads over two months, it is listed in the starting month.
- Information on each event is given in the following order:
Date, location
Meeting title
Meeting objective
Meeting organizer/Contact
18-22 January 2005, Kobe, Japan
World Conference on Disaster Reduction
UNU Centre (Contact Srikantha Herath, e-mail: Srikantha Herath). [Press Release]
Website: http://wm.hq.unu.edu/conf/kobe/
24 - 29 January 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Second training workshop on Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policy in Developing Countries (DEIP)
The workshop is designed for senior and middle level officials of Ministries of Science and Technology, Ministries of Industry and other technology supporting institutions and agencies based in developing countries.
UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH) -
Contact: Dr. Kaushalesh Lal, DEIP Coordinator, email: deip@merit.unu.edu
27 January 2005, New York, USA
UNU Expert Panel on "Transitional Justice, Accountability, and post-Conflict Peacebuilding: The Way Forward"
UNU Centre (Contact Edward Newman, e-mail: Edward Newman)
3 February 2005, Tokyo, Japan
EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum on "Bridging the Gap: Involving Citizens' Movements and NGOs in the Democratic Process"
UNU Centre (Contact Edward Newman, e-mail: Edward Newman) [Press Release] [Broadcast]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/p&g/eu/
7-10 February 2005, Delhi, India
Conference on "Emerging Challenges in UN Peacekeeping Operations - An Indo-Japanese Dialogue
Co-organized by UNU Centre and Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, India
UNU Centre (Contact Ramesh Thakur, e-mail: Ramesh Thakur or Midori Okabe, e-mail: Midori Okabe)
7-18 February 2005, Suva, Fiji
Course on Advanced Software Development using RAISE
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and the University of the South Pacific
UNU-IIST (Contact: Mr. Chris George, email: cwg@iist.unu.edu)
18 February 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Public lecture on "From Bullets to Ballots: Rebuilding Post-Conflict Democracies in Asia & Europe"
by Plamen Tonchev, Head of Asia Unit at the Institute of International Economic Relations, Athens, Greece
UNU Centre and Asia-Europe Foundation (Contact Birgit Poniatowski, e-mail: e-mail: Birgit Poniatowski). [More information] Website: http://asef.on2web.com/subsite/ccd/PlamenTonchev-FromBulletstoBallotsandBeyond.htm
25 February 2005, UNU-IAS, Yokohama, Japan
Yokohama Roundtable on "Observation and Alert in World Environmental Governance"
UNU-IAS (Contact Rie Inuzuka, e-mail: inuzuka@ias.unu.edu)
3-4 March 2005, Tokyo, Japan
The 2nd Expert Meeting on the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin Management
Jointly organized by UNU and the Tokyo University.
(Contact: Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, email: nakayama@k.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
3-5 March 2005, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Three-day Conference on "International Conference on Federalism"
Organised by the Prime Minister of Belgium and hosted by the European Parliament
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Luk Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu and Brigid Gavin: bgavin@cris.unu.edu)
4-6 March 2005, The Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur, India
Project Meeting: Hunger and Food Security: New Challenges and New Opportunities
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, email: basudeb@wider.unu.edu; and Janis Vehmaan-Kreula, email: janis@wider.unu.edu)
8 March 2005, Tokyo, Japan
4th Joint UN House Public Forum on International Women's Day "Towards Empowered Society EPerspectives on Gender Equality at Beijing +10"
Jointly organized by UN Agencies in Japan
UNU Centre (Contact Birgit Poniatowski, tel: 03-5467-1289; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Birgit Poniatowski). [Programme]
15 March 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Public Lecture on "The Challenges for the United Nations in its 60th Anniversary Year"
By Mr. Shashi Tharoor, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications & Public Information
UNU Centre (Contact Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond) [Lecture text - WORD file, 58 KB]
17-18 March 2005, Hague, Netherlands
International Conference on "International Criminal Accountability and the Rights of Children"
Organized by the Institute of Social Studies and the United Nations University, in the "From Peace to Justice" Conference Series of the Hague Academic Coalition
UNU Centre (Contact Vesselin Popovski, e-mail: Vesselin Popovski or Edward Newman, e-mail: Edward Newman) Website: http://www.frompeacetojustice.nl
21-22 March 2005, New York
Environmental Governance: Can Regional Frameworks Help Sustainable Development?
UNU in collaboration with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
UNU-New York (Contact email: unuona@ony.unu.edu
22 March 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
World Water Day at United Nations University
UNU Centre (Contact Remi Chandran, e-mail: Remi Chandran) [Press Release] [Programme]
22 March 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Roundtable Conference on "Fostering international cooperation
for humanitarian support for the reconstruction of Iraq"
By Baroness (Emma) Nicholson of Winterbourne (U.K.), Member of House of Lords, Member of the European Parliament, and Chairperson, AMAR International Charitable Foundation
Organized by UNU and supported by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, British Embassy, Iraqi Embassy, Japan-Iraq Parliamentary Friendship Association, Yomiuri Newspaper, Nippon Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations), Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Independent World Institute. Contributors include Kikko Co., T&M and Hokuseido Press.
UNU Centre (Contact Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond) [Broadcast]
24 March 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
UNU-INTECH Research Seminar on "Towards African Systems of Innovation: Reframing Development Theory to Provide Real Answers to the African Dilemma"
UNU-INTECH (Contact: Eveline in de Braek, email: indebraek@intech.unu.edu)
24-25 March, Tokyo, Japan
Conference on "The Responsibility to Protect"
Organized by UNU and Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Canada, under the project "The International Architecture in 2020: Securing a Legitimate Role for the G20"
UNU Centre (Contact Ramesh Thakur, e-mail: Ramesh Thakur)
30 March 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Launch of the Synthesis Report of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
UNU-IAS (Contact: Yuko Sato Yamamoto, Fax: 045-221-2302, Tel: 045-221-2300, e-mail: y_sato@ias.unu.edu.) [Press Release] [Programme]
Website: http://www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx
1-2 April 2005, Tuttlingen, Germany
Conference on "Women's Health Initiative (WHI): Public Private Partnerships (PPP) within the Framework of the Global Compact"
(new trilateral project between UNU-Karl Storz Company and the GTZ (Germany)
UNU Centre (Contact Martina Timmermann, e-mail: Martina Timmermann)
2-3 April 2005, Edinburgh, UK
3rd Workshop on "Quantitative Aspects of Programming
Languages" (QAPL 2005)
UNU-IIST (Contact: Antonio Cerone, e-mail: antonio@iist.unu.edu or Herbert Wiklicky, e-mail: herbert@doc.ic.ac.uk
4-5 April 2005, Bonn, Germany
29th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR29) (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond).
5 April 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture on "Libya in the 21st Century"
by H.E. Eng. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi, President of the Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Associations
Organized by he United Nations University (UNU) and the Gaddafi International Foundation for Charity Association, with the support of the Foreign Ministry of Japan and the Institute for Disarmament and Peace Studies of Meiji University
UNU Centre (Contact Carolina Jimenez, e-mail: Carolina Jimenez) [Programme] [Lecture text]
6 April 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Award Ceremony for 2004-2005 UNU-Kirin Fellows
UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi).
8-10 April 2005, Canberra, Australia
Project Workshop on "The End of Westphalia? Re-envisioning Sovereignty"
Organized by the International Institute for Ethics, Law and Governance, which was established in 2003 as a partnership between the United Nations University, Griffith University and other Australian universities.
UNU Centre (Contact Edward Newman, e-mail: Edward Newman)
12 April 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium on "A Brighter Future for All? Beyond the Millennium Development Goals"
Co-organized by the United Nations University (UNU), the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Foreign Ministry of Japan, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Asahi Shinbun
UNU Centre (Contact: Carolina Jimenez, email: e-mail: Carolina Jimenez). [Press Release] [Programme] [Broadcast]
14-22 April 2005, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Training in Integrated Assessment of Policy and Institutional Frameworks' Capacities for Sustainable Land Management in Mountain Areas, organized as part of the integrated and transboundary initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia
a GEF/UNEP PDF B initiative executed by UNU, together with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), NCCR North-South, University of Berne, Switzerland and the GEF Focal Points at the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Note: Participation is rectricted to nominated project participants only
UNU/ESD (Contact Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova).
18 April 2005, Brussels, Belgium
Scenario-building Exercise on "Regional Integration and Global Governance, Policy Choices and Possible Futures"
Organized in association with European Policy Centre, Brussels, Belgium
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Nikki Slocum, email: nslocum@cris.unu.edu)
18-19 April 2005, UNU-WIDER and Grand Marina Hotel, Helsinki
Project Meeting: Institutions and Economic Development: Theory, History and Contemporary Experiences
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Ha-Joon Chang, email: hjc1001@econ.cam.ac.uk; and Janis Vehmaan-Kreula, email: janis@wider.unu.edu)
19 April 2005, UN Headquarters, New York
Whose Rules of the Game? Bioprospecting and Drug
Research in Developing Countries
Presentation and Launch of the forthcoming UNU Press book:
- Regulating Bioprospecting: Institutions for Drug Research, Access and Benefit-Sharing, by Dr. Padmashree Gehl Sampath
UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH) -
Contact: UNU Office in New York, email: unuona@ony.unu.edu) [Event details and broadcast]
21-23 April 2005, Wilton Park, UK
WP788th Wilton Park Conference: The UN's Relationship with Regional Organisations in Crisis Management and Peacekeeping:
How Should it be Developed to Mutual Advantage?
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Kennedy Graham, email: kgraham@cris.unu.edu and Dr. Luk Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu)
23-24 April 2005, Institute of Population Studies, Beijing, China
Project Meeting: Inequality and Poverty in China
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Guanghua Wan, email: wan@wider.unu.edu; and Janis Vehmaan-Kreula, email: janis@wider.unu.edu)
24-28 April 2005, Amman, Jordan
Course on Environmental Governance
In Partnership with UNEP/Geneva
UNU/ILI (Contact: Jairam Reddy, E-mail:reddy@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
25-26 April 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Second Project Conference: The Impact of Globalisation on the Poor in Asia
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Liisa Roponen, e-mail: liisa@wider.unu.edu or impact2@wider.unu.edu
Website: http://www.wider.unu.edu and http://www.inomics.net/cgi/conference?action=default
25-27 April 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Second Prepatory Meeting for the 6th High-Level Meeting between the UN and Regional Organisations
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Kennedy Graham, email: kgraham@cris.unu.edu)
26-27 April 2005, Bangkok, Thailand
UNU International Symposium on "Ecosystem Impacts of POPs"
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Dr. Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu).
28 April 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on the 3R Initiative
Co-organized by: NPO Organization for the Promotion of Sustainable Society and UNU, in Cooperation with the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Waseda University, Eco-design Promotion Network
Contact: email: Info@3rinitiative.jp or Eric Williams, UNU, e-mail: Eric Williams or Fukuya Iino, UNU, e-mail: Fukuya Iino)
For more information and application, visit: http://www.3rinitiative.jp/
12 May (Brussels, Belgium)
Scenario-building Exercise on "Regional Integration and Global Governance, Policy Choices and Possible Futures"
Organized in association with European Policy Centre, Brussels, Belgium
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Nikki Slocum, email: nslocum@cris.unu.edu)
13 May 2005, Brussels, Belgium
2005 Conference on the Future of EU-CAN Relations
Organized by UNU-CRIS in collaboration with Inter-American Development Bank, the European Commission, OBREAL/EULARO, GRIAL UniversitECatholique de Louvain, Andean Diplomatic Delegations in Brussels, Colombian Embassy in the Hague
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Luk Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu and Philippe De Lombaerde, email: pdelombaerde@cris.unu.edu)
13 May 2005, New York
Seminar on "Regional cooperation as a tool for achieving regional and global public goods"
UNU-Comparative Regional Integration Studies - UNU-CRIS
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Fredrik Söderbaum, email: fsoderbaum@cris.unu.edu and f.soderbaum@padrigu.gu.se)
16-17 May 2005, Tokyo, Japan
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Thematic Conference on the Ubiquitous Network Society
Organized by UNU, the Government of Japan and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
UNU Centre (Contact: Brendan Barrett e-mail: Brendan Barrett).
Website: http://www.wsis-japan.jp/
18 May 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Africa Day Symposium on "Digital Partnership: Hopes and Inspirations from Bandung
Organized by UNU and the African Diplomatic Corps
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond, Brendan Barrett e-mail: Brendan Barrett, and Soisik Habert, e-mail: Soisik Habert). [Press Release] [Details] [Programme - PDF] [Broadcast]
18-21 May 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii
UNU Global Seminar, Hawaii Session on "Consuming Cultures: Change, Tradition and Choice in Asia and the Pacific"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: viet@hawaii.edu)
Voices from the participants
26 May (Bruges, Belgium)
Scenario-building Exercise on "Regional Integration and Global Governance, Policy Choices and Possible Futures"
Organized in association with European Policy Centre, Brussels, Belgium
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Dr. Nikki Slocum, email: nslocum@cris.unu.edu)
26-27 May 2005, UN-ECLAC, Santiago, Chile
Project Meeting: International Mobility of Talent
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Andres Solimano, email: ASOLIMANO@eclac.cl; Anne Ruohonen, email: anne@wider.unu.edu
30 May to 2 June 2005, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on Conserving Cultural and Biological Diversity:
The Role of Sacred Natural Sites and Cultural Landscapes
Organized by UNESCO and UNU in collaboration with IUCN - The World Conservation Union, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the
Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (SPFII), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO).
UNU Centre (Contact: Luohui Liang, Hiroko Kuno, or Shimako Takahashi, email: diversity@hq.unu.edu). [Press Release]
Website - English: http://www.unesco.org/mab/SNS/symposium.htm Website - Japanese: http://archive.unu.edu/hq/japanese/aichi2005/sacred-sites.html
6-10 June 2005, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Training in GIS Database Application for Sustainable Land Management in Mountain Areas
organized as part of the integrated and transboundary initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia - a GEF/UNEP PDF B initiative executed by UNU, together with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), NCCR North-South, University of Berne, Switzerland and the GEF Focal Points at the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Note: Participation is rectricted to nominated project participants only
UNU/ESD (Contact Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova).
7 June 2005, Geneva
UNU-IAS Biodiplomacy Dialogues on Misappropriation from Theory to Practice: Roundtable debate on the merits and limitations of misappropriation as an organizing principle for a regime to protect traditional knowledge
At the Eighth Session of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC)
UNU-IAS (Contact: Brendan Tobin, email: tobin@ias.unu.edu).
9 June 2005, New York
What Are the Stakes of Deep Seabed Bioprospecting?
UNU-Institute of Advanced Studies - UNU-IAS
UNU-New York (Contact email: unuona@ony.unu.edu
9-11 June 2005, Hanzhou, China
Workshop on Rice-fish Culture System
Organized by Ministry of Agriculture of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, United Nations University with support of FAO
UNU-ESD (Contact Luohui Liang, e-mail: Luohui Liang)
11 June 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo Colloquium 2005 Education and Sustainability - Capacity-building for the 21st Century Visions and Experience from Switzerland and Japan
Organized by: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, University of Tokyo, Hosei University, and United Nations University
Contact: Yoshio Yamada, Head Environmental Centre, Hosei University, ems@hosei.ac.jp
Website: http://www.wyf.ethz.ch/tc2005
11 June 2005, Canadian Embassy, Tokyo, Japan
Linguapax Asia 2005: Second International Symposium and Exhibition
In cooperation with the Canadian Embassy, the Linguapax Institute (UNESCO Linguapax Project) and UNU
Contact Linguapax Asia, e-mail: info@linguapax-asia.org
12-16 June 2005, Hamilton, Canada
UNU-INWEH/UNESCO-MAB-IHP International Workshop on “Water and Ecosystems: Water Resources Management in Diverse Ecosystems and Providing for Human Needs
UNU-INWEH (Contact: Caroline King, e-mail: cking@inweh.unu.edu or Dr. Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu)
12-16 June, Amman, Jordan
International Leadership Course for Mid-Career Professionals
UNU/ILI (Contact: Jairam Reddy, E-mail: reddy@la.unu.edu; Tel: 0096265337075; Fax: 0096265337068)
13-15 June 2005, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Second Regional Meeting on Integrated and Transboundary Initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia
a GEF/UNEP PDF B initiative executed by UNU, together with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), NCCR North-South, University of Berne, Switzerland and the GEF Focal Points at the Governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
UNU/ESD (Contact: Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova).
17-28 June 2005, Amman, Jordan
Youth Leadership for Global Governance: Challanges and Opportunities
An international 10-day residential course to be held in Jordan and where young people from around 20 countries learn, discuss and present their input concerning the role of youth leadership in global governance.
Co-sponsored by UNU-ILI & King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD)
UNU/ILI (Contact: Muna Odeh, E-mail: odeh@la.unu.edu)
17-18 June 2005, Helsinki, Finland
UNU-WIDER Jubilee Conference on "WIDER Thinking Ahead: the Future of Development Economics"
UNU-WIDER (Contact e-mail: jubilee@wider.unu.edu
18-28 June 2005, Amman, Jordan
International Youth Leadership Course
UNU/ILI (Contact: Muna Odeh, E-mail:odeh@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
21 June 2005, Singapore
Special Session on "International Waters in Asia and the Pacific".
A research team meeting of the UNU project on "Managing Shared Waters in International Water Bodies" in conjunction with the AOGS 2005 Conference.
Co-organized by United Nations University and University of Tokyo.
(Contact: Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, email: mikiyasu@cc.tuat.ac.jp)
21-23 June, 2005, Peechi, Thrissur, India
Workshop on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Belowground Biodiversity
Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University and United Nations University
UNU-ESD (Contact Luohui Liang, e-mail: Luohui Liang)
23 June 2005, New York
Global Issues, Global Research: Meet the Authors. The Best of UNU Press
United Nations University Press
UNU-New York (Contact email: unuona@ony.unu.edu
24 June 2005, Yokohama, Japan
Invitational Lecture: "Technology, Food Security and African Development - the Future Perspective"
Speaker: Mr. Derek Hanekom, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology of South Africa, Former Minister for Land Affairs and Member of Parliament
(Contact Tel: (045) 221-2330; E-mail: reception@ias.unu.edu )
28-29 June 2005, Nagoya, Japan
UNU/UNESCO International Conference on Sustaining the Future - Globalization and Education for Sustainable Development
Co-organized by: UNU, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Nagoya University, Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU).
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan;
Ministry of the Environment of Japan; etc.
(Contact Tel: (045) 221-2300; Fax: (045) 221-2302 or -2303; E-mail: globalization2005@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globalization/esd/
1-2 July 2005, UNU-WIDER and Grand Marina Hotel, Helsinki
Project Meeting: Financial Sector Development for Growth & Poverty Reduction
UNU-WIDER (Contact: George Mavrotas, email: mavrotas@wider.unu.edu)
3-24 July 2005, Accra, Ghana
Sixth International Course on Plant Tissue Culture
UNU-INRA (Contact: Konadu Acheampong, e-mail: Acheampong@inra.unu.edu.gh).
7 July 2005, Yokohama, Japan
Roundtable: "The WTO and Developing Country Expectations after a Decade - Confronting Old Problems and Addressing New Challenges for Sustainable Development"
(Contact Tel: (045) 221-2330; E-mail: reception@ias.unu.edu )
14-18 July 2005, Jeju, Republic of Korea,
UNU-KNCU Global Seminar, Jeju Session on
"The Vision of a Peaceful and Sustainable Future"
Organized by: UNU, Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Institute of Peace Studies, Cheju National University
(Contact: email: gskorea@hq.unu.edu)
22 July 2005, Tokyo, Japan
World Civilization Forum 2005 - "Toward A New Paradigm for the World - How to bring young people together to overcome difference in the World"
Co-organized by: UNU, The Japan Foundation, National Institute for Research Advancement, and supported by: MOFA, UNESCO, All Nippon Airways, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, NHK
UNU Centre (Contact e-mail: WCF2005@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
[Programme] [Broadcast] [Summary Report]
25-26 July 2005, New York, USA
6th High-Level Meeting between the UN and Regional Organisations
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Kennedy Graham, email: kgraham@cris.unu.edu and Luk Van Langenhove, e-mail: director@cris.unu.edu)
6-9 August 2005, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Shimane-Yamaguchi Session on "World Heritage: Linking Humanity across Time and Space"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: shimane-yamaguchi05@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
7-9 August 2005, Tokyo, Japan (not open to the public)
Coordination Meeting on Integrated and Transboundary Initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia
a GEF/UNEP PDF B initiative executed by UNU, together with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), NCCR North-South, University of Berne, Switzerland and the GEF Focal Points at the Governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
UNU/ESD (Contact Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova).
8 August 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Public Lecture on "Redress and International Criminal Justice in Asia and Europe" By Dr. Ilaria Bottigliero,
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights & Humanitarian Law
Lund, Sweden
UNU Centre (Contact Kia Cheleen, e-mail: Kia Cheleen). [details]
11-12 August 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia
Course on Foundations of Software Testing
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and the Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia, LIPI
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Bernhard Aichernig, email: bka@iist.unu.edu)
19 August 2005, New York, United States
Brainstorming Seminar: Ethics in Action: Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights and Humanitarian NGOs
Organized by the UNU Peace and Governance Programme (Tokyo) - UNU-P&G
UNU Office in New York (Contact tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu
19-20 August 2005, UNU-WIDER, Helsinki
Project Meeting: Assessing and Forecasting Progress of the Millennium Development Goals
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Mark McGillivray, email: mark@wider.unu.edu)
22 August - 9 September 2005, Yaounde, Cameroon
International Train-the-Trainers' Course in Application of Computer Technology to Natural Resources
at the UNU-INRA Operating Unit at the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
UNU-INRA (Contact persons: Professor Laure Pauline Fotso, Coordinator of UNU-INRA Operating Unit in Cameroon, University if Yaounde I, email: pfotso@uycdc.uninet.cm or l_fotso@yahoo.com and Dr. J.J. Baidu-Forson, Senior Research Fellow at UNU-INRA, email: Baidu-Forson@inra.unu.edu.gh)
26-27 August 2005 (to be confirmed), UNU-WIDER, Helsinki
Project Meeting: Inequality and Poverty in China
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Guanghua Wan, email: wan@wider.unu.edu; and Janis Vehmaan-Kreula, email: janis@wider.unu.edu)
27-30 August 2005, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Hokkaido Session on "Working together for international peace and the role of civil society"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gshokkaido@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
5-9 September 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Participation to the UNESCO "International Forum on the Social Sciences"
UNU-CRIS will have a workshop on regional integration and consultation with regional organisations
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Luk Van Langenhove, email: director@cris.unu.edu)
5-9 September 2005, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "The U.N.'s Role in Global Governance: Challenges & Possibilities"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: shonan2005@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
7 September 2005, UN House, Tokyo
Lecture on "African Higher Education and International Cooperation with emphasis on Science and Technology"
by His Excellency Professor Romain Murenzi, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Research from the Republic of Rwanda
Organized by: United Nations University (UNU)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert).
[Programme] [Registration]
8 September 2005, Yokohama, Japan
Symposium on "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges"
Co-organized by UNU-IAS and the Japan Bio-industry Association (JBA)
(Contact Tel: (045) 221 2300; E-mail: unuias@ias.unu.edu) [Programme] [Registration]
11-14 September 2005, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Tohoku Session on "Local Resource Cycles and Global Sustainable Society"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gstohoku@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
12-15 September 2005, Kobe City & Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kobe/Awaji Session on "In Search of Global Order in the 21st Century - New Threats and Democracy"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gskobe@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
14-16 September 2005, UNU-WIDER and Marina Congress Center, Helsinki
Project meeting: Hunger and Food Security: New Challenges and New Opportunities
UNU-WIDER (Contact: Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, email: basudeb@wider.unu.edu; and Janis Vehmaan-Kreula, email: Janis@wider.unu.edu)
16 September 2005, Yokohama, Japan
Yokohama Roundtable on "The Role of Customary Law in the Protection of Traditional Knowledge"
Keynote speaker: Dr. Alphonse Kambu, Director, Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre (IICRC)
(Contact Tel: (045) 221 2300; E-mail: unuias@ias.unu.edu)
16-17 September 2005, UNU-WIDER and Marina Congress Center, Helsinki
Project Meeting: Development Aid: A Fresh Look
UNU-WIDER (Contact: George Mavrotas, email: mavrotas@wider.unu.edu; and Mark McGillivray, email: mark@wider.unu.edu)
20-22 September, Tokyo, Japan
Conference on "Institutionalizing North East Asia"
Closed workshop (21-22 Sept. -13:00, UNU
Public Symposium (22 Sept. 14:30-17:00, Aoyama Gakuin University)
Organized under the UNU and Aoyoma Gakuin University joint research project
Symposium website: http://www.sipeb-square.net/sipeb-blog/d-office/
21 September 2005, Tokyo, Japan
UNU International Conference on "Environmental Monitoring and Governance in the East Asian Hydrosphere: Future Challenges in POPs Management"
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Fukuya Iino, e-mail: Fukuya Iino).
[Press Release] [Programme]
Conference site Workshop announcement page
Landbase Website: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu/
23-24 September 2005, Maastricht
International Seminar on "Contributions to the Development Agenda on Intellectual Property Rights"
Held at the eve of the WIPO General Assembly in Geneva, the meeting will bring together leading scholars to whom these issues matter, and policymakers that will lead economic transformation.
Organized by: UNU-INTECH; INPI, Brazil; University of Columbia Catch-Up Project; Institutions, Organizations and Strategies, Network on Globalization and Development (REDES/Ford Foundation).
UNU-INTECH (Contact email: info@intech.unu.edu)
24-25 September 2005, Bonn, Germany
Working Group Session on "Security and Development in Latin America", XI EADI Conference
Co-organised by UNU-CRIS, UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve) and Institut Universitaire d'Etudes du Développement (Geneva)
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Philippe De Lombaerde, email: pdelombaerde@cris.unu.edu)
25-27 September, Geneva, Switzerland
Workshop on "African Research and Education Networking @ CERN"
Organized by the United Nations University, International
Telecommunication Union and European Organization for Nuclear
Research (CERN)
UNU Centre (Contact Brendan Barrett, e-mail: Brendan Barrett)
Website: http://event-africa-networking.web.cern.ch/event-africa-networking/default.html
30 September 2005, UN House, Tokyo
Fifth Annual Michio Nagai Memorial Lecture on "Human Rights and Education"
by Professor Yozo Yokota, Special Advisor to the Rector, United Nations University
Organized by: United Nations University (UNU)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release] [Programme] [Registration]
4-5 October, Kumasi, Ghana
International Workshop on "Sharing Environmental Knowledge in Africa"
Organized by the United Nations University and Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology
UNU Centre (Contact Brendan Barrett, e-mail: Brendan Barrett) and
UNU-INRA (Dr. J. Baidu-Forson, e-mail: Baidu-Forson@inra.unu.edu.gh)
6-7 October 2005, Maastricht
Second KEI workshop: "Knowledge Economy Indicators: Are we measuring what we need to measure?"
The workshop will provide a forum for critical evaluations of the future challenges for developing indicators of relevance to policy, given the challenges facing local and globally-integrated "knowledge economies."
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ms. Eveline in de Braek, email: indebraek@intech.unu.edu) More information at: http://kei.publicstatistics.net
12 - 15 October 2005, Brussels, Belgium
Conference on Regionalism as a Strategic Response to Globalisation Organised by the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR), Warwick; Centre for International Governance Innovations, Waterloo, Canada (CIGI) and UNU-CRIS
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Luk Van Langenhove, email:
14 October 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Tenth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "The Role of the United Nations Secretary-General: The Past as Prelude to the Future"
Lecture by Anand Panyarachun, former Prime Minister of Thailand, Chairman of the UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.
Organized by UNU Centre and UNU-IAS: (Contact: Soisik Habert, e-mail: Soisik Habert).
[Press Release] [Programme]
17-21 October 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam
Second International Colloquium on Formal Aspects of
Computing (ICTAC'05)
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Liu Zhiming, e-mail: lzm@iist.unu.edu
17-21 October 2005, Macao
Course on Foundations of Software Testing
Organized by UNU-IIST
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Bernhard Aichernig, email: bka@iist.unu.edu)
18-19 October 2005, New York, USA
Training workshop: Curbing trafficking : Progress Since the Ratification of the UN Trafficking Protocol
Organized by the UNU Peace and Governance Programme( Tokyo) - UNU-P&G with United Nations Institute for Training and Research( Geneva) - UNITAR
UNU Office in New York (Contact tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu
24 October 2005, Tokyo, Japan
2005 UN Day Public Forum - "UN at 60 and UNU at 30: Contributing to Peacebuilding through Working in the UN System in the 21st Century"
Jointly organized by 21 UN Agencies in Japan UNU Centre (Contact e-mail: unday2005@hq.unu.edu)
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/unday/2005/index.htm
24-25 October 2005, UNU-IIST, Macao
2nd International Workshop on Formal Aspects of
Component Software (FACS'05)
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Liu Zhiming, e-mail: lzm@iist.unu.edu)
24-29 October 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Fourth training workshop on Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policy in Developing Countries (DEIP)
The workshop is designed for senior and middle level officials of Ministries of Science and Technology, Ministries of Industry and other technology supporting institutions and agencies based in developing countries.
UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH) (Contact: DEIP Coordinator, deip@intech.unu.edu)
Download application form. Deadline for applications is 30th August 2005
24-30 October 2005, Iwate, Japan
Sixth UNU-ORI Joint International Workshop on Marine Environment
Jointly organized by UNU and Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo.
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Fukuya Iino, e-mail: Fukuya Iino). Workshop announcement page
Previous workshops page: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu/Events.htm
Landbase Website: http://landbase.hq.unu.edu/
25-27 October 2005, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
International Conference on "WTO at 10: Dispute settlement mechanism, multilateral negotiation, regional cooperation"
Co-organized by Tokyo Keizai University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Institute for International Studies and Training, Fair Trade Centre, UNU-IAS, Japan Association of International Environmental Law, and in collaboration with WTO
(Contact Joy Kim, Tel: (045) 221 2300 or (045) 221 2316; E-mail: kim@ias.unu.edu) Details [PDF file 1 MB] | Map to UNU Hq.
Conference Website: http://www.iist.or.jp/info/wto10/index-e.html
26-28 October 2005, University of Warwick, UK
Conference on Regionalisation And the Taming of Globalisation:
Economic, Political, Security, Social and Governance Issues
Organized by the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR), Warwick; Centre for International Governance Innovations, Waterloo, Canada (CIGI) and UNU-CRIS
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Luk Van Langenhove, e-mail: director@cris.unu.edu and Philippe DE LOMBAERDE, email: PDELOMBAERDE@cris.unu.edu).
7-9 November, 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
International Conference on "Hydrogen Fuel
Cells and Alternatives in the Transport Sector: Issues for Developing
UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH) (Contact: mwangi@intech.unu.edu)
8 November 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands
4th Amilcar Herrera Public Lecture: "Climate Change: A Political Quagmire?"
Speaker: Eugene B. Skolnikoff, Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The lecture will focus on the unique political characteristics of this subject and why it is such a difficult policy issue to deal with, especially in the US.
UNU-INTECH (Contact Ms. Marijke Roolvink-Batty, email:
9 November 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Eleventh U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "The Emergent Age"
Lecture by Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physics
Organized by UNU Centre, UNU-IAS and Science Council of Japan
UNU-IAS (Contact: Rie Inuzuka, e-mail: inuzuka@ias.unu.edu)
[Press Release] [Registration]
Website: http://www.ias.unu.edu/events/details.cfm/articleID/733
10 November 2005, New York, USA
Brainstorming Seminar: Food Security and Gender: What is the Link, What is at Stake?
Organised by the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (Helsinki) - UNU- WIDER
UNU Office in New York (Contact tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu
10 November 2005, Amman Jordan
Workshop to Establish a Regional Centre of Expertise for Education for Sustainable Development
UNU/ILI (Contact: Kirsten Neumann, E-mail:neumann@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
13-14 November, 2005 Amman Jordan
Workshop on Quality Assurance for Universities in the Middle East
In cooperation with UNU-ILI, UNESCO, UNDP
UNU/ILI (Contact: Yvonne Asamani, E-mail:asamani@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
16 November 2005, Tunis
The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Economic Development: Evidence and Policy Implications
WSIS Parallel Event organized by UNU-Institute for New Technologies and the Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology, MERIT
(Contact Ms. Wangu Mwangi, Communications Coordinator, email: info@intech.unu.edu)
See Programme (URL: http://www.intech.unu.edu/events/workshops/WSISevent_nov2005.php)
17 November 2005, Tunis, Tunisia
Worshop on Electronic Governance in Developing Countries, A Network-Building Workshop
Co-organized by UNU-IISt, National Information Technology Development Agency, Nigeria & University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, email: tj@iist.unu.edu)
21 November 2005, Amman Jordan
Workshop and Launch of Regional Centre of Expertise for Educational for Sustainable Development for Jordan
UNU/ILI (Contact: Kirsten Neumann, E-mail:neumann@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
23 November, 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Joint Workshop on Evaluation of International Environmental cooperation
Organized by: International Exchange Committee for Japan Evaluation Society, Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNU
UNU Centre: (Contact: Srikantha Herath, e-mail: Srikantha Herath).
23-26 November 2005, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kanazawa Session on "Human Security - The Role of the United Nations, Goverments and Society"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: iicrc@quartz.ocn.ne.jp)
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/globseminar/
26-30 November 2005, Amman Jordan
Leadership and Management of Universities in the 21st Century
UNU/ILI (Contact: Yvonne Asamani, E-mail:asamani@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
28-30 November 2005, San Luis, Argentina
Course on Semantic Web Services
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Universidad Nacional San Luis, Argentina
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, email: tj@iist.unu.edu)
1 December 2005, San Luis, Argentina
Workshop on Electronic Governance in Developing Countries
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Universidad Nacional San Luis, Argentina
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, email: tj@iist.unu.edu)
1-2 December 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa
Project Conference: "The Impact of Globalization on the World's Poor"
UNU-WIDER (Contact: wider@wider.unu.edu)
3 December 2005, Tokyo, Japan
30th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR30) (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond).
4 December 2005, Tokyo, Japan
UNU Council Bureau Meeting (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
4-8 December 2005, Amman Jordan
Women Leadership in Transitional and Post-Conflict/Societies - Capacity- Building through Participatory Knowledge transfer
UNU/ILI (Contact: Muna Odeh, E-mail:Odeh@la.unu.edu Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337068)
5 December 2005, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Workshop on Electronic Governance in Developing Countries
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, email: tj@iist.unu.edu)
5-7 December 2005, Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Course on XML Technology for Language Design and Processing
Course on Semantic Web Services
Co-organized by: UNU-IIST and Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, e-mail: tj@iist.unu.edu
5-9 December 2005, Tokyo, Japan
Fifty-second Session of the UNU Council (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
5-16 December, 2005, Brazil
Foundation of Formal Specification and Design
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Instituto Technológico de Aeronáutca - ITA
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Liu Zhiming, email: lzm@iist.unu.edu)
10-15 December, Dali, China
International Symposium on "Expanding Transboundary Cooperation for Water and Environment Security in Asia's International Rivers"
Organized by the Tsinghua Univrersity, China, Asian International Rivers Center, Yunan University, China, UNU and The World Bank Institute
UNU Centre (Contact Srikantha Herath, e-mail: Srikantha Herath) [Details and Registration - PDF file: 100 KB]
12 December 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal
Workshop on Electronic Governance in Developing Countries
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Government of Nepal
UNU-IIST (Contact: Dr. Tomasz Janowski, email: tj@iist.unu.edu)
13 December 2005, Hong Kong
UNU-IAS Side Event at WTO 6th Ministerial Meeting on
"High Level Dialogue on the WTO and Sustainable Development"
(Contact Rebecca Carter, Tel: (045) 221 2335 or (045) 221 2302; E-mail: carter@ias.unu.edu) [Announcement - PDF file 30.1 KB]
13-18 December 2005, Hong Kong
Hong Kong WTO Ministerial Conference, UNU-IAS Side Event
(Contact Joy Kim, Tel: (045) 221 2300 or (045) 221 2316; E-mail: kim@ias.unu.edu)
14 December 2005, Hong Kong
UNU-IAS Side Event at WTO 6th Ministerial Meeting on
"WTO and Sustainable Development: Empowering Research and Training Communities in Developing Countries"
(Contact Rebecca Carter, Tel: (045) 221 2335 or (045) 221 2302; E-mail: carter@ias.unu.edu) [Announcement - PDF file 30.1 KB]
16-19 December 2005, Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Okinawa Session on "Sports and Physical Education: Peace, Development and Exchange"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsokinawa2005@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
