| Meetings and Events in 2004

- The information provided below is subject to change without notice. When an event spreads over two months, it is listed in the starting month.
- Information on each event is given in the following order:
Date, location
Meeting title
Meeting objective
Meeting organizer/Contact
12-15 January 2004, Hanoi
Symposium/Workshop on Trade, Biotechnology and Sustainable Development
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, email: chambers@ias.unu.edu and A. Kambu kambu@ias.unu.edu).
12-31 January 2004, Accra, Ghana
Course entitled "Regional and Global Governance"
Venue: Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA)
UNU-CRIS (Contact Mary Farrell, email: mfarrell@cris.unu.edu).
19 January - 20 February 2004, Dakar, Senegal
Course on Regional Economic Integration
David Francis and Nikki Slocum will be teaching modules for the IDEP course on Regional Integration in Africa.
UNU-CRIS (Contact David Francis (dfrancis@cris.unu.edu and Nikki Slocum
20-23 January 2004, Beijing (or Macau)
University Professor Training Programme on the WTO and Sustainable Development, 3rd Session
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, email: chambers@ias.unu.edu and M. Tuozzo, email: tuozzo@ias.unu.edu).
22 January 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Regional Security and Governance: a study of interaction between regional organisations and the UN Security Council
Seminar and launch of UNU-CRIS report on Global Governance and Regional Security
By: Luk Van Langenhove, Director
and Kennedy Graham, Senior Fellow
Venue: Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations, New York
UNU-Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
5 February 2004, UN House, Tokyo
EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum on
"From Civil Strife to Civil Society - Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Peace-building and Reconcilliation"
Organized by: Delegation of the European Commission in Japan and United Nations University; in cooperation with: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNU Centre (Contact: Tel: 03-3499-2811; Fax: 03-3499-2828; E-mail: mbox@hq.unu.edu or the European Union, Tel: 03-3239-0441; Fax: 03-3261-5194; E-mail: deljpn@deljpn.cec.eu.int
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/p&g/eu [Press Release]
8-14 February 2004, Maastricht, The Netherlands
CTA*/UNU-INTECH Training Workshop on The Agricultural Systems of Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTI)
(*Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation ACP-EU, Wageningen, The Netherlands)
The first of a series of short term courses that will assist ACP policy makers to understand technology and the processes of technology development and management and their application to the agricultural systems. It is part of a broader programme of research and competence building in selected ACP countries.
UNU-INTECH (Contact Prof. Banji Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, email: oyeyinka@intech.unu.edu).
9 February 2004, UN House, Tokyo
Lecture on "Towards more Egalitarian and Sustainable Cities in Developing Countries"
By Mr. Enrique Peñalosa, Former Mayor of BogotE
Organized by: United Nations University (UNU), and Innova Ltd.
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
[Press Release] [Programme] [Lecture text]
9-20 February 2004, Kuala Lumpur
Side-events to disseminate programmatic activities of UNU-IAS during the 7th Meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP7) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, email: chambers@ias.unu.edu).
9-20 February, 2004, Caracas, Venezuela
Course on "Molecular markers use in plant genetic studies and improvement"
Co-organized between UNU-BIOLAC and ICGEB
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve)
11 February 2004, Warwick, UK
Workshop on "European Financial Market Integration, Investment and Technology"
UNU-INTECH (Contact: Dr. Anthony Bartzokas, email: bartzokas@intech.unu.edu).
11-17 February 2004, Otsuchi, Japan
Fourth UNU-ORI Joint International Workshop on Marine Environment
Ecosystem Conservation in Coastal Areas
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Dr. Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu).
Announcement details Website/Programme
13-14 February 2004, UN House, Tokyo
Panel Meeting on Economic Development and Human Security: How to Improve Governance at the Inter-Governmental, Governmental and Private Sector Levels in Japan and Asia
Organized by: KEIO University (21st COE Program, Faculty of Policy Management), United Nations University (UNU), and Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR)
Contact - KEIO University: Sayuri Shirai, e-mail: sshirai@sfc.keio.ac.jp or Yoko Aoki, e-mail: aokiyoko@sfc.keio.ac.jp
UNU Centre: Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
[Press Release] [Papers]
18 February 2004, Rome, Italy
Workshop on "Growth-finance and Macroeconomic Policy in the EU"
UNU-INTECH (Contact: Dr. Anthony Bartzokas, email: bartzokas@intech.unu.edu).
23-27 February 2004, Kuala Lumpur
1st Meeting of the Parties (MOP1) of the Cartagena Protocol
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, email: chambers@ias.unu.edu).
24-25 February 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium on "Peace Building: Toward Rehabilitations of East Timor and Afghanistan"
To consider and learn important lessons for better peace-building efforts in the future by reviewing and evaluating recent experiences in East Timor and Afghanistan.
Co-hosted by United Nations University (UNU) and the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA) and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Contact: Mr. Tomita or Ms. Shiraike of JIIA (fax 03-3503-7186)
[Press Release]
1-5 March 2004, Hyderabad, India
Course on RSL, UML and specification-based testing
UNU-IIST (Contact Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty, email: hmcs@uohyd.ernet.in).
2-3 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo
Global Higher Education for Sustainability Toolkit - Tokyo Consultation
UNU-IAS (Contact: Katsunori Suzuki, email: k_suzuki@ias.unu.edu or Zinaida Fadeeva, email: fadeeva@ias.unu.edu or Yuko Sato, email: y_sato@ias.unu.edu) [ULSF Website] [Press Release]
3 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo
Fourth Annual Michio Nagai Memorial Lecture on "Higher Education and Democracy"
by Senator Cristovam Buarque, Former Minister of Education of Brazil
Organized by: United Nations University (UNU)
UNU Centre (Contact: Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert). [Press Release] [Broadcast]
8 March 2004, Tokyo, Japan
3rd Joint UN House Public Forum on International Women'Day "Women and HIV/AIDS"
Jointly organized by UN Agencies in Japan
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert).
10-11 March 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Training workshop on "Key Linkages between the Rio Conventions"
Co-organized by the United Nations University and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
15-18 March 2004, Nadi, Fiji
Inter-linkages: Regional Workshop on Integrated Capacity Development in the Pacific on Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Co-organizers: UNU, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), UNDP
Its aim is to strengthen national and regional approaches and cooperation in implementation and capacity development efforts with regard to MEAs, building upon the UNU's case studies findings and recommendations.
UNU Centre (Contact: Jerry Velasquez, e-mail: jerry@geic.or.jp or Uli Piest).
15-19 March, 2004 - Caracas, Venezuela
Course on "Advanced IDEAs in phylogenetics" ("IDEAs Avanzadas en Filogenética")
At Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA)
UNU-BIOLAC (Contact Veronika Brundula, email: unu@reacciun.ve)
19 March, 2004 - UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Information on the International Symposium
"Emerging New Threats: Challenges for the United Nations"
UNU Centre, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Contact: KATO, email: unchallenges@infoasia.co.jp) [Registration and Programme]
19-22 March 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
UNU Global Seminar, Hawaii Session on "Negotiating Pacific Identities: Ethnicity, Encounters and Self-Determination"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: juliefuji@hawaii.edu)
23 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo Japan
Public Forum on "Catastrophic Floods: Hidden Vulnerability of Mega Cities"
Commemorating the World Water Day (22 Mar) and World Meteorological Day (23 May)
Organized by UNU, Cabinet Office of Japan, UN ISDR Secretariat, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)
UNU Centre (Contact: Srikantah Herath (UNU HQ), e-mail: fldforum@hq.unu.edu
Website: http://iisha.hq.unu.edu/floodforumMarch23.htm
23 March 2004, UN headquarters, New York
The Risk of Zinc Deficiency in Populations and Options for its Control
Presentation of the UNU-Food and Nutrition Programme report on zinc deficiency as a side event of the Standing Committee on Nutrition
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
26-27 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
First Workshop on Asian Democratic Governance
Organized by: Asian Democracy Partnership (ADP), United Nations University (UNU) Centre and United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
ADP (Contact: Professor Ryokichi Hirono, email: ryokichi@iea.att.ne.jp)
UNU-IAS (Contact: Professor Katsunori Suzuki, e-mail: k_suzuki@ias.unu.edu and Zinaida Fadeeva, e-mail: fadeeva@ias.unu.edu)
UNU Centre: Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
29-30 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
UNU TICAD III Follow-up workshop
(not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
30 March 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture by Ms Carolina Barco, Foreign Minister of Colombia on "Achievements of Colombia's Foreign Affairs Policies and its impact in the Latin American Region"
Organized by: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Embassy of Colombia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNU
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release] [Programme] [Broadcast]
2 April 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Award Ceremony for 2003-2004 UNU-Kirin Fellows
UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi). [Press Release] [Programme]
7 April 2004, Maastricht, The Netherlands
3rd Amilcar Herrera Lecture on The Role of Science in Achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals
by Professor M.S. Swaminathan
UNU-INTECH (Contact: Wangu Mwangi, email: mwangi@intech.unu.edu).
14 April 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture on "Asia and the International Court of Justice
by President Shi Jiuyong, International Court of Justice
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release] [Programme] [Broadcast] [Lecture text]
15 April 2004, World Bank, Washington DC;
16 April 2004, UN headquarters, New York
A WIDER approach to growth, inequality and poverty
Launch and presentation of new WIDER Studies in Development Economics:
- Inequality, Growth and Poverty in an era of liberalization and globalization (Oxford University Press) edited by Giovanni Andrea Cornia (University of Florence)
- Growth, Inequality and Poverty - Prospects for Pro-poor Economic Development (Oxford University Press) edited by Anthony Shorrocks (UNU-WIDER) and Rolph van der Hoeven (World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization)
- Perspectives on Growth and Poverty (United Nations University Press) edited by Rolph van der Hoeven (World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization) and Anthony Shorrocks (UNU-WIDER)
UNU-World Insitute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
17 April 2004, UN House, Tokyo
International Conference on "Language Diversity/Language Ecology" - Linguapax Asia 2004
Aims at bringing together scholars from European, Asian, and North American countries to exchange views, present research, and develop a vision of how to promote multilingualism, protect minority languages as well as endangered languages, and to advance the fundamental mission of Linguapax - promoting language and peace.
Co-organized by: Linguapax Asia and United Nations University
Patrons: United Nations University, the Embassy of the Republic of Austria and the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia
Contact: Tel: +81-463-84-2504; fax: +81-463-84-2504; e-mail: fisterstoga@f.email.ne.jp
Website: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/linguapax/asia
19-20 April 2004, Maastricht, the Netherlands
27th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR27) (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond).
20 April - 3 May 2004, Norwich, UK
Fellowship Course on Land degradation and sustainable rural livelihoods
Offered by UNU to researchers, practitioners from NGOs and government agencies as well as project staff from developing countries who participate in a course on current theory and practice of land degradation assessment in the context of projects to protect the environment and promote human welfare and livelihoods.
Tenable at University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
UNU Centre (Contact Liang Luohui or University of East Anglia, email: odg.train@uea.ac.uk)
21 April 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Presentation of the UN Water Virtual Learning Center (WVLC), a New Distance Education Programme in IWRM
A side-event of the Commission on Sustainable Development, 12th session (CSD12)
UNU-International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
22 April 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Training Workshop on "An Overview of Integrated Water Resources Management"
A side-event of the Commission on Sustainable Development, 12th session (CSD12)
UNU-International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
22-24 April 2004, Bruges, Belgium
Workshop on forthcoming book entitled: "The Making of Afro-Regions"
The workshop will be for the contributing authors to the forthcoming book which will be edited by Fred Söderbaum, Ian Taylor and Nikki Slocum.
UNU-CRIS (Contact Fredrik Söderbaum (fsoderbaum@cris.unu.edu) and and Nikki Slocum
26 April 2004, Kuwait
The WTO and Sustainable Development Training Programmes,
UNU-IAS (Contact: W. B. Chambers, email: chambers@ias.unu.edu and J. Kim kim@ias.unu.edu).
13-14 May 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge (not open to the public)
First Regional Research Seminar of the UNESCO Forum Regional Scientific Committee for Asia and the Pacific: "Changing Research Policy in the Higher Education System of the Asia-Pacific Region"
Organized by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and hosted by United Nations University (UNU)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
19 May 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture on "The Promotion of African Peace and Development: the Role of African Regional Organizations and the United Nations"
by H.E. Mr. Jean Ping, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gabon, and President-designate of the 59th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Organized by: United Nations University (UNU)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release] [Programme] [Registration]
19 May 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
UNU International Conference on
"Living with Desert"
To review global research on drylands, integrate key drylands and desertification issues, and summarize successful approaches for managing drylands
Co-organized by:
United Nations University (Environment and Sustainable Development Programme
and the International Network on Water, Environment and Health),
Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University, Japan, and
the Japanese Association for Arid Land Studies
UNU Centre (Contact Liang Luohui).
Website: http://www.inweh.unu.edu/inweh/drylands/Conference2004.htm Japanese website
[Press Release] [Programme]
20-21 May 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-ZEF General Assembly
UNU-Zero Emissions Forum (UNU-ZEF) (Contact: Keiko Miyako).
24 May 2004, Tokyo, Japan
2004 Africa Day Symposium on "Trade and Investment in the Context of TICAD"
Organized by: the African Diplomatic Corps in Tokyo (ADC), and UNU
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release] [Programme] [Go to UNU Africa website]
24-25 May 2004, Beijing, China
UNU International Symposium on Impacts of POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) from Urban Areas
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Dr. Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu). [Announcement details] [Programme] [Symposium Report]
24-31 May 2004, Maastricht
First Training course in Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policy in Developing Countries (DEIP)
UNU-INTECH (Contact: Dr. Sunil Mani, email: mani@intech.unu.edu).
26-27 May 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Workshop on composing the book "Forests in the Global Balance - Changing Paradigms" and IUFRO-WFSE Steering Committee Meeting (not open to the public)
The event is organized within the "World Forests, Society and Environment (WFSE)" to contribute to the edition of the fourth volume of the WFSE, which will focus on changing paradigms. The objective of the current research work is to collate and critically analyse the existing knowledge and to disseminate the results of selected issues on the interrelations between forests, society and environment.
Organized by: UNU and IUFRO-WFSE
Contact - IUFRO-WFSE: Gerardo Mery (gerardo.mery@metla.fi);
UNU Centre: Nevelina Pachova)
3 June 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Reforming International Environmental Governance: Findings and Proposals
Media launch and presentation of :
- Emerging Forces in Environmental Governance (United Nations University Press) by Norichika Kanie (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Peter Haas (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Reforming International Environmental Governance: From Institutional Limits, to Innovative Solutions (United Nations University Press) by W. Bradnee Chambers (UNU-IAS) and Jessica Green (UNU-IAS)
UNU-Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
10 June 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Seminar on Centers of Excellence in Africa
Capacity development and Natural Resources in Africa
UNU-Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
19 June 2004, UNU, Tokyo, Japan
"Why Nitobe now? - A symposium on the life and works of Bushido"
Co-organized by: United Nations University, Nitobe-kai, Japan Foundation, Asia Foundation and the National federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan (NFUAJ)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release]
28-30 June 2004, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic
1st Regional Meeting, Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains - an Integrated and Transboundary Initiative in Central Asia, UNEP/GEF/UNU/CDE PDF-B for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan (not open to the public)
To launch a trans-boundary and inter-institutional dialogue among representatives from different levels of administration in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and from relevant international institutions as a basis for developing a general framework for implementation of the PDF B and a detailed plan of action.
UNU Center (Contact: Ms. Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova)
1 July, UNU, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on "In Pursuit of an Inclusive Global Community - A Fair Globalization in a Turbulent World"
Organized by: United Nations University
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert.
[Presentations] [Japanese page]
3 July 2004, Kochi City, Kochi, Japan
Symposium on Kochi Global University: Creating Global harmony in the 21 CenturyE on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Kochi Shimbun (in Japanese, with no simultaneous interpretation)
Co-organized by UNU and Kochi Shimbun
Contact for registration: Kochi Global University, Tel: 088-825-4031,Fax: 088-824-6669
UNU Centre (Ms. Akiko Mochizuki, email: mbox@hq.unu.edu or Dr. Atsuro Tsutsumi, email: Atsuro Tsutsumi)
Website: http://www.kochinews.co.jp/100kinen/100nen1.htm#tikyudai">
3-23 July, Accra, Ghana
Fifth International Training Course in Plant Tissue Culture
UNU-INRA (Contact: Konadu Acheampong, e-mail: Acheampong@inra.unu.edu.gh).
7 July 2004, Singapore
Hydropolitics in the Euphrates River Basin under the New Circumstances
This is a research team meeting of the UNU project on "Managing Shared Waters in International Water Bodies" in conjunction with the 2nd Asia-Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources.
Co-organized by United Nations University and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Contact: Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, e-mail: mikiyasu@cc.tuat.ac.jp
7-9 July 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
UNU Council Bureau Meeting (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
8 July 2004, UN headquarters, New York
Innovative Financing for Small and Medium Enterprises: A Way Out of the Poverty Trap?
Media launch and presentation of:
- Innovation, learning and technological Dynamism of Developing Countries (UNU Press) edited by Sunil Mani (UNU-INTECH) and Henny Romijn (Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies (ECIS) at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
- Financial Systems, Corporate Investment in Innovation, and Venture Capital (Edward Elgar Press) edited by Anthony Bartzokas (University of Athens) and Sunil Mani (UNU-INTECH)
UNU Institute for New Technologies (UNU-INTECH)
Contact: UNU Office in New York, e-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu.
15-16 July 2004, Galway, Ireland
International Conference on Accountability for Atrocity
Organized by UNU and the Irish Centre for Human Rights,
National University of Ireland, Galway
Contact: Edward Newman, UNU, E-mail: Edward Newman or Edel Hughes,
National University of Ireland, Tel. +353 52 44 11 ext. 3798; Fax. +353 75 05 75; Email:
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/p&g/galway/index.htm
31 July - 3 August 2004, Fukushima, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Tohoku Session on "Think Globally, Act Locally - for Sustainable Society"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gstohoku@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
2-5 August 2004, Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Shimane Session on "Oceans: interaction between man and maritime environments"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsshimane@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
4 August 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Symposium on "Changing Atmosphere and Global Warming -Our Environment after Kyoto Protocol" (no interpretation - Japanese only)
Co-organised by Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science Technology (JAMSTEC) Frontier Research Center for Global Change (FRCGC), Institute of Observational Research for Global Change (IORGC) and the United Nations University.
Contact: Ms. Hata, tel: 045-778-5588; fax: 045-778-5497.
For Registration, send e-mail to frontier2004@jamstec.go.jp
Website: http://www.jamstec.go.jp/frcgc/jp/sympo/2004/
11-12 August 2004, Accra, Ghana
Meeting of the UNU-INRA Advisory Board
UNU-INRA (Contact: Uzo Mokwunye, e-mail: mokwunye@inra.unu.edu.gh).
16-20 August 2004, Seoul, Korea
UNU Global Seminar, Seoul Session on "Thinking about Science, Technology and Human Security"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsseoul@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
17-18 August 2004, Bangkok, Thailand
International Conference on "The Iraq Crisis and World Order: Structural and Normative Challenges"
Organized by UNU and the International Peace Academy, in partnership with the King Prajadhipok's Institute, Bangkok.
This conference will also be held in Japan in October.
UNU Centre (Contact Midori Okabe, e-mail: Midori Okabe.
24 August 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Public Forum on "Recovery From Catastrophic Disasters - Towards a Safer World For All"
On the Occasion of the Disaster Prevention Day and the Disaster Prevention Week
Prominent experts will address and propose how to reduce disaster risk through their experiences in Iran, USA and Japan
Co-organized by: The Cabinet Office of Japan, ISDR Secretariat, United Nations University, UNDP, and Asian Disaster Reduction Center, in cooperation with USAID, NHK, Hyogo Prefectural Government, Japan.
UNU Centre (Contact: Dr. Srikantha Herath, UNU, e-mail: Srikantha Herath, or the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), Tel: 078-262-5540; Fax: 078-262-5546; E-mail: recoveryforum@adrc.or.jp.
26-27 August 2004, Tokyo, Japan
UNU-UNESCO International Conference on "Globalization and Intangible Cultural Heritage: Opportunities, Threats and Challenges"
UNU Centre (Contact: Tel: 03-3499-2811, Fax: 03-3499-2828, E-mail: globalization2004@hq.unu.edu.)
[Press Release]
29 August - 1 September 2004, Sapporo, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Hokkaido Session on "Future international cooperation and education - From the viewpoint of "human security" (tentative)
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gshokkaido@hq.unu.edu)
30 August 2004, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Public Symposium on "Education for Sustainable Development: Challenges for Sustainable Future"
Co-organized by UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
Supported by the City of Yokohama,
UNU-IAS (Contact: e-mail: kyoiku@ias.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
6-10 September 2004, Hayama, Kanagawa Prefecture
UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "Living together in culture diversity"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsshonan@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
8 September 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on "Global Governance of Water Human Security and Water Resources"
The symposium aims at identifying the framework for tackling today's pressing problems of global water governance by bringing together the world's leading scholars and experts in the field. The symposium will consist of the following two sessions followed by a panel discussion: (1) Governance, Human Security, and Water Resources; (2) A Hot Issue: Euphrates-Tigris River Basin.
Co-organized by United Nations University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), GLOBE Japan, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST), and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan Water Forum (JWF)
Contact: Prof. Mikiyasu Nakayama, e-mail: mikiyasu@cc.tuat.ac.jp
9-11 September 2004, The Hague, Netherlands
The Fifth Pan-European International Relations Conference of the SGIR (Standing Group on International Relations)
UNU-CRIS (Contact Luk Van Langenhove, Director, email: director@cris.unu.edu).
24 September 2004, Bucharest, Romania
Launch of Project on "Global Governance and Regional Security"
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Kennedy Graham: kgraham@cris.unu.edu)
27 September 2004, Brussels, Belgium
One-day Workshop on "Federalism, Global Governance and Reform of the United Nations" Organised by UNU-CRIS and Belgian Royal Institute of International Relations
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Brigid Gavin, email: bgavin@cris.unu.edu)
27 September - 15 October 2004, UN House, Tokyo, Japan
UNU/ANU Graduate Study Courses in Strategy and Defence
The courses will provide advanced academic preparation for those seeking careers in security and defence policy, defence force command, diplomacy, corporate strategic planning, international research, journalism, ministerial advising or international agencies.
Co-organized by United Nations University (UNU) and the Australian National University (ANU)
UNU Centre (Contact Yoshie Sawada at UNU (Tel: +81-3-3499-2811, fax: +81-3-3406-7347, e-mail: Yoshie Sawada.
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/p&g/anu [Press Release]
27-30 September 2004, Kobe/Awaji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kobe/Awaji Session on "Safety and Conviviality in the Global Society"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gskobe@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
29 September 2004, New York
Launch of Book: WTO and the challenges for trade-led growth
UNU-World Institute for Development Economics Research - UNU-WIDER
UNU-New York (Contact: Nassim Magidi, e-mail: nassim@ony.unu.edu
4-17 October 2004, Jirgital, Tajikistan
Training in Sustainable Development Appraisal,
organized as part of the integrated and transboundary initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia - a GEF/UNEP PDF B initiative executed by UNU, together with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), NCCR North-South, University of Berne, Switzerland and the GEF Focal Points at the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
UNU/ESD (Contact : , E-mail : Pachova@hq.unu.edu)
UNU/ESD (Contact Nevelina Pachova, e-mail: Nevelina Pachova).
6 October, UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture by 1987 Nobel Peace Laureate, President of Costa Rica 1986-1990, Oscar Arias Sanchez on "Visions of Peace"
Organized by: United Nations University
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert). [Press Release] [Programme] [Registration] [Live Broadcast]
8 October, UNU, Tokyo Japan
Lecture by Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on: "Non-proliferation, Challenges and Opportunities"
Organized by United Nations University in cooperation with Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert), e-mail: Soisik Habert. [Press Release] [Programme] [Registration] [Live Broadcast]
13 October 2004, Warsaw, Poland
MCPFE (Ministerial Conference on Protection of Forests in Europe) Workshop on "Strengthening of Science-Policy Interface: Reviewing Needs for and Potentials of Policy Relevant Research in Europe"
Co-organized by European Forestry Institute, United Nations University, International Union on Forest Research Organisations, and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Contact: Ilpo Tikkanen, EFI, E-mail: Ilpo.Tikkanen@efi.fi
14-15 October 2004, Warsaw, Poland
Workshop on "Forest in Transition - Balkan Initiative"
Co-organized by European Forestry Institute and United Nations University
Contact: Ilpo Tikkanen, EFI, E-mail: Ilpo.Tikkanen@efi.fi
18-20 October 2004: Beppu, Oita Prefecture, Japan
22-23 October 2004: Kyoto, Japan
International Conference on "The Iraq Crisis and World Order: Structural and Normative Challenges
Organized by UNU and the International Peace Academy, in partnership with the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
UNU Centre (Contact Midori Okabe, e-mail: Midori Okabe).
18-20 October 2004, Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education on "The Social Commitment of Universities"
Keynote speaker: Hans van Ginkel, Rector of United Nations University
Organised by the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI)
At this Conference, the GUNI will launch two major international projects: the World Report on Higher Education and the International Observatory on Best University Practices. Nobel Prize winners, eminent scholars and experts in higher education will contribute to the debate
Contact http://www.guni2004.com/ for registration and further information.
22 October 2004, Tokyo, Japan
2004 UN Day Public Lecture and Forum on "Working for the UN"
Jointly organized by 20 UN Agencies in Japan
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: unday2004@hq.unu.edu) [Press Release] [Programme]
Website: http://archive.unu.edu/hq/public-lectures/unday/2004/index.htm
22 October 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Eighth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "Towards a Fair Globalization; A Finnish Perspective"
Lecture by Ms. Tarja Halonen, the 11th President of Finland, Co-chair Commissioner of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization.
Organized by UNU Centre and UNU-IAS: (Contact: Akihiko Watanabe, email: awatanabe@ias.unu.edu and Soisik Habert, e-mail: Soisik Habert). [Registration] [Live Broadcast]
25-28 October 2004, Tsukuba, Japan
Landscape Ecology Workshop on "Conservation and Management of Fragmented Forest Landscapes"
The workshop has two goals - to promote and facilitate the application of landscape ecology concepts in practical management activities wherever forests exit in the world; to encourage communication and interaction among scientists with an interest in landscape ecology and forestry.
Co-organized by Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, United Nations University, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 8.01.03 "Landscape Ecology"
Contact: Dr. Ken Sugimura, e-mail: kensugi@ffpri.affrc.go.jp
27-28 October 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Workshop on "Gender and health" (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact Birgit Poniatowski, tel: 03-5467-1289; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Birgit Poniatowski).
28 October 2004, New York
Harnessing biotechnology for development: the Latin American and Caribbean experience
UNU-Biotechnology for Latin America and the Caribbean - UNU-BIOLAC
UNU-New York (Contact: Nassim Magidi, e-mail: nassim@ony.unu.edu
2-9 November 2004, Otsuchi, Japan
Fifth UNU/ORI Joint International Workshop on Marine Environment: Marine Ecosystems and Bio-logging Science
UNU Centre (Contact: Kumiko Tsukamoto or Dr. Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu). [Announcement details]
4-5 November 2004, Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Zero Emission Forum in Kawasaki "Promotion of Eco-friendly Industry towards Sustainable Society"
To disseminate the Zero Emissions concept and practical methods among local administrative body, industry sector and citizens.
Co-organized by UNU and Kawasaki City
UNU-ZEF Secretariat (Contact Hiroshi Sasaki, e-mail: Hiroshi Sasaki or Kenichi Sakamoto, e-mail: Kenichi Sakamoto)
9 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Lecture on
"The Activities of the United Nations in the Field of Human Rights: Achievements and Challenges" (tentative)
by Ms. Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Organized by UNU in cooperation with Chuo Law School
UNU Centre (Contact Asami Oishi, e-mail: Asami Oishi [Registration]
10 November 2004, UNU-IAS, Yokohama
Yokohama Roundtable on the "Future Direction of the Climate Change Regime"
Organized by the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) in conjunction with the National Institute of Environmental Studies (NIES)
UNU-IAS (Contact: Rebecca Carter Tel: (045) 221-2335; Fax: (045) 221-2302; Email: carter@ias.unu.edu)
13 November 2004, Brussels, Belgium
Seminar on "Does the EU lead Europe on environmental Policy? Supranationalism and Intergovernmentalism in Regional Environmental Cooperation"
Organised by Institute for European Studies (IES) Vrije Universiteit Brussel and UNU-CRIS
UNU-CRIS (Contact Luk Van Langenhove: director@cris.unu.edu)
15 November 2004, New York
Launch of Study: New sources of Development Finance
UNU-WIDER in coordination with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
UNU-New York (Contact: Nassim Magidi, e-mail: nassim@ony.unu.edu [Broadcast]
15 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
The 50th Anniversary of Japan's International Cooperation Symposium
on "The View on the Japanese ODA in the Recipient Countries"
Co-organized by UNU, MOFA and JICA
Contact: oda50@japan-oda.go.jp)
URL: http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/oda/cooperation/anniv50/town.html [Registration]
17-19 November 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka
International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Changing Environment of the Monsoon Region"
Collaborators: National water Resources Authority, Sri Lanka, UNEP, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP)
UNU Centre (Contact: Srikantha Herath, e-mail: Srikantha Herath
20-23 November 2004, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Kanazawa Session on "Globalization and Regionalism"
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: iicrc@quartz.ocn.ne.jp)
[Press Release]
22 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Ninth U Thant Distinguished Lecture
Lecture by Ms. Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Organized by UNU Centre and UNU-IAS: (Contact Rie Inuzuka, tel: 045-221-2300; fax: 045-221-2302; e-mail:
inuzuka@ias.unu.edu). [Press Release] [Broadcast]
23 November 2004, New York
The urban ecosystem approach: redefining management challenges for Asian cities
UNU-Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and University of Tokyo
UNU-New York (Contact: Jibecke Jonsson, e-mail: jibecke@ony.unu.edu
25-26 November, 2004, UN House, Tokyo
Zero Emissions 10th Anniversary Symposium - Towards a Global Model of a Sustainable Society- Zero Emissions by "Circulation, Regeneration and Symbiosis"
Organized by: United Nations University Zero Emissions Forum (UNU-ZEF), JSPS Committee No.168, Toyohashi University of Technology
UNU-ZEF secretariat (Contact Keiko Miyako, tel: 03-5467-1280; fax: 03-3499-2878; e-mail: Keiko Miyako)
More details at: http://archive.unu.edu/zef/events.html [Press Release] [Broadcast]
26 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Seminar on "Achieving the Consolidation of Peace in Africa; Issues and Agenda of Peace Support Operations in Africa"
Organized by: UNU and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (First Africa Division, Middle Eastern and African Affairs)
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert).
[Registration] [Broadcast]
27-28 November 2004, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on Participatory Strategy for Soil and Water Conservation
To discuss soil and water conservation technologies, while focusing on technology transfer including participatory strategies.
Co-organized by United Nations University (UNU), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo, Institute of Regional Environment Science, Tokyo, University of Agriculture, World Association of Soil and Water Conservation(WASWC), The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering (JSIDRE), Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC), and Inoue Foundation for Science.
Contact: Secretariat of ERECON International Symposium, Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation, E-mail: erecon@nifty.com
(website: http://homepage3.nifty.com/erecon/).
end-November 2004, Brussels, Belgium (date to be confirmed)
One-day Workshop on "Do We Need a United Nations Economic Security Council?"
Organised by UNU-CRIS and Belgian Royal Institute of International Relations
UNU-CRIS (Contact: Brigid Gavin: bgavin@cris.unu.edu)
1 December 2004, Tokyo, Japan
International Seminar on "Fighting Poverty; Alternative Solutions to Genuine Development"
Organized by: UNU and the ReThink Foundation
UNU Centre (Contact Soisik Habert, tel: 03-5467-1220; fax: 03-3499-2828; e-mail: Soisik Habert). [Press Release] [Programme] [Registration] [Broadcast]
2 December 2004, New York
Launch of Book: Ideals & Reality: Can the UN Promote Democracy?
UNU Peace and Governance Programme
UNU-New York (Contact: Jibecke Jonsson, e-mail: jibecke@ony.unu.edu
2-3 December 2004, Tokyo, Japan
International Symposium on "Globalization and the Future of Youth in Asia - Towards the Creation of a Society where Young People Participate Actively in the Working Life, and Demonstrate Their Fullest Potential"
Organized by UNU and International Labour Organization
UNU Centre (Contact: Professor Kazuo Takahashi, e-mail: Kazuo Takahashi and Asami Oishi, e-mail: Asami Oishi).
Website: http://www.at-now.co.jp/asia/
[Press Release] [Programme] [Broadcast]
4 December 2004, Helsinki, Finland
28th Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR28) (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond, e-mail: Max Bond).
5 December 2004, Helsinki, Finland
UNU Council Bureau Meeting (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
6-10 December 2004, Helsinki, Finland
Fifty-first Session of the UNU Council (not open to the public)
UNU Centre (Contact: Max Bond).
7 December 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Public Lecture by President Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA of Algeria
Organized by: UNU and the Embassy of Algeria
UNU Centre (Contact: Asami Oishi, e-mail: Asami Oishi). [Press Release] [Programme] [Registration] [Broadcast]
9 December 2004, Tokyo, Japan
Public Symposium on "Promoting Global Cross-Sectoral Partnership
for An Effective Response to Major Communicable Diseases
- Accomplishments and Challenges of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria"
Co-organized by: Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ) and UNU.
UNU Centre (Contact: Martina Timmermann, e-mail: Martina Timmermann).
[Programme and Registration]
11-14 December 2004, Medenine, Tunisia
Second Project Workshop on "Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands [SUMAMAD]
To assess of the current status based on eight country reports in dryland management, taking into account the socio-economic aspects and peoples adaptation to dryland management.
UNU Centre (Contact: Iwao Kobori, e-mail: Iwao Kobori or Zafar Adeel, e-mail: adeelz@inweh.unu.edu
16 December 2004, Mita Kaigisho, Tokyo, Japan
Seminar on Human Resource Development in International Peace Cooperation
Co-organized by UNU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
This seminar focuses on the way of strengthening human resource development in the field of international peace cooperation, receiving ideas and suggestions from participants including those from foreign institutes. It also provides the audience with information on how to participate in the activities.
Contact: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Peace Cooperation Division, Tel: 03-3580-3311 Ext. 3326
UNU Contact: Vesselin Popovski, e-mail: Vesselin Popovski or Martina Timmermann, e-mail: Martina Timmermann
Website: http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/un/pko/seminar0412.html Registration [deadline: Wednesday, 8 Dec.]
16-19 December 2004, Sashiki-cho, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
UNU Global Seminar, Okinawa Session
UNU Centre (Contact: e-mail: gsokinawa@hq.unu.edu)
[Press Release]
19-24 December 2004, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Workshop on Biodiversity and Sustainable Rice Production
Training in concepts and methodology and examples for achieving the twin goals of biodiversity conservation and improving rural livelihood.
Co-organized by UNU and Chiang Mai University
UNU Centre (Contact: Luohui Liang, e-mail: Luohui Liang

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