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Current Periodical Holdings

This is a list of current periodicals received at the UNU Library. Under the 1st issue/Retention column, either the first issue received or retention period is indicated for each title. This list does not include availability of full text online journals or links to electronic journals, with an exception of a few titles only. For subscribed electronic journal services, please refer to UNU Electronic Library. Further information may be obtained from the Library

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

  Title Freq. 1st issue/Retention
  Acta Nutrimenta Sinica Q 1987 Vol.9 No.3
  ACU Bulletin of Current Documentation 5/Y 1978 No.32
  Adelphi Paper 6-8/Y 1983 No.187
  アエラ W Latest 3 years
  Africa Confidential 25/Y 2001
  Africa Recovery Q 1992 Vol.6 No.1
  African Development Review SA 1989 Vol.1 No.1
  African Study Monographs 4/Y 1991 Vol.12 No.3
  African Study Monographs : Supplementary Issue IR 1992 No.17
  アジア女性研究 A 1992 No.1
  アジ研 ワールド トレンド M Latest 3 years
  Alternatives Q 1981 Vol.7 No.3
  AMBIO 8/Y 1977 Vol.6 No.1
  American Anthropologist Q 1996 Vol.98 No.1
  The American Economic Review 5/Y 1994 Vol.84 No.1
  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition IR 1977 Vol.30 No.1
  American Journal of International Law Q 1984 Vol.78 No.1
  American Journal of Political Science Q 1996 Vol.40 No.1
  American Journal of Sociology BM 1985 Vol.90 No.4
  American Political Science Review Q 1984 Vol.78 No.1
  American Sociological Review BM 1985 Vol.50 No.1
  The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 6/Y 1996 No.543 Jan.
  Appropriate Technology Q 1993 Vol.20 No.2
  Arab Studies Quarterly Q 1985 Vol.7 No.4
  Archivos Latino Americanos de Nutricion Q Latest 5 years
  Arms Control Today 10/Y 1996 Vol.26 No.1
  Asia Pacific Journal on Environment and Development SA 1999 Vol.6 No.1
  Asia Pacific Tech Monitor BM 1993 Jan-Feb
  Asia Pacific Viewpoint 3/Y 1996 Vol.37 No.1
  Asian Breeze 3/Y Latest 3 years
  Asian Development Review SA 1985 Vol.3 No.2
  Asian Exchange 2/Y 1992 Vol.7 No.3/4
  Asian Migrant Q 1993 Vol.6 No.1
  Asian Survey BM 1984 Vol.24 No.1
  Asian Wall Street Journal DMF 1981
  Asian/Pacific Book Development Q 1984 Vol.40 No.1
  Asia-Pacific Perspectives: JAPAN+ M Latest 1 year
  Atlantic Monthly M Latest 3 years
  Australian Journal of International Affairs 3/Y 1996 Vol.50 No.1
  Australian Journal of Political Science 3/Y 1996 Vol.31 No.1
  防衛研究所紀要 SA 1998 Vol.1 No.1
  The Bookseller W Latest 1 year
  British Journal of Political Science Q 1984 Vol.14 No.1
  The British Journal of Sociology Q 1984 Vol.35 No.1
  Bulletin Board (UNU/ILA) SA 2003
  Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists BM Latest 5 years
  Bulletin of The World Health Organization BM Latest 5 years
  文藝春秋 M Latest 1 year
  Business Week W 35156
  Byte M 1984 Vol.9 No.2
  Cajanus Q 1984 Vol.17 No.2
  Cambridge Journal of Economics BM 1984 Vol.8 No.1
  CEPAL Review IR 1984 No.22
  地球環境研究 IR 1992 No.23
  The China Quarterly 4/Y 1996 No.145 March
  Choice 2002 2001 Vol.39 No.3
  Choices : The Human Development Magazine 3/Y 1993 Vol.2 No.1
  The Chronicle of Higher Education W Latest 1 year
  The Chronicle of Philanthropy BW Latest 1 year
  中央官庁幹部一覧 5/Y Latest 1 year
  中央公論 M Latest 1 year
  CITIES BM 2000
  Citizenship Studies 3/Y 1997 Vol.1 No.1
  College & Research Libraries BM 1994 Vol.55 No.1
  Commentary M Latest 3 years
  Common Knowledge 3/Y 1993 Vol.2 No.1
  Common Market Law Review BM 1999 Vol.36 No.1
  Communications of The ACM M 1998 Vol.41 No.2
  Communist and Post-Communist Studies Q 1996 Vol..29 No.1
  Comparative Political Studies BM 1995 Vol.28 No.2
  Comparative Politics Q 1996 Vol.28 No.2, Jan.
  Comparative Strategy: An International Journal Q 1996 Vol.15 No.1
  Concise International Chemical Assessment Document IR 1998 No.8
  Conflict, Security and Development 3/Y 2001
  Contemporary Southeast Asia : A Quarterly Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 3/Y 1990 Vol.12 No.1
  Copyright Bulletin Q 1997 Vol.31 No.1
  Courier : Africa - Caribbean - Pacific - European Union BM 1996 No. 157, May-June
  Courrier : Afrique - Caraibes - Pacifique - Union Europeenne BM 1996 No. 157, Mai-Juin
  Critical Review Q 1994 Vol.8 No.1
  Critique M 1997 No.596-597 Jan-Feb
  クロスロード M 1992 Vol.28 No.322
  Culturelink (UNESCO) Q 1991 No.4 (May)
  Current History 9/Y 1995 Vol.94 No.593 Sept.
  Current Literature on Science of Science BM Latest 5 years
  Current Sociology 3/Y 1984 Vol.32 No.1
  DAEDALUS Q 1984 Winter
  Datamation BW 1984 Vol.30 No.1
  Democratization Q 1998 Vol.5 No.1
  Developing Economies Q 1983 Vol.21 No.4
  Development : Journal of The Society for International Development 4/Y 1993 No.2
  Development and Change Q 1984 Vol.15 No.1
  Development and Socio-Economic Progress 3/Y 1992 No.54
  Development Business BW Latest 1 year
  Development Dialogue IR 1984 No.1-2
  Development in Practice Q 1995 Vol.5 No.1
  Diplomacy & Statecraft 3/Y 1998 Vol.9 No.1
  Disarmament Diplomacy : A Journal of the Acronym Institute 10/y Link
  Disarmament Forum = Forum du desarmement 4/Y 1999
  Discover : The News Magazine of Science M 1984 Vol.5 No.6
E アーシアン = Earthian M Latest 3 years
  East Asia : An International Quarterly Q 1997 Vol.16
  Ecological Research BM 1994 Vol.9 No.1 Apr.
  The Ecologist BM 1993 Vol.23 No.1 Jan/Feb
  Economic and Political Weekly W Latest 1 year
  Economic Development and Cultural Change Q 1984 Vol.32 No.1
  Economic Geography Q 1992 Vol.68 No.1 Jan.
  Economies et Societesh M Latest 3 years
  The Economist W 1984 Vol.290 No.7323
  エコソフィア SA 1998 No.1
  エコノミスト W Latest 3 years
  Energy Policy M 1990
  Entwicklung + Landicher Raum BM Latest 2 years
  Environment 10/Y 1989 Vol.31 No.5 Jun.
  Environment and Urbanization SA 1992 Vol.4 No.1 Apr.
  Environmental Conservation Q 1984 Vol.11 No.1 Spring
  Environmental Health Criteria IR 1984 No.31
  Environmental Management BM 1984
  Esprit 10/Y 1997
  Ethics & International Affairs SA 1987
  Ethnic Conflict Research Digest IR Link
  Ethnic Studies Network Bulletin SA Link
  ヨーロッパ BM Latest 1 year
  European Journal of International Relations Q 1995 Vol.1 No.1, March
  Europe-Asia Studies 8/Y 1996 Vol.48 No.1 Jan.
  FAO Bulletin of Statistics 4/Y Latest 5 years
  FAO Documentation 6/Y Latest 5 years
  Far Eastern Economic Review W 1984
  Finance and Development Q Latest 1 year
  Financial Times D Latest 3 months
  Focus Japan 11/Y Latest 3 years
  Focus Kosovo BM 2002
  Focus on Africa Q 2001
  Food and Nutrition Bulletin Q 1978
  Food Policy BM 1984
  Food, Nutrition and Agriculture 3/Y 1991
  Forbes 27/Y 1996 20 May +
  Foreign Affairs BM 1983
  Foreign Policy BM 1983
  Fortune BW 35184
  Fortune News Q A
  Foundation News & Commentary BM 1984
  Future Survey M Latest 3 years
  Futures 10/Y 1984
  Futures Research Quarterly Q 1992
  Futurist BM 1993
  外交フォーラム M 1988
  外交資料館報 IR 2002 No.16
  外務省調査月報 Q 1991
  学術月報 M Latest 3 years
  学燈 M Latest 1 year
  現代の図書館 Q Latest 3 years
  Gender & Society BM 1988
  Geoforum Q 1997 Vol.28 No.1
  Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography Q 1999 Vol.81
  Geojournal M 1984
  Global Environmental Change : Human and Policy Dimensions Q 1990
  Global Environmental Politics Q 2001
  Global Governance Q 1995
  グローバルネット M Latest 3 years
  Global Social Policy 3/Y 2003
  Global Society 3/Y 1996 Vol.10 no.2, May +
  Good Book Guide M 1994
  Governance : An International Journal of Policy and Administration Q 1994
  The Guardian Weekly W Latest 1 year
  Gujarat Institute of Development Research Working Paper Series IR Latest 3 years
  軍縮問題資料 M 1993
  HABITAT International Q 1996 Vol.20 No.1
  Harvard Business Review BM 1994
  Harvard Human Rights Journal A 1991
  Harvard International Law Journal SA 1984
  平和研究 A 1992
  Human Rights Dialogue Q Link
  Human Rights Monitor Q 1992
  Human Rights Quarterly Q 1979 Vol.1
  IAEA Bulletin 2/Y 1993
  ICTR Quarterly Bibliography = Bibliographie Trimestrielle du TPIR Q 1999
  IDCJフォーラム A 1992
  IDRI Occasional Paper IR A
  IDS Bulletin Q 1997
  IFPRI Research Report IR 1988
  IHDP Update Q 1997 No.1
  IHJ Bulletin : A Quarterly Publication of The International House of Japan 2/Y 1992
  IIASA Research Reports IR 1984
  In Pressions Q 1993
  Index of Conference Proceedings M 1984
  Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics Q A
  The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics M Latest 3 years
  Industry and Environment Q 1987
  Information Technology and Libraries Q Latest 5 years
  Institute of Social Studies : Working Papers IR Latest 3 years
  Interciencia M Latest 5 years
  Intermedia BM 1984
  International Affairs Q Latest 5 years
  International and Comparative Law Quarterly Q 1984
  International Development Planning Review Q 2002
  International Herald Tribune D Latest 3 months
  International Information, Communication and Education SA 1984
  International Journal Q 1999 Vol.54
  International Journal of Contemporary Sociology SA 1984
  The International Journal of Human Rights Q -2003
  International Journal of Middle East Studies Q 1996 Vol.28 No.1 Feb.
  International Journal of Population Geography Q 1996
  International Journal of Refugee Law 4/Y 1995
  International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Q 1993
  International Journal of Water Resources Development Q 1993
  International Journal on World Peace Q 1993
  International Labour Documentation 10/Y Latest 1 year
  International Legal Materials BM 1993
  International Migration Q 2002
  International Organization Q 1984
  International Peacekeeping Q 1994
  International Political Science Abstracts BM 1984
  International Political Science Review Q 1996
  International Relations 3/Y 1994
  International Relations of the Asia Pacific SA 2001
  International Security Q 1984
  International Social Science Journal  [English/French] Q 1984
  International Social Security Review Q 1986
  International Sociology Q 1988
  International Studies Perspectives - supplement to the International Studies Quarterly Q 2002 Vol.3 No.1
  International Studies Quarterly 6/Y 1996 Vol.40 No.1, March
  International Studies Review - supplement to the International Studies Quarterly (Formerly Mershon Int'l Studies Review) Q 2001 Vol.3 No.2
  IOM Latin America Migration Journal IR 1993
  IOM News Q 37500
  Irrigation and Drainage Q 2001 Vol.50 No.1
  Issues in Science & Technology Q 1988
  Japan Echo BM 1988
  Japan Economic Review M Latest 2 years
  Japan Foundation Newsletter BM 1983
  Japan Inc M Latest 2 years
  Japan Review : journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies IR 1996 No.7
  Japan Review of International Affairs Q 1997 vol.11 no.3
  Japan Times D Latest 3 months
  Japanese Book News Q 1993
  Japanese Literature Today A 1994 No. 19
  JARQ : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly Q Latest 5 years
  Jeune Afrique W Latest 3 years
  Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences Q 1992
  JICAフロンティア M 36373
  Journal of Academic Librarianship BM 1994
  Journal of African Economies 3/Y 1994
  Journal of Asian Studies Q 1985 Vol.44 No.1
  Journal of Asian Women's Studies A 1992
  Journal of Communication Q 1984
  The Journal of Conflict Resolution BM 1995
  Journal of Contemporary African Studies 2/Y 1996
  Journal of Contemporary Asia Q 1996 Vol.26 No.1
  Journal of Democracy Q 1995
  Journal of Development Economics BM 1996 Vol.49 No.1, April
  Journal of Development Studies BM 1984
  Journal of East Asian Studies 3/Y 2001
  Journal of Economic History 4/Y 1996
  Journal of Economic Issues Q 1996
  Journal of Economic Literature Q 1994
  Journal of Economic Perspectives Q 1994
  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 6/Y 1996 Vol.30 No.1, Jan.
  Journal of Environmental Law 3/Y 1999
  Journal of Industrial Ecology Q 1998 Vol.2 No.1
  Journal of Information Science BM 2001
  Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies A 1996 Vol.VIII no.1/2
  Journal of International Affairs SA Latest 5 years
  Journal of International Development and Cooperation = 国際協力研究誌 A 1995
  Journal of International Economic Law Q 1998 Vol.1 No.1
  Journal of International Relations and Development Q 1998 Vol.1 No.1-2
  Journal of Islamic Studies 3/Y 1995
  Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry BM 1997 Vol.16 No.3(May)
  The Journal of Modern African Studies Q 1996
  The Journal of Pacific Asia A 1994
  Journal of Peace Research BM 1984
  Journal of Philippine Development SA 1993
  Journal of Political Economy BM 1996 Vol 104 No.2, April
  Journal of Politics Q 1996
  Journal of Regional Science 4/Y 1996 Vol.36 No.1, Feb.
  Journal of Rural Development SA 1992
  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research M Latest 3 years
  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 4/Y 2001 Vol.56 No1
  Journal of Sustainable Forestry 8/Y 2001 Vol.12 No.1/2
  Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 3/Y 1997 Vol.2 No.1
  Journal of the Group of 77 BM A
  Journal of the Pacific Society  = 太平洋学会 Q 1995 Vol.18
  Journal of Third World Studies SA 1997 Vol.14 No.1
  Journal of Tropical Ecology BM 1989
  Jurist - 実用法律雑誌・ジュリスト BM Latest 3 years
  化学と工業 M 2002 Vol.55-7
  環境ビジネス BM 36434
  環境研究 = Environment Research Quarterly Q 2001
  公研 M Latest 1 year
  国立国会図書館月報 M Latest 2 years
  国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology Q Latest 5 years
  国際開発研究 = Journal of International Development Studies SA 1998
  国際教育協力論集 = Journal of international cooperation in education SA 1998 Vol.1 No.1
  国際協力研究 SA 1992
  国際協力プラザ M Latest 3 years
  国際政治 = International Relations 3/Y 1986
  国際法外交雑誌 BM 1990
  Korea and World Affairs Q 1993
  Korea Journal Q 1992
  Label France Q 2000
  Latin American Perspectives BM 1995
  Latin American Research Review 3/Y 1984
  Latin American Studies A 1992
  LEISA : ILEIA Newsletter for Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture Q 2000 Vol.16 No.3
  London Review of Books 24/Y Latest 1 year
  Look Japan (日本瞭望) M Latest 1 year
  Look Japan (English) M Latest 1 year
  Main Economic Indicators M 1997 No.9 Sep.
  Man and Development Q 1985
  Marga Quarterly Journal Q 1992
  McNair Paper : Institute for National Strategic Studies IR A
  Media Development Q 1987
  Mediterranean Quarterly Q 1993
  Middle East International 25/Y 1996
  Middle East Journal Q 1985
  Middle Eastern Studies Q 1996 Vol.32 No.1, Jan.
  Millennium 3/Y 1999
  民博通信 5/Y Latest 3 years
  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change Q 1997 Vol.2 No.1
  Modern Asian Studies Q 1996
  文部科学広報 M Latest 1 year
  Monde Arabe : Maghreb-Machrek 3/Y 1997 No.157
  Le Monde Diplomatique M Latest 1 year
  The Month at UNESCO : quarterly information bulletin Q 1987
  Monthly Bibliography M Latest 1 year
  Monthly Bulletin of Statistics M Latest 1 year
  Monthly Review : An independent socialist magazine 11/Y Latest 3 years
  Mountain Research and Development A 1981
  Moving Pictures IR 1996
  Nation W 1996
  National Diet Library Newsletter IR 1994
  National Geographic M 2001
  National Interest Q 1993
  Natural Resources Forum Q 1984
  Nature W 1984
  ネイチャーインタフェイス M 2001 Vol.1 No.1
  Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights Q 1988
  Network Magazine : The competitive edge in business technology 13/Y 1998 Vol.13 No.2
  New Internationalist M 1984
  New Left Review BM 1984
  New Political Economy 3/Y 1996
  New Republic 48/Y 1996
  New Scientist W 1984
  New Technology Japan M 1986
  New York Review of Books BW Latest 1 year
  New York Times Book Review W Latest 1 year
  Newsweek W Latest 1 year
  日本中東学会年報 = Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies A 2000
  日本の参考図書 Q Latest 2 years
  21世紀フォーラム Q Latest 3 years
  日経バイト M Latest 1 year
  日経コミュニケーション BW Latest 1 year
  日経エコロジー M Latest 1 year
  日経金融新聞 D Latest 3 months
  Nikkei Weekly W 1984
  日本の科学者 M Latest 3 years
  NIRA政策研究 M Latest 3 years
  Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 3/Y 1998 Vol.19 No.1
  Nutrition Reviews M 1984
  Occasional Paper : IMF 10/Y 1992
  Online : World's Circulation Magazine for Information Professionals BM Latest 10 years
  Options: IIASA Q 1984
  Orbis : A Journal of World Affairs Q Latest 5 years
  Organization & Environment Q 1997 Vol. 10 no. 1, March
  Our Planet :  the magazine of the United Nations Environment Programme BM 1992
  Pacific Affairs Q 1984
  Pacific Review Q 1993
  Pacifica Review 3/Y 1998 Vol.10 No.1
  El Pais W Latest 1 year
  Peace and Security - the IIP Research Quarterly Q 1984
  Peace Review :  the International Quarterly of World Peace Q 1999 Vol.11 No.1
  La Pensee 4/Y 1984
  Philosophy and Public Affairs Q 1997
  Philosophy and Rhetoric Q 1985
  Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter Q 1992
  PLEC News and Views 2/Y 1993
  Policy Review: the Journal of American Citizenship BM 1996
  Policy Series : Centre for Sustainable Development, Natural Resources Institute IR 1999
  Political Geography 8/Y 1998 Vol.17 No.1
  The Political Quarterly 4/Y 1996
  Political Science Quarterly Q 1996 Vol.111 No.1
  Political Studies 5/Y 1996 Vol.44 No.1, March
  Political Theory BM 1996
  Politics & Society Q 1995
  Population and Development Review Q 1984
  Population and Environment BM 1994
  Population and Vital Statistics Report Q 2000
  Populi IR 1985
  Progress in Human Geography Q 1997
  PS : Political Science & Politics Q 1984
  Public Opinion Quarterly Q 1996
  Publishers Weekly W 1984
  Pugwash Newsletter 4/Y 1993
  Recherche, La 11/Y 1988
  Refugees = 難民 Q 1992
  Regional Development Dialogue 2/Y 1984
  Regional Development Studies  (RDS) A 1994
  Reporte Politico/Panorama Centroamericano 11/Y 1992
  Research Policy BM 2001
  Research Report : Int. Food Policy Research Inst. IR Link
  Review : A journal of the Fernand Braudel Center Q 1984
  Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 3/Y 1993
  Review of International Studies Q 1994
  Review of Population and Social Policy A 1992
  Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales Q 1994
  SAIS Review SA 1993
  Science W 1977
  Science & Vie M Latest 3 years
  Science and Global Security A 1994
  Science and Society : a journal of Marxist thought and analysis 4/Y 1996
  Science and Technology in Japan Q Latest 5 years
  Science Communication Q 1984
  Science News W Latest 3 years
  Science, Technology & Society 2/Y 1998 Vol.3 No.1
  Scientific American M 1984
  Secheresse : Science et Changements Planetaires Q 1995
  Security Dialogue Q 1985
  世界 M Latest 3 years
  世界の農林水産 M Latest 3 years
  世界の動き M Latest 3 years
  世界と人口 M Latest 3 years
  専門図書館 BM 1992
  Senri Ethnological Studies IR 1995
  選択 M Latest 1 year
  Share International M 2001 Vol.20 No.2
  思想 M Latest 3 years
  消費者物価指数月報 M 2000 No.361
  食品総合研究所研究報告 A 1986
  Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 2/Y 1999 Vol.20 No.1
  Slavic Review Q 1996 Spring
  SLOVENIA Weekly W 2001
  Social Research Q 1984
  Social Science Information (Sur Les Sciences Sociales) BM 1984
  Southeast Asian Studies = 東南アジア研究 Q 1987
  Stanford Journal of International Law   2002
  Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Q A
  Strategic Survey A  
  Studies in Family Planning BM 1994
  Survival Q 1984
  Systems Research and Behavioral Science 6/Y 1997 Vol.41 No.1, January
  Technology and Culture Q 1984
  Technology and Development A 1994
  Technology Assessment: TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten IR 1999
  Technology Review BM 1998 Vol.101 No.3
  Third World Quarterly 6/Y 1979
  The Times Higher Education Supplement W Latest 1 year
  Tisnet Trade and Investment Information Bulletin IR 1992
  図書館雑誌 M Latest 5 years
  Transnational Corporations 3/Y 1992
  Trends in Social Security Q 1993
  UN Chronicle Q 1984
  Unasylva Q Latest 3 years
  UNBIS Plus on CD-ROM Q 2001
  UNCTAD News SA 2001 Vol.3 No.4
  UNESCO Courier M 1984
  UNESCO Sources M 1989
  United Nations Postal Administration 6/Y 1994
  UNU Nexions Q 1993
  UNV News Q 1998
  UP : University Press M Latest 1 year
  Urban Affairs Review BM 1999 Vol.34 No.3
  Urban Ecosystems Q 1999
  Urban Health and Development Bulletin   2001
  Urban Studies M 1994
  Washington Quarterly Q 1996 Vol.19 No.2, Spring
  Washington Report W Link
  West European Politics Q 1996 Vol.19 No.1,
  WIDER Angle 2/Y 1993
  WIN News Q 1993
  Women's Studies Forum A 1992
  Wood Energy News Q 1992
  Work in Progress IR 1992
  Working Papers : South-South Cooperation Programme on environmentally sound socio-economic development in the humid tropics IR 1995
  World Affairs Q 1994
  World Animal Review SA 1992
  World Bank Economic Review 3/Y 1988
  World Bank Research Observer SA 1996
  World Conservation : IUCN IR 1996
  World Development M 1984
  World of Work 5/Y 1993
  World Policy Journal Q 1984
  World Politics Q 1984
  World Press Review M Latest 3 years
  World Today 11/Y Latest 3 years
  World Watch BM 1989
  Worldwatch Paper 6/Y 1984

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Updated 23 October 2003.