GS Leaflet
288 KB PDF
Enhancing awareness of contemporary global issues and the role of the United Nations in addressing them.
In the UNU Global Seminar Series, students and young professionals are given the opportunity to interact with distinguished scholars and practitioners from Japan and abroad, and to explore a specific issue in depth through lectures and group discussions. Seven regional sessions (each of three or five days duration) will be held in Japan in 2007.
These sessions are open to university students, graduate students, and young professionals residing in Japan. Lectures may be in Japanese or English, so participants are required to understand both languages. A participation fee covers accommodation, meals and seminar documentation. A limited number of fellowships are available for foreign students studying in Japan.
Shimane-Yamaguchi 島根・山口
Global Health Crises: How can we cope?
From malnutrition and the vicious cycle of poverty in the developing world to obesity and other 'diseases of affluence' affecting the industrialized world, from the threat of world-wide epidemics made possible by modern transportation to issues of food safety, this session will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss critical global health issues and to explore what can be done both collectively and individually.
開発途上国において貧困が栄養不良等を起こす悪循環、先進国での肥満の問題や 豊かであるがゆえに起きる問題、また、交通と輸送の発展によって広がる感染症 の問題から食の安全まで、本セッションでは、健康実現に向けた諸活動に学び、 個人としてまた集団として何ができるかを話し合い、考えます。
2007.08.04 – 08.07
Keynote Lectures: Yamaguchi Prefectural University New Auditorium
基調講演: 山口県立大学
Seminar: Akiyoshidai International Art Village
セミナー: 秋吉台国際芸術村
Programme (1.7 MB PDF)
Lectures & Presentations
Keynote Lectures
Health and Civilization
Dr. OMI Shigeru
Regional Director, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
(日本語 | Presentation)
Food Safety, Food Security and Agriculture
Dr. Vandana SHIVA
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (India)
(Full text)
Session I: Life and Health
MDGs and Reproductive Health
Ms. IKEGAMI Kiyoko
Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Tokyo Office
Medical care and spirituality: Spiritual care for dying persons
Dr. Waldemar KIPPES
Director, Clinical Pastoral Care Education and Research Center; Catholic Priest
Session II: Global health threats
Pandemic influenza and its impact on global health
Deputy Director, Global Issue Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
The global challenges in food, nutrition and health
Director, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University, Thailand
Session III: Development and health
International cooperation: Report from Afghanistan
Mr. FUKUMOTO Mitsuji
Acting Secretary-General, Peshawar-kai
If I were a Health Adviser to the global society...
Prof. KITA Etsuko
President, Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing
(Presentations: No.1, No. 2)
Group Reports
Group 1
The Empowerment of Women and MDGs
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Tohoku 東北
Harmonious Coexistence between Nature and Human Beings: Pooling Knowledge for Environmental Sustainability
2007.08.19 – 22
Yamagata University
Programme (1.2 MB PDF)
The 6th Tohoku Session Website
Lectures & Presentations
Special Lecture
Yamagata Bunka no Sekai heno Hasshin
Mr. Hiroshi SAITO, Governor, Yamagata Prefecture
Presentation (2 MB PDF)
Keynote Lectures: The Philosophy of Harmonious Coexistence
Development or Destruction?: A History of Human Development and the Environment
Prof. Anne McDONALD, Associate Professor, International Center of Miyagi University
Seeking the Heart of Sōmokutō
Prof. Fujiro SENDO, President, Yamagata University
Mr. Sakae CHITOSE, President, Chitose Kensetsu Co. Ltd.
Session A: How Humans and Nature Interact
Environmental Impact of Acid Rain and Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)
Prof. Tsunehiko OTOSHI, Dean, Department of Community Service and Science, Tohoku University of Community Service and Sciences
(日本語 | Handout)
Function and Present Condition of Coastal Forests-Effects of Coastal Forests on Damages by the Indian Ocean Tsunami
Prof. Yuki NAKASHIMA, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
Session B: How to Achieve a Sustainable Society
Food, Nutrition and Neurodegeneration
Prof. Yuzo NISHIDA, Professor, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University
The Environment and Electric Power Generation: Toward Achieving a Sustainable Energy Supply
Prof. Kouki KATO, General Manager, Environmental Affairs Department, Tohoku Electric Power Co, Inc.
Session C: How the International Community Has Responded to These Issues
Managing Increasing Natural Disaster Risks: UN and UNU Perspectives
Dr. Srikantha HERATH, Senior Academic Programme Officer, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, United Nations University
Environmental Cooperation around Inland Seas: a Study of Baltic Sea Cooperation
Prof. Miho OSHIMA, Associate Professor, Department of International and Cultural Studies, Tsuda College
(日本語 | Handout)
Group Reports
Hokkaido 北海道
Forests and the Environment in the Era of Globalization: Considering Global Sustainability in Hokkaido
グローバル化時代の森林と環境 ~北の大地で考えるサステイナビリティ~
2007.08.22 – 25
Public Lectures: Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus
公開講座: 北海道大学札幌キャンパス
Seminar: Tomakomai Experimental Forest
セミナー: 北海道大学苫小牧研究林
Programme (984 KB PDF)
Lectures & Presentations
Keynote Lectures
The Future of Forests and Our Society in Local Perspective
Prof. Hiroaki KAKIZAWA, Professor, Department of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Tropical Forest and Climate Change
Dr. Hwan Ok MA, Projects Manager, International Tropical Timber Organization
Building on Indigenous Practices for Sustainable Forest Management
Mr. Luohui LIANG, Academic Programme Officer, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme, United Nations University
Group Reports
Note: Report of Group 4 not published at group members' request.
Shonan 湘南
Stakeholders for A New Global Order
The 23rd Shonan Session will examine political and military order in East Asia, international human rights and humanitarian order, and environmental and development issues in which NGOs and business play significant roles. Participants are expected to reflect together on the contributions that various actors can and should make for forming a new global order, with special reference to the UN's missions.
Shonan Session participants (click for larger version in new window)
2007.09.03 – 07
Shonan Village Center
Programme (4.2 MB PDF)
Application Form
Application period planned: mid-April to 25 May 2007
Kobe-Awaji 神戸・淡路
New Leadership: The Future of the Global Community
2007.09.18 – 21
Public Lectures: JICA Hyogo
公開講座: JICA兵庫
Seminar: Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Sanyo Denki Kenshu Center
セミナー: 淡路夢舞台国際会議場、三洋電機研修センター
Programme (2 MB PDF)
Lectures & Presentations
Keynote Lectures
Hemant Krishan SINGH
Ambassador of India to Japan
Full text
Member of the House of Representatives; Member of the Science Council of Japan
Session 1: Search for New Leadership
What Leadership is Suitable for the New Era?
Kantaro ISHII
Women’s Leadership
Emily HAMPTON | Full text
Ashley LAWRENCE | Full text
Hermance MONETTE | Full text
Cooperation between the Government and Japanese NGOs in the International Cooperation
Abstract: Japanese | English
Session2: Organizations and Leadership
Leadership of the United Nations Secretary-General
Full text
Human Security and Japan’s Leadership Role in the United Nations
Kazuo TASE
Outline | Presentation
Partnership under Local Initiative
Abstract | Presentation
Group Presentations
- Group 1: New Leadership for Individuals
Text | Presentation - Group 2: NEW LEADERSHIP~私たちにできること~
Text | Presentation - Group 3: グローバル・コミュニティにおける日本のニューリーダーシップ
Text | Presentation - Group 4: この世で僕らに関係ないことは何もない
Text | Presentation
Kanazawa 金沢
Globalization and Cultural Diversity
2007.11.22 – 25
Public Lectures: Kanazawa Bunka Hall
公開講座: 金沢市文化ホール
Seminar: Ishikawa Youth Training Center
セミナー: 石川県青少年総合研修センター
Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre
Programme (646 KB PDF)
Public Keynote Lectures
Human cultures faced with globalization: The significance of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
Prof. Junzo KAWADA
Anthropologist, Visiting researcher, Institute for the study of Japanese Folk Culture, Kanagawa University
(Full text)
Culture wars: A global perspective
Associate Professor, Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego
Session 1: Conflicts and Dialogue among civilization
World religions in the globalizing world
Prof. Megumi TAKASAKI
Advisor, Global Seminar, United Nations University
(Full text)
Cultural diversity in Europe: Multicultural societies and inter-cultural dialogue
Ms. Silvia KOFLER
First Counsellor, Head of Press, Public and Cultural Affairs, delegation of the European Commission to Japan
Session 2: Internet and Mass media
Ethics and empowerment in global mass media
Professor and chairman, Academy for creative media, University of Hawaii
(Full text)
Session 3: Safeguarding and Transmission of Cultural Heritage
ACCU's Challenges on safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Asia and the Pacific
Ms. Misako OHNUKI
Director, Culture Division, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU)
(Full text)
Preservation of Japanese craft techniques as intangible cultural assets
Graduate School, Kanazawa College of Art
(Full text)
Group Presentations
- Group 4: 無形文化財保護におけるマイノリティの問題に関する検討
- Group 5: Our new global public goods: "Get-Ed"
Okinawa 沖縄
Interaction between People and the Environment
2007.12.19 – 22
Public Lectures: University of the Ryukyus
公開講座: 琉球大学
Seminar: Culture Resort Festone
セミナー: カルチャーリゾート フェストーネ
Brochure (5.1 MB PDF)
Public Keynote Lectures
Societal Aspects of High-Impact Weather and Climate: The Need for Early Warnings in Asia and the Pacific
Dr. Michael Glantz
Director, Center for Capacity Building, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Education from an Ecological Viewpoint: Environmentological Investigation into Established Theories
Prof. Hisatake Kato
Project Professor, Center for Biomedical Ethics and Law, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Session 1: Environment and Human Society
Our Role in Better Water Management
Dr. Srikantha Herath
Senior Academic Programme Officer, United Nations University
Session 2: Warnings from Southern Islands
4A: Natural Environment in a Critical Situation (Coral Reef, Okinawa Rail)
Prof. Makoto Tsuchiya, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus
4B: Natural Environment in a Critical Situation (Coral Reef, Okinawa Rail)
Mr. Takashi Nagamine
Secretary-General, Conservation & Animal Welfare Trust
5A: How to Change Our Daily Life into a Sustainable One (Development, Automobiles, Water, Eco-Campus, Tourism, Waste)
Prof. Kunitoshi Sakurai
President, Okinawa University
5B: How to Change Our Daily Life into a Sustainable One (Development, Automobiles, Water, Eco-Campus, Tourism, Waste)
Prof. Michiko Iha
Faculty of Law and Letters, University of the Ryukyus
(Full text | Outline)
Session 3: The Role of Civil Society
Optimizing the Participation and Contributions of Civil Society in Environment and Sustainable Development
Ms. Ellamelides S. Antonio
President, Earth Council - Asia Pacific
Building CSO's Network for Environmental Conservation
Ms. Tomoko Hoshino
Secretary-General, Environmental Partnership Council (EPC)
Group Presentations
Page last modified 2019.04.16.