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UNU Global Seminar Series

Enhancing awareness of contemporary global issues and the role of the United Nations in addressing them.

The aim of the UNU Global Seminars is to enhance awareness about contemporary global issues and the role of the United Nations in addressing those issues. Students and young professionals are given the opportunity to interact with distinguished scholars and practitioners from Japan and abroad, and to explore a specific issue in depth through lectures and group discussions.

These sessions are open to university students, graduate students and young professionals residing in Japan. Lectures may be in Japanese or English, so participants are required to understand both languages. A participation fee covers accommodation, meals and seminar documentation. A limited number of fellowships are available for foreign students studying in Japan.


国連大学グローバル・セミナーは、現代社会が直面している 地球規模の問題と国際連合の取り組みについての意識を高める ことを目的に開催されています。学生や若い社会人の方々が、 国内外の著名な学者や実務家と、講演やグループ討論を通して 交流し、特定の問題について話し合うまたとない機会となります。

セミナーは、国内に在住する、大学の学部生、大学院生、若い 社会人が対象となります。講義は日本語または英語で行われるため、 参加者は両言語での理解力が求められます。参加費には、宿泊費、食事代、及びセミナー資料代が含まれます。尚、日本で学ぶ私費留学生は、参加費用が一部免除されることがあります。

Shonan 湘南

Global Challenges and East Asian Responses

Date: 2009.08.31–09.04


The UNU Shonan Global Seminar 2009 will first address the impacts and challenges of globalization for East Asia and then review initiatives taken by individual countries, regional and global organizations to responses to them. The seminar programme is designed to study and examine the major political and economic issues facing the region today. It will also address the obstacles to and new endeavors for regional cooperation, and the importance of civil society and media in fostering a shared identity in East Asia.

The programme consists of lectures by distinguished experts from Japan, China, South Korea, and Australia, and discussion and exchange among participants and lecturers. We hope that the seminar will offer a valuable occasion to consider, in the context of East Asia, the consequences of the on-going global economic crisis.




Shonan Session Brochure (3.2 MB PDF)

Application Form (MS Word)

Application Form (PDF)

Kobe-Hyogo 神戸・ひょうご

Evolving United Nations and Expanding Global Civil Society

Date: 2009.09.08–11


The seminar’s overall theme is “Evolving United Nations and Expanding Global Civil Society”, and it incorporates two sessions, “Living in the Global Community”, and “Acting for the Global Community”, followed by keynote lectures. In the complex, diversified international situation of today, the United Nations is expected to play various roles in areas such as gender mainstreaming, human security, peacebuilding, responsibility to protect, global environment and norm building, among others, and all in collaboration with global civil society. The seminar brings together distinguished scholars and practitioners from both Japan and abroad, who will not only give lectures but also actively engage with the participants during the four-day programme.




Application form (MS Word)

Application form

Hokkaido 北海道

United Nations University Global Seminar Final Hokkaido Session: Striving to Become Leaders in a Sustainable Society — Toward the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015
国連大学グローバル・セミナー北海道最終記念セッション: 持続可能な社会の担い手となるために~2015年ミレニアム開発目標の達成に向けて

Date: 2009.11.03
Location: Hokkaido University


Contact: Global Seminar Hokkaido Session Secretariat, Hokkaido University Initiative for Sustainable Development
北海道大学「持続可能な開発」国際戦略本部内 国連大学グローバルセミナー北海道セッション事務局

Tohoku 東北

Increasing Poverty and Rich-Poor Gaps: From Glocal Perspectives

Date: 2009.11.21–23
Location: Sendai City (public lectures) and Iwanuma City (seminar)


Recently, poverty has become both an international-level and national-level pressing concern, due to the current economic crisis and its effects in individual countries. While international society is tackling poverty-related issues within the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in many countries, including Japan, the gap between rich and poor is becoming more pronounced. This seminar will serve as a forum to think about this acute issue from both global and local (glocal) perspectives.

今般の世界同時不況の影響により一層深刻化し、日本でも格差社会の問題が議論されるなど、地球規模であり、かつ身近な課題となっている「貧困問題」について、国連のミレニアム開発目標(Millennium Development Goals (MDGs))をはじめとするグローバルな視点と併せ、ローカルな視点をも取り入れ、幅広い視野で討論をし考えます。



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Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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