Open to public & media
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Invitation only
18-20 January 2006
Round Table Discussion
Location: UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Srikantha Herath
Bulletin EN (416 KB PDF)
Bulletin JA (292 KB PDF)
"Strengthening Research and Learning on Earth System Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management within UN-ISDR as Regards 'Landslides' — Towards a dynamic global network of International Programme on Landslides (IPL)"
27-28 January 2006
Community-Based Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Balkan Countries
Location: University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Contact: Libor Janksy
First Regional Workshop on the Implementation of the GEF/UNEP Project Development Facility Block-A (PDF-A) phase of the Project: Community-Based Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Balkan Countries
Jointly organized by United Nations University, United Nations Environment Programme, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade.
8-9 February 2006
Protracted Refugee Situations
Location: Oxford, UK
Contact: Edward Newman
Planning meeting for the project on "Protracted Refugee Situations".
18-19 February 2006
Sustainable Land Management in Mountainous Region
Location: Kyoto, Japan
Contact: Luohui Liang
Workshop of Project on Sustainable Land Management in Mountainous Region: Thailand, Lao PDR, and China (Yunnan Province).
20-21 February 2006
International Symposium on Inter-linkages
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Claudia ten Have or Izumi Ono
International Symposium on Inter-linkages: Building Knowledge, Capacity and Institutions for Sustainable Development at the Regional Level
Organized by the UNU-Institute of Advanced Studies, UNU Centre and GEIC in close collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Environment.
Public Forum on Monday morning, 20 Feb. 9:30-12:45, is open to the public. International symposium on Monday afternoon and Tuesday is closed to the public.
20-23 February 2006
Regional Integration
Location: IFSP, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contact: Dr. Luk Van Langenhove, UNU-CRIS
Workshops on "Regional Integration" at the International Forum on the social science-policy nexus (IFSP).
22 February 2006
Reviving Chapter VIII: the UN and Regional Organisations
Location: New York, USA
Contact: Tania Felicio, UNU-CRIS
Seminar on "Reviving Chapter VIII: the UN and Regional Organisations - A Future Partnership for Peace"
Organized in close collaboration with the International Peace Academy and the Institute for European Studies (Free University of Brussels).
23 February 2006
Panel Discussion: Leadership as a Key to Good Governance
Location: New York, USA
Contact: Tel: +1-212-963-6387 or
Organized by the UNU International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI) in Jordan and UNU Office in New York.
25-28 February 2006
8th International Conference on Dry Lands Development
Location: Beijing, China
Contact: Iwao Kobori
The 8th International Conference on Dry Lands Development, with the theme "Human and Nature - Working Together for Sustainable Development in Dry Lands"
Under the auspices of the International Dry Lands Development Commission (IDDC) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), sponsored by FAO, ICARDA, UNESCO, UNU, Arid Land Research Centre (ALRC,Japan), Desert Research Institute (IRD, USA), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute(CAREERI).
26-28 February 2006
Meeting of Joint Master's Degree Programme in Integrated Land Management in Drylands
Location: Beijing, China
Contact: Luohui Liang
Organized by UNU and Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (CAREERI).
28 February - 2 March 2006
First workshop of the UNU-PRIO project "Use of Armed Force"
Location: Rome, Italy
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
Co-organizers: International Peace Research Institute (PRIO) and UNU Centre.
3 March 2006
Brainstorming Seminar: Southern Engines
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York: Tel: +1-212-963-6387 or +1-212-371-9454
Brainstorming Seminar: Southern Engines — Impact of Brazil, China, India, and South Africa on the Global Economy
Organized by the UNU-WIDER.
3 March 2006
International Peace Cooperation and Civilian Police
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Vesselin Popovski
International Conference on "International Peace Cooperation and Civilian Police"
Co-organizers: UNU and Canadian Embassy in Japan.
6-7 March 2006
Beyond 200 Nautical Miles
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Ocean Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (attn: Mr. Kokubu), Tel: +81-3-5501-8000, Ext. 2079, Fax: +81-3-5501-8332
Brochure (51 KB PDF)
International Symposium on Scientific and Technical Aspects on the Establishment of Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 Nautical Miles.
Organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan and UNU.
7-8 March 2006
Science and Technology for Development
The Maastricht conference is part of a larger project to determine, at the behest of the Canadian Prime Minister, whether a new informal Leaders' meeting (for instance the G20 Finance Ministers group, as opposed to the G8 Summit) could produce results not achievable in any other fora.
Co-organized by: The Centre for Global Studies, The Centre for International Governance Innovation, and United Nations University.
7-10 March 2006
Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa
Location: UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Carolina Jimenez, tel: +81-03-3499-2811; fax: +8103-3499-2828
Additional information (51 KB PDF)
Training Course on "Promoting a Self-reliant Approach to Basic Education Development in Africa through Research and Dialogue".
Co-organized by: United Nations University, the Centre for the Study of International Cooperation (CICE), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and UNESCO.
Seminars on 7,8 and 9 March are closed to the Public.
Public event on 10 March: "Open Panel Discussion and Concluding Seminar" (14.00-17.00) at the Reception Hall, 2F
8 March 2006
Women in Decision-Making
Location: UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Carolina Jimenez, tel: +81-03-3499-2811; fax: +8103-3499-2828
Programme (356 KB PDF)
Press Release (48 KB PDF)
Video (UNU Video Portal)
5th Joint UN House Public Forum on International Women's Day: "Women in Decision-Making".
9-10 March 2006
The International Workshop on Educating Peacebuilding: In Pursuit of a Global Network
Location: UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Rumiko Aruga
Programme (12 KB PDF)
Co-organized by: UNU; ICU The Rotary Peace Center; ICU The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program "Research and Education for Peace, Security & Conviviality"; The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
12-17 March 2006
International Leadership Course on "The Role of Members of Parliament in Democratic Governance"
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: Dr. Adnan M. Hayajneh, Senior Programme Officer, Tel. +962-6-533-7075
Organized by the United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI) .
13 March - 15 May 2006
Third Gemology Training Course
Location: Lusaka, Zambia
Contact: UNU-INRA-MRU Head Geology Department or MRU Coordinator
The course aims at equipping individuals and /or organizations involved in the mining and trading of gemstones with basic knowledge and skills in gemstones identification,valuation,and faceting.
Hosted by the UNU-INRA Mineral Resources Unit in conjunction with the School of Mines of the University of Zambia.
16 March 2006
Panel Discussion: E-Governance and Open Source
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York (Tel: +1-212-963-6387 or 212-371-9454, e-mail:
Organized by the UNU International Institute for Software Technology (Macau) - UNU-IIST.
20-21 March 2006
Conference on "Human Rights Regime in the Americas"
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Contact: UNU Centre, Martina Timmermann
Co-organizers: Centre for International Studies at El Colegio de Mexico, Oxford University and UNU.
25-29 March 2006
International Leadership Course: Leadership and Management of Universities in the 21st Century
Location: Amman-Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI Dr. Yvonne Asamani, Programme Officer, Tel: 962-6-533-7075.
Organized by the United Nations University-International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
27 March - 1 April 2006
Course on Model Checking
Location: Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Dang Van Hung
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and the State Academy of Sciences of DPRK.
30 March 2006
Training Workshop: Innovative Communities: Environmental Management at the Local Level
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York (Tel: +1-212-963-6387 or 212-371-9454, e-mail:
Organized by the UNU Environmental and Sustainable Development Programme (Tokyo) - UNU-ESD with the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
31 March 2006
EU-UNU Tokyo Global Forum "Doing More, Better and Faster: A Global Partnership for Eradicating Poverty"
Co-organizers: UNU and the Delegation of the European Commission in Japan.
1-2 April 2006
4th Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2006)
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Antonio Cerone
Co-organised by UNU-IIST, University of Pisa and Imperial College London.
3-15 April 2006
Advanced Real Time Systems (ARTIST2)/UNU-IIST Spring School on Embedded Systems
Location: Xian, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Northwestern University
4-8 April 2006
Course on Security and Model-Checking
Location: Iasi, Romania
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Antonio Cerone
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and "A.I. Cuza" University
9-12 April 2006
World Ethics Forum
Location: Oxford, U.K.
Contact: Prof. Charles Sampford, Director, IEGL, The Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University, Phone: (61 7) 3875 6632; Fax: (61 7) 3875 6634; Mobile: +61 408 983 824
The World Ethics Forum brings together the World Bank sponsored Global Integrity Alliance and the biennial conferences of the International Institute for Public Ethics.
Co-sponsored by the World Bank and the United Nations University
11 April 2006
Planning meeting for the project on "Terrorism in Southeast Asia"
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Centre, Edward Newman
13 April 2006
Panel Discussion: Access to Knowledge Issues in Medicine & Open Source
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Organized by UNU-MERIT (Maastricht) -
19-20 April 2006
31st Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR31)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU Centre, Max Bond
24-26 April 2006
International Workshop on "Amazon Biospehere Reserves: An Integrative, Transboundary Initiative"
Location: Georgetown, Guyana
Contact: Dr. Deryck Bernard, University of Guyana,
Organized jointly by UNESCO-MAB, UNU-ESD, Federal University of Para, Brazil (UFPA/NAEA), University of Guyana, and in collaboration with The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), and local organizations from Amazon Basin.
25 April 2006
Panel Discussion: Environmental Hazards and Vulnerability: An Essay of Assessment
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Organized by the UNU Environment and Human Security Programme (Bonn) - UNU-EHS
25-27 April 2006
International Symposium on "The Architects of the Future: Reforming the UN to Meet the Millennium Development Goals"
Location: United Nations, New York
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Co-sponsored by the UN University, New York Office and ATHGO International
3-12 May 2006
Course on The B methods and the Spin Model Checker
Location: HoChiMinh City, Vietnam
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Dang Van Hung
Organized by UNU-IIST
4 May 2006
Panel Discussion: The Interaction between Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Regimes
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Organized by the UNU Comparative Regional Integration Studies - (Bruges) UNU-CRIS
8-19 May 2006
Course on Unifying Relational Methods of Program Construction and Analysis
Location: Chongqing, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Southwest Normal University
10 May 2006
Symposium on "Towards Global Water Related Disaster Reduction - Cooperating through ICHARM (International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: ICHARM - Toshikazu Tokioka, e-mail: UNU - Srikantha Herath
Co-organizers: ICHARM/Public Works Research Research Institute and UNU Centre.
22 May 2006
RCE Workshop (Regional Center for Expertise for Educational Sustainable Development)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Kirsten Neumann, Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265356099
Organized by United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
26 May 2006
Twelfth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on "Islam Hadhari or Civilizational Islam: Promoting Good Governance Within Societies and Goodwill Between Peoples and Cultures Internationally"
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, Mitzi Borromeo
Media Release (PDF)
Lecture by Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia. Jointly organized by UNU Centre, UNU-IAS and the Science Council of Japan (SCJ).
29 May 2006
Report Findings: New Standards of Growth for Infants and Young Children
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Organized by the UNU Food & Nutrition Programme (Ithaca, New York) - UNU-FNP
1-30 June 2006
Building Capacity in Molecular Biology Techniques and Applications in sub-Saharan Africa
Location: Legon (Accra), Ghana
Contact: Dr. J.J. Baidu-Forson, Senior Research Fellow at UNU-INRA
8 June 2006
Africa Day Symposium on "Tools for Development: the Role of Trade, Investment and ODA"
Organized by UNU and the African Diplomatic Corps
14-15 June 2006
Coordination Meeting for the GEF/UNEP/UNU Project: Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountain Areas - An Integrated and Transboundary Initiative between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Libor Jansky, UNU Centre
22 June 2006
Book Launches: Iraq: Challenges to World Order
Location: New York, USA
Contact: UNU Office in New York, tel: 212-963-6387/212-371-9454
Organized by the United Nations University Press (Tokyo) - UNU Press
28-29 June 2006
5th International gathering of the "Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP)" Initiative
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Contact: UNU-ZEF European Focal Point, Ruediger Kuehr
Organized by the United Nations University Press (Tokyo) - UNU Press
3-5 July 2006
UNU Council Bureau Meeting
Location: Paris, France
Contact: Max Bond, UNU Centre
03 July 2006
Dovetailing Leadership and Good Governance
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Dr. Jairam Reddy, Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337075,
Organized by United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
7 July 2006
Lecture by His Excellency Hamid Karzai, President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
State Building in Afghanistan: Past Progress, Current Opportunities and Future Challenges
Organized by: The Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo and UNU Centre
24 July 2006
Open Seminar on African Development & Lecture by Alpha Oumar Konaré
Location: Elisabeth Rose Hall (5F), UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
Jointly organized by UNU Centre and the African Diplomatic Corps in Japan, and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Event details as follows:
15.00 - 15.10
Opening remarks by:
- Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU
- E.E.E Mtango, Ambassador, United Republic of Tanzania
- Katsutoshi Kaneda, Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
15.10 - 15.50
Lecture by Alpha Oumar Konaré, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union and Former President of Mali (1992-2002) on: "Africa Dynamism: Efforts towards Regional Cooperation and Integration"
15.50 - 16.25
Question and Answer Session
16.25 - 16.30
Concluding Remarks by Hans van Ginkel, Rector, UNU
24-25 July 2006
Leadership for Renewable Energies in the Middle East and North Africa: Advancing Renewable Energy for Desalination
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Kirsten Neumann, Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265356099
Organized by United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
24-27 July 2006 Workshop and School on Electronic Governance
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Tomasz Janowski
Co-organized by UNU-IIST, National Information Technology Development Agency (Government of Nigeria) and University of Lagos
28 July 2006
UNU International Conference on Man and the Ocean - Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Marine Resources
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Fukuya Iino or Kumiko Tsukamoto, UNU Centre
Co-organized by UNU-IIST, National Information Technology Development Agency (Government of Nigeria) and University of Lagos
5-8 August 2006
UNU Global Seminar, Shimane-Yamaguchi Session on "Terrorism - A Global Challenge"
Location: Shimane Prefecture, Japan
6-17 August 2006
Summer School on Model Checking Tools
Location: Shanghai, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Dang Van Hung
Organized by UNU-IIST
8-18 August 2006
Training Course on Agro-biodiversity, Livelihoods and Rural Development for the Caribbean
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Contact: Luohui Liang, UNU Centre
Organized by University of the West Indies and UNU
14-18 August 2006
11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2006)
Location: Stanford University, USA
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
Co-chaired by UNU-IIST
21 August - 1 September 2006
UNU-ESD Summer School for Bird's -eye View Experts on Environment
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Prof. Itaru Yasui or Tomoko Matsuzaki, UNU Centre
The two weeks seminar, consisting of lectures given by professors and industrial experts from Japan and various countries, is aimed at broadening views of graduate students studying at Japanese universities on pressing global environmental issues.
Organized by UNU-ESD
22 August
Workshop on Managing Groundwater Resources for Human Security in Changing Global Climate and Human Interception
Locations: JICA Tokyo International Center (Hatagaya), Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Libor Jansky or Masahiro Murakami
23-24 August 2006
UNU/UNESCO International Conference on "Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Science And Technology"
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
Co-organized by: UNU, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
25 August 2006
13th U Thant Lecture:
Mohammad Khatami, Former President of Iran
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU Centre
Mohammad Khatami will lecture on "Dialogue among Civilizations, a Necessity for Living in Peace and Non-Violence, Bridging the Development Gap among Nations, and Building a Global Citizenship."
Jointly organized by UNU Centre, UNU-IAS and the Science Council of Japan (SCJ).
25 August 2006
International Year of Deserts and Desertification (IYDD) Tokyo Event: International Symposium "Living with Deserts II: Linkages between Dryland Science and On-the-ground Practice"
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Luohui Liang or Hiroko Kuno, UNU Centre
Jointly organized by the Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), United Nations University (UNU), Tottori University Arid Land Research Center (TU-ALRC), University of Tokyo The Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOE), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Japan Green Resources Agency (J-Green)
25 August 2006
Zero Emission Forum in Aomori — "How to Promote Local Environmental Business"
Location: Aomori City, Japan
Contact: UNU-ZEF, Dr. Kenishi Sakamoto or Hiroshi Sasaki
Co-organizer: Aomori Prefectural Government
25 August 2006
UNU Global Seminar, Hokkaido Session on "Economic Development in Northeast Asia and its contribution to the World: Economic Integration and Globalization"
Location: Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan
27-31 August 2006
Workshop on Leadership for Sound Waste Management
Location: Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Dr. Yvonne Asamani, Tel: 962 6 533 7075; Fax: 962 6 5356099
Organized by United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
28 August 2006
A MOFA Japan-UNU Seminar
People Building Peace: Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding
Co-organizer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
29 August 2006
A MOFA Japan-UNU Seminar
People Building Peace: Human Resource Development in Asia for Peacebuilding
Location: UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Edward Newman
With peace operations ongoing on a significant scale in many parts of the world, and threats of new or renewed conflict continuing to arise, the peacebuilding agenda is drawing increasing global attention. In this conference, participants will offer insights and concrete suggestions for peacebuilding-related human resource development in Asia, and discuss the potential for collaboration among countries and institutions within Asia as well as those outside the region.
Co-organizer: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
In the press:
- Aso pitches training program for peace-building efforts
Japan Times - Aso proposes new scheme to train Japanese, Asians in peace-building
Kyodo - Japan minister wants civilian 'peace-builders'
4-8 September 2006
UNU Global Seminar, Shonan Session on "Sustainable Peacebuilding and Development: A New Global Agenda"
5-8 September 2006
UNU Global Seminar, Kobe/Awaji Session
Location: Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Contact: TBA
11 September 2006
Zero Emission Forum in Tokushima on "Promotion of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) towards Sustainable Tokyshima"
Location: Tokushima City, Japan
Contact: UNU-ZEF, Dr. Kenishi Sakamoto or Hiroshi Sasaki
Co-organizer: Tokushima Prefectural Government
14 September 2006
Official ICHARM Opening Ceremony and Commemorative Symposium
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Srikantha Herath
15-16 September 2006
2nd Regional PDF-A Implementation Workshop, GEF/UNEP Project Development Facility Block-A (PDF-A) Community-Based Rehabilitation of Degraded Land in Balkan Countries
Location: Energy Institute, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Contact: Libor Jansky or Nevelina Pachova
18-19 September 2006
Planning meeting of the UNU project "Special Rapporteurs"
Location: Lund, Sweden
Contact: Martina Timmermann, UNU Centre
Co-organizers: Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) and UNU
18-20 September 2006
Workshop for the project "Protracted Refugees Situations" (closed)
Location: Oxford, UK
Contact: Edward Newman, UNU Centre
Co-organizers: St. Antony's College (Oxford University), the Alchemy
Foundation, and UNU
18-22 September 2006
4th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2006) School
Location: Pune, India
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Dang Van Hung
Organized by UNU-IIST
20-22 September 2006
3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Models (FACS'06)
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Vladimir Mencl
Co-organized by UNU-IIST, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and Centrum voor Wiskunde Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands
21-22 September 2006
GARNET Workshop: "Theoretical Issues on the EU, UN, Global Governance and Political Multilateralism"
Contact: Isabella Torta, UNU-CRIS
The objective of the workshop is to launch a reflection on the role of the EU in multilateral relations, defining the state of the art, setting the programme of the JERP and plan a collective book on "EU and Global Governance: Towards a Common Language".
23-25 September 2006
Synthesis Workshop on Shifting Agriculture, Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Marginal Mountain Environments
Location: Guwahati, India
Contact: Luohui Liang, UNU Centre
Organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University and UNU
26-28 September 2006
International Workshop on Capacity Building in Asia "Earth Observations in the Service of Water Management"
29-30 September 2006
WIDER Conference: "Advancing Health Equity"
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Contact: UNU-WIDER,
29-30 September 2006
Training course on "Land degradation and human security in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Area"
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Contact: Nevelina Pachova, UNU Centre
Organizers: United Nations University, University of East Anglia, Tajik National Park, National Center for Mountain Regions Development in Kyrgyzstan
5-7 October 2006
Regional Workshop on Sustainable Land Management in Mountainous Regions
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Contact: Luohui Liang, UNU Centre
Organized by UNU and Chiang Mai University UNU Centre.
7 October 2006
"Who Owns Language?"
Linguapax Asia 2006, 3rd International Symposium
Location: University of Tokyo (Komaba Campus), Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Linguapax:
Linguapax Asia works in partnership with the Linguapax Institute, a non-governmental organization affiliated with UNESCO and located in Barcelona, Spain. The First International Symposium was held at UNU in 2004.
12 October 2006
Zero Emission Forum in Shizuoka "Towards Sustainable resources Recycling Society"
Location: Shizuoka City, Japan
Contact: UNU-ZEF, Dr. Kenishi Sakamoto or Hiroshi Sasaki
Co-organizer: Shizuoka Prefectural Government
12 October 2006
Invitation to a Study Day of the Belgian Association of Latin-Americanists (LABEL)
Location: Université de Liège
Contact: Dr. Philippe De Lombaerd, UNU-CRIS
Co-organizer: UNU-CRIS
16-17 October 2006
UNU Working Seminar on Accountability
Location: UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU
Programme (32 KB PDF)
The one-and-a-half-day Working Seminar aims to strengthen understanding of both the managerial and democratic aspects of Accountability.
Organized by United Nations University and sponsored by International Christian University, COE and ICRA Joint Project. With the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, as a part of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Japanese entry to the UN.
This is a working seminar closed to the general public. However, interested parties may request an invitation by writing to the contact person.
16 October 2006
"How to Keep Governments Accountable: the Role of Parliaments"
Location: UNU, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU
Programme (20 KB PDF)
Dr. Mongella's presentation (84 KB PowerPoint)
Dr. Mongella's presentation (148 KB PDF)
With Mme Getrude Mongella, President of the African Union Parliament. Mme Mongella's talk will focus on the role of Parliaments, and how best they can contribute to keeping governments accountable.
Co-organized by United Nations University and the African Diplomatic Corps, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
19 October 2006
Public Forum: "Winning Against Disasters: Roles of Education, Development and Community Action for Sustainable Development"
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Srikantha Herath or Hiroko Nakazawa, UNU Centre
Organizers: United Nations University (UNU), Cabinet Office of Japan, United Nations Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Bank, and Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC)
19-29 October 2006
UNU-ZEF International Symposium (details to be confirmed)
Location: Shizuoka City, Japan
Contact: UNU-ZEF, Dr. Kenishi Sakamoto or Hiroshi Sasaki
20-21 October 2006
Second GARNET Workshop on Regional Integration Processes
Location: PADRIGU-Göteborg University
Contact: Dr. Philippe De Lombaerd, UNU-CRIS
Second GARNET Workshop on Regional Integration Processes - Database and Indicators, co-organised by UNU-CRIS, will be held at PADRIGU-Göteborg University.
25 October 2006
UN Day 2006, Public Forum — Japan at 50 in the UN
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan (with other special events to take place throughout Japan)
Contact: Chiaki Matsuzawa UNU
Media Release: UN Day 2006, Events in Japan — "Japan at 50 in the UN" (56 KB PDF)
UN Day is an international observance to mark the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations on 24 October 1945. The 2006 UN Day Public Forum will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Japan's Membership in the UN.
28 October - 1 November 2006
Non-Violent Approaches to Conflict Resolution, Peace Building and Reconciliation
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Dr. Jairam Reddy, Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265337075,
Organized by the United Nations University International Leadership Institute
29-31 October 2006
Asia Working Conference on Verified Software (AWCVS 2006)
Location: Macau, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
Co-chaired by UNU-IIST
30 October - 3 November 2006
8th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2006)
Location: Macau, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and University of Macau
31 October 2006
1st International Workshop on Formal Methods for Interactive Systems (FMIS 2006)
Location: Macau, China
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Antonio Cerone
Co-organised by UNU-IIST and Queen Mary University London
3 November 2006
UNU Council Bureau Meeting
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Max Bond, UNU Centre
6-10 November 2006
Fifty-third Session of the UNU Council
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Max Bond, UNU Centre
7 November 2006
UNU International Symposium on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Location: Manila, Philippines
Contact: Fukuya Iino or Kumiko Tsukamoto, UNU Centre
Co-organized by: University of the Philippines and UNU
7 November 2006
6th International gathering of the "Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP)" Initiative
Location: Vienna, Austria
Contact: UNU-ZEF European Focal Point, Ruediger Kuehr
8 November 2006
Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Rwanda
Lecture by H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: UN House, Tokyo
Contact: Soisik Habert, UNU
Programme (20 KB PDF)
Read the full text of the president's speech (72 KB PDF)
Webcast (EN & JP)
Media Release (52 KB PDF)
H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, will present his views on the process of reconciliation and reconstruction in Rwanda after the genocide in 1994.
Co-organized by United Nations University and the African Diplomatic Corps, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
11 November 2006
32nd Conference of Directors of UNU Research and Training Centres and Programmes (RTC/Ps) (CONDIR32)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Max Bond, UNU Centre
13-18 November 2006
School on Refinement
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Antonio Cerone
Co-organized by UNU-IIST, Tunis School of Engineers, University of Tunis El Manar and University of York
17 November 2006
International Symposium on Transboundary Waters Hotspot: Politics and the Role of Science in Euphrates-Tigris River Basin Management
Location: UN House, Tokyo, Japan
Contact: Mikiyasu Nakayama or Libor Jansky
The Symposium aims at dissemination of latest findings about management of the shared water resources by researches participating in the initiative and by other institutes also working on the same issue. The Symposium will also serve a forum for experts, from various parts of the world with very wide spectrum of expertise, to discuss the management issue of the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin, so that they may identify "next steps" to be taken.
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan Water Forum, United Nations University, University of Tokyo
20 November 2006
Zero Emission Forum in Kitakyushu
Location: Kitakyushu City, Japan
Contact: UNU-ZEF, Dr. Kenishi Sakamoto or Mr. Hiroshi Sasaki
Co-organizer: Kitakyushu City Office
20-21 November 2006
Project Appraisal Meeting on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains in Central Asia (PALM)
Location: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Contact: Libor Jansky or Nevelina Pachova
The main purpose of the meeting is to finalize the project document, activities work plan and other arrangements with project partners for the four-year period of Phase I of the PALM project.
Organizers: UNU, UNEP/GEF, National Center for Mountain Regions Development, Kyrgyz Republic; State Directorate of Protected Areas-Tajik National Park; Centre for Development and Environment, Institute of Geography, University of Berne, Switzerland
20-24 November 2006
ICTAC 2006 Conference
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Antonio Cerone
Co-chaired by UNU-IIST
20-24 November 2006 Workshop and School on Electronic Governance
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Tomasz Janowski
Co-organized by UNU-IIST and Asian Institute of Technology
20-24 November 2006
Youth Leadership, the Politicization of Religion, and the Future of Democracy in the Middle East
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Dr. Ibtesam Al-Atiyat, Tel +96265337075; Fax: +96265356099
Organized by the United Nations University International Leadership Institute
23-26 November 2006
UNU Global Seminar, Kanazawa Session
Location: Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
Contact: TBD
Global Environment and Human Society: The Role of the UN, Government, and Civil Society
27 November - 1 December 2006
15th International Conference on Distance Education
Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
Contact: Luis Patron
Organized by the University of Guadalajara.
UNU will participate as an invited institution, will present a keynote and organize a workshop on Creating and Sharing Educational Resources Online in collaboration with Creative Commons (Mexico), Monterrey Tec, REDMESO and the UDG Virtual
November 2006 TBD
Colloquium and a school on Refinement (ICTAC'06)
Location: Tunisia
Contact: UNU-IIST, Dr. Liu Zhiming
3-5 December 2006
Second workshop of the UNU Project "Improving Women's Health in India"
Location: UN Campus, Bonn, Germany
Contact: Martina Timmermann, UNU Centre
Co-organizers: UNU, GTZ, and Karl-Storz
4 December 2006
International conference on Water in the Humid Tropics
Location: Kandy, Sri Lanka
Contact: Srikantha Herath, UNU Centre
A pre-conference to Humid Tropical Ecosystems.
Organized by United Nations University and the International Water Management Institute. In collaboration with MAB committee Sri Lanka; National Science Foundation; The International MAB Secretariat; Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences–UNESCO; International Hydrological Environmental Society; Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
10-14 December 2006
Leadership for Integrated Water Resource Management in Arid and Semi-arid Countries
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Kirsten Neumann, Tel: +96265337075; Fax: +96265356099
Organized by United Nations University International Leadership Institute (UNU-ILI)
11-14 December 2006
GARNET Ph.D. School: 3rd Seminar on EU Political Multilateralism and Interactions with the UN.
Location: Bruges, Belgium
Contact: Isabella Torta
Deadline for receipt of applications: 15 October 2006.
17-19 December 2006
Gender Budgeting Learning from Regional and International Experiences
Location: Amman, Jordan
Contact: UNU-ILI, Dr. Ibtesam Al-Atiyat, Tel +96265337075; Fax: +96265356099
Organized by the United Nations University International Leadership Institute
December 2006 TBD
UNU Global Seminar, Okinawa Session
Location: Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
Contact: TBD
Globalization has both a "light" and a "dark" side. To seek a better social order, we need to grasp its merits and demerits on the basis of social reality. This seminar aims to provide participants with a better understanding of globalization through an investigation into the international labour movement. It will feature talks by various lecturers — from the academic world, an international organization, a global company, and the immigrants community — as well as discussions in small groups so as to consider and discuss issues of international labour movements.