- Agrodiversity: Lesson from PLEC East Africa and Directions for the Future - Proceedings of the East Africa PLEC-Annual General Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, 26-28, November, 2001
- UNU-SCBD-IPGRI Symposium on Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems, 8-10 Nov 2001 - Report
- PLEC Final Evaluation Report, Jan 2003 (PDF format)
- PLEC Progress Report, Mar-Aug 2001 (PDF format)
- PLEC Progress Report, Mar 2000 - Feb 2001 (PDF format)
- PLEC Progress Report, 2000 (PDF format)
- PLEC Progress Report, 1999 (Rich Text format)
- Amazon Cluster: "Biodiversity as a product of smallholder management" [PDF format] [Rich Text format] by Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Christine Padoch, David McGrath and Teresa Ximenes
- East Africa Cluster: "Agrodiversity as a Means of Sustaining Small Scale Dryland Farming Systems in Tanzania" (Word format) by F.B.S. Kaihura , M.A. Stocking and N. Murnaghan
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