The Role of Local Government in Fighting Climate Change
Many local governments have succeeded in controlling local environmental problems such as air and water pollution. However, the problems are different now and so is the context in which policies are implemented.
With the emergence of global environmental problems, such as climate change, the UNU Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) is conducting research that examines the challenges local governments face in implementing policies to deal with climate change. Understanding those challenges will help them to design more effective policies.
Several factors influence the effectiveness of policy implementation, such as different levels of civil society mobilization, the approach to regulation and the role of technology.
UNU-IAS will lead a discussion on the new roles of local governments and the interaction among the different levels of governance based on previous research and case studies published in the peer-review papers.
Focus areas:
Capacity building
Regions covered:
Participating entities:
UN-DESA, UN Regional Commissions, UNDP[/UNDG]
Products include:
The implementation of climate change related policies at the subnational level: An analysis of three countries, Habitat International (2009)
Implementation Challenges in Protecting the Global Environmental Commons: The Case of Climate Change Policies in Brazil, Public Administration and Development (2008)
Page last modified 2019.04.16.