This UNU Institute for Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) guide for Indigenous land managers and those who work with indigenous communities explains climate change and the various market and financial mechanisms for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, often referred to as the “carbon market”, “emissions trading” or “carbon financing”.
Several case studies of indigenous involvement in climate change mitigation activities are included:
West Arnhem Land Fire Abatement Project, Bushlight, and Ikuntki Cool Community, Australia
Permanent Forest Sink Initiative and the Afforestation Grant Scheme, New Zealand
Wind Power Project, Colombia
Native Species Reforestation, Panama
Renewable Energy Project (Biogas and Wind), Kenya
Capacity Building for Natural Resource Management, Mexico
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects in First Nations and Inuit Communities, Canada
Focus areas:
Capacity building
Regions covered:
Participating entities:
UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative, UNDP REDD Programme
UNU-IAS Guide: Emissions Trading, Carbon Financing and Indigenous Peoples
The IPCC has identified local knowledge as an important missing element in its previous assessments and a focus for its next assessment process. The UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative looks at this important area.
GEIC is a joint initiative between the United Nations University and the Minstry of the Environment, Japan.
On 7 December 2009, the international community will gather at a conference in Copenhagen to try to find a solution to the gravest danger our planet faces: climate change.
Global Dashboard, edited by David Steven and Alex Evans, offers insightful analysis of vital issues including climate change, the food crisis, and human security. Be sure to read their article Climate Change: The State of the Debate(PDF).