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Finance for the Post-Kyoto Regime and the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC

Sam Johnston

UNU's activities

Adaptation and mitigation finance will be a crucial part of the climate change bargain between countries. The World Bank estimates that developing countries will need to receive $30 billion a year for mitigation and $6 billion a year for adaptation.

The sources and magnitude of this finance will emerge over time during the post-Kyoto period (2012 onwards). However the mechanism for delivering the finance is being negotiated right now and will be adopted at COP 15.

The UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) has done considerable work on the financial mechanisms for the CBD and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Based on that expertise, a number of partners has asked UNU-IAS to provide commentary on the various financing proposals that emerged at the UNFCCC meetings in Bonn from 1-12 June and to work with the World Bank and UNDP as lead agencies for the CEB to develop the Climate Finance Platform that will be part of “Acting on Climate Change: The UN System Delivering As One”.

Focus areas:


Regions covered:


Participating entities:


Non-UN Partners:

CEB, World Bank, the governments of the Philippines, Tuvalu and Belgium, Centre for International Environmental Law, Third World Network

Results achieved:

Key products for COP 15: A Review of the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism (UNU-IAS Policy Paper)


Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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