Climate Change and Migration
The UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), together with UNHCR, IOM, UNEP, SEI and many other partners, have made a joint submission with suggestions based on experiences and empirical evidence about the impacts of climate change on human migration.
Key elements of the joint submission include:
Shared Vision
- Consider the impacts of climate change on population settlement and movements and the need to manage these impacts as part of adaptation strategies and activities.
- Recognize the humanitarian consequences of climate change, including migration, displacement and, in some instances, statelessness and also recognize the need for action to minimize these consequences through prevention of displacement, and to prepare for and address the unavoidable consequences.
Enhanced Action for Adaptation
- Build coherence at national and international levels between mitigation and adaptation policies and other relevant policy domains, such as development, humanitarian action, migration and health.
- Include migration, both internal and cross-border, as a possible adaptation strategy, especially at the early stages of gradual environmental degradation.
Focus areas:
Regions covered:
Participating entities:
Non-UN Partners:
Page last modified 2019.04.16.