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COP10 Events

Biodiversity Governors’ Summit

Satoyama and Satoumi: Revitalizing Local Communities
Tuesday, 19 October, 15:00–18:00
Midland Hall, Nagoya

COP10 Side Event

Wednesday 20 October, 13:15–14:30
Interactive Fair Tent of Japan, Shirotori Park, Nagoya Congress Center

UNU and Biodiversity

Biodiversity — the earth's diversity of habitat and species — is vital for sustainable development, societies, and culture. Yet, like the climate, it is being lost more rapidly than ever before and this loss is most affecting the poor. Unlike climate change, the urgency, scale and impacts of biodiversity loss are poorly understood and the political will to tackle this issue is weak. Biodiversity loss is an emerging issue of utmost concern to the UN, as demonstrated by the near universal ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

The United Nations University builds on its past and current contributions to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA), and aims to play a greater role in developing a long-term strategy for the CBD. The university hosts the global initiative on People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC). It is also committed to developing and advancing the International Satoyama Initiative in cooperation with the government of Japan to be fed into the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) to the CBD that will be held in Nagoya, Aichi in 2010. The initiative is intended to rebuild a sound relationship between humans and nature in Asia.

The UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) is contributing to “Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)” which aims to establish the basis for international recognition, dynamic conservation and adaptive management of GIAHS.


José Sarukhán

Video interview with José Sarukhán

During his visit to UNU on May 18 2009 to lecture on Mexico's biodiversity, renowned scientist and educator José Sarukhán filmed an interview with UNU staff.

Video interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf

Part 2 of Dr. Djoghlaf's interview (17.26 mins)
On 27 June 2009, Vice Rector Kazuhiko Takeuchi interviewed Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf at the International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific held in Hayama, Japan. This interview is the first in a series where leading academics from the UNU engage in dialogue with top UN officials. Prof. Takeuchi questioned Mr. Djoghlaf about a range of topics including the 2010 target to reduce biodiversity loss, the upcoming COP10 meeting in Aichi-Nagoya and the role of scientists in supporting the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Ahmed Djoghlaf

Video interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf

What is the International Year of Biodiversity? UNU vice-rector Kazuhiko Takeuchi talks with Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the Convention on Biodiversity about 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity.

Video interview with Ahmed Djoghlaf

Part 3 of Dr. Djoghlaf's interview looks at the role that UNU plays and its work on biodiversity. This video is particularly relevant to the UNU-IAS International Satoyama Initiative and also to UNU-IAS Traditional Knowledge Initiative.

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UNU Videos

Watch more UNU videos featuring interviews, experts and more on our Vimeo and YouTube channels.



Learning from Practitioners

Access to Genetic Resources in Africa

MDG on Reducing Biodiversity Loss

Benefit Sharing in ABS

For a comprehensive list of publications on biodiversity, benefit sharing, bioprospecting, REDD, and indigenous perspectives, visit UNU-IAS:

UNU-IAS biodiversity publications

Selected Projects & Activities

UNU-IAS Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa
UNU Institute of Advanced Studies

The United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies Operating Unit Ishikawa/Kanazawa (OUIK) was established in April 2008 with the mission to provide local and regional inputs into UN challenges on sustainable development and international cooperation. Within Japan, UNU-IAS OUIK works with a wide network of stakeholders, initiating Satoyama and Satoumi related sustainable development policy-oriented research dialogues and ecosystem assessment projects with academic institutions, government offices and other stakeholders.

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Climate Change and Biodiversity
UNU Institute of Advanced Studies

Biodiversity and climate change are the core issues of two separate international policy agreements. However the obvious links between biodiversity and climate change are increasingly justifying the need for greater synergies between the UNFCCC and CBD processes and implementation activities.

Human induced climate change impacts biodiversity and biodiversity can reduce the impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems.

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The Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
UNU Institute of Advanced Studies

Until CBD COP 10 (to be held in Nagoya, Japan, in October 2010), UNU-IAS is undertaking an assessment of the implementation CBD National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs). This project will assess the extent to which NBSAPs seek to integrate biodiversity concerns into sustainable development and poverty reduction strategies and national processes and how they address the Millennium Development Goals.

Key lessons from national experiences in NBSAP development and implementation will be identified and analysed with an attempt to identify the obstacles that have hindered countries for making implementation progress.

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Page last modified 2019.04.16.

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